You have enchantments, but not many aura enchantments. Not a bad deck, but if you want to buff up Aura Gnarlid and Kor Spiritdancer more, add in some more auras. If not, that's fine, but those guys could be a bit stronger.
Hymn to Tourach over Soot Imp in my opinion, or at least 2 Hymns.
I like. original and effective. good work man
Maybe set it up so you can use Cloudstone Curio more effectively. I like the idea of using that to get grapeshot pumped up once you get the Kobolds out
Wish I had a deck as strong as this
pretty fair looking deck. Simple, to the point. Just slow if you don't get Amulet of Vigor at the start
um, you have nice cards, but some don't work as well as they could. Like Malakir Bloodwitch, you only have 8 vampires in total in the deck, so it most likely would only get ya 2 life because you'll barely draw them. Better if you had more vampires for that to work well. At the same time, you have Perimeter Captain, but he's the only card with defender in this deck. Another good card not being put to good use. You'd want to fill this deck with more defenders. And that's the problem, you're trying different combos that work best when the entire deck is full of the cards they need (Vampires, Defender). I'd say pick one that you find more interesting and work off of that. Kor Skyfisher, Ruin Ghost... why have these?
Cool deck man. I really like it
Great combo man. Really good stuff
Original combos. Good stuff
I have no idea what soulknife said but all I can say is I love the idea. Just maybe add something that lets you search your library for a creature, otherwise you might be screwed if you don't get Hedron quickly
I like it. A bit of control, strong defense, decent offense. Mana curve isn't too nasty and enough lands to probably play one each turn. Would be cool to see this against my black cleric deck. If you want to check it out (I don't care if you comment):
The point of Capsize is to take care of the cards you couldn't counter later, but over and over. The buy back is what makes it a great card. In a control deck, you should be playing lands each of your turns, that way it won't be expensive at all.
Not really original... at all.... "True", I guess....
you need more mana accel. Parallel Evolution is a nice card. You might like it
I would suggest putting in something that gives your creatures vigilance just to reduce the amount of cards you have to throw away.
one of the most misunderstood cards. it's alright man
I don't get how this deck is suppose to win or how using Time Warp and Pyromancer Acsension is beneficial to you at all.
I like the variety. Thing with Samurais is Bushido works well even alone. Makes your numerous combos work well
Well.... Why have the Hondens? They don't have anything to do with the Zuberas. If you got rid of them, you'd be at 63 cards, which is better than 73. Then, I'd say 7 Forest, 6 Swamps, 3 Mountains, 3 Plains, 3 Islands. You need the green mana and the black mana more often to play cards. Since you have those search for land cards, green should be the priority color. If you find that 5 of each is working, at least cut it down to 60 cards (5 Forest, 5 Swamp, 4 Mountain, 4 Plains, 4 Island).
41-60 of 195 items