Prison Term > Pacifism
Cool idea. If the enemy is gaining too many little buggers with Forbidden Orchard, Echoing Decay can get rid of them (Thundermaw Hellkite only hits flyers with his ability)
Deadly Recluse instead of Ambush Viper? If you want the element of surprise with flash, that's fine, but having the option to block something with flying might be nice
Maybe Prophet of Kruphix? It's like Murkfiend Liege but it untaps both your lands and creatures during all upkeeps, and you can play creatures like they had flash. This can give you the field advantage in terms of aggro since you basically can play a creature during every turn of the game
Nykthos, definitely. Your mana ramp right now is terrible, and the way i see it, you'll be playing one card on your turn for awhile. Hopefully your opponent isn't running quick strikers early on until you see this link (it's not far down)"forge-1.5.7.tar.bz2 (34.8 MB, at"
Forge is a program that lets you play Magic on your computer, free of cost. It's buggy at times because it isn't backed by WotC (this is NOT illegal in anyway). You can play against AI players. 'Latest Beta of Forge' and then click the link in the big tan box to download.
I played around with it on Forge and it works really well. You only need 3 mana to let it do its job. I won almost every game with it. Like some others have said, Brawn and Nighthowler maybe. I don't think you need them though.
That doesn't make an infinite loop
I find Primal Bellow ( to be more useful than Giant Growth or Titanic Growth. A card people never see coming. An instant Blanchwood armor :) Other than that I say this deck can do the job. Might be weak against a bird or vampire deck though (or anything generally with flying). If you think that might be an issue, Cloudthresher is great against flying
It sounds like your deck stalls the opponent for more turns. The purpose of mine is to get Oath of Druids out there by the second turn, fourth at the latest. You make some good points with some things, but there is a reason for 12 tutors (speed). The way I see it, I'm not trying to draw 1 of 4 Oath of Druids, I'm trying to draw 1 of 16. Catch my drift?
not bad.. but who is this?
might I suggest Echoing Courage instead of Might of Oaks. Target 1 token and they all get +2/+2
Heartstone might be helpful (just more reduction)
If you splash green you can add cards like Nourish, Marshaling the Troops, Grazing Gladeheart, and Leyline of Vitality. Also, Sunspring Expedition and Rest for the Weary are good. If you want to play a bit more offensive, Ageless Entity (if you splash green) and Ajani Goldmane are great.
it's funny, you promote supporting the idea of commenting on decks, but your contribution to this deck was nothing O.o
oh, and Counterspell > Negate in a mono blue deck
If you splash green, you could add Steely Resolve to protect your illusions, and then you could throw in cards like Giant Growth and Rampant Growth and Kodama's Reach to finish them off quickly. Also, if you do splash green, Naturalize is important
please change the deck name man
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