well it isn't bad. there clearly isn't a strategy, but you have a lot of basic cards needed to make a deck. some life gain, defense, offense, multiple ways to attack, etc. I'd say, if you want to refine the deck and make it more powerful, look at the cards in the deck now and find one that uses a strategy you like. For example, maybe you like defense and Kjeldoran Royal Guard. That creature + Heart of Light is a nice combo. If you like that kind of strategy, look for cards to work off of that. Or take an offensive approach with cheap flying creatures likes Skyhunter Prowler. Just go with what you like.
I see your idea, but you need more mana accel. A lot more. One of your biggest issues is that almost all of your lands come into play tapped, keeping you a turn behind. Throw in cards like Rampant Growth, Kodama's Reach, and Explosive Vegetation.
just so you know, you didn't post the link on the forum :D
Nice deck. I agree with Kdeep, look into those cards. Also, if Kederekt Parasite doesn't trigger enough, You can lose 1 of each Spell and add another 4 of 1 creature in there. Don't know what though haha. like the deck either way
clearly someone likes to play by their own rules haha
Um.... I don't know what to say. Maelstrom Nexus doesn't seem to help you play Progy. It looks like it'll just make u have to reshuffle it into your deck if you pass by it. Also, you're pretty open to attack early game. If you're going to be sacking the tokens, then you wouldn't want to defend with them. I don't know how fast this deck will actually work. You have all these nice cards, but a lot of them don't work with the other
firstly: why is riley furious about this? secondly: the deck has low rating because this is a poorly done version. Most of the other versions have cards that speed up the process in a matter of turns. This deck just plays em really slowly. It's not that people are being unfair, it's the fact that this literally is a bad version of Relentless Rats.
Need faster mana accel, and in Zendikar, there should be no issue
Well this is a nice deck. But I wouldn't call it a counter deck. Simply Control. Also, you may want Seething Song or Rite of Flame for some more mana acceleration.
Just so you know, Mana Web can activate, but the opponent can tap their lands before it resovles on the stack. Nice deck otherwise
Hmmm... Here are some better options for creatures: Rhox Allosaurus Rider Fangren Pathcutter Plated Slagwurm Molimo, Maro Sorcerer Avatar of Might Roughshod Mentor For some buffing cards: Giant Growth Might of Oaks Primal Bellow Blanchwood Armor Primal Rage If you begin to want the more expensive mana costing creatures, try and get a hold of Krosan Drover or Urza's Incubator (or both). Can help. But get Urza's if you are focusing on 1 creature type. Trample is your friend in a green deck.
Well this deck seems pretty nice. I don't know if you need Whispersilk Cloak however. I would suggest though 24 lands, another dark ritual and seething song. This deck is expensive to play. You need a lot of mana. Also, I understand, you play casually so you don't need Mirror Gallery. But, I play casually and I don't ignore a very basic rule. But whatever works for ya.
Interesting. You don't need Legacy Weapon. Maybe have Rampant Growth. Also, cut down to 60 cards
Really nice idea. You have enough mana accel to get Eternal Dominion out quickly. Paradox Haze is perfect to combo it with.
I agree with dknight27. Those are great additions. I would also suggest replacing Pegasus Charger with Stormfront Pegasus, if you want to deal 2 damage a turn sooner. If you added some birds, then Cloudreach Cavalry is a great turn 2 card (it would be a 3/3 with flying, no strings attached). Plus, try and get some dual lands (Elfhame Palace, Wooded Bastion, etc) Otherwise, nice deck: Cheap mana cost, hard to block creatures. Fun stuff :D
BEEBLES!!! to comment on the deck, i'd say I have no idea what you're doing lol. why Embargo? Why Donate? Mystical Tutor? Enlightened Tutor? A lot of these cards are random. Clone and Rite of Replication are fine.
Buried and Alive and Demi God combo is nice. Boost it to 60 cards maybe? Maybe Cabal Ritual, Terror, Drudge Skeletons, and Wall of Stone. The Ritual is obvious, Terror to kill some annoyers, and the Skele's and Walls for early defense.
Interesting deck. To Zaffo's question, it says this in the ruling: 10/4/2004: If multiple effects modify your hand size limit, apply them in the order they enter play. For example, if both this (Cursed Rack) and another effect that sets your hand size are in play, the most recent in play decides your hand size.
You want cards like Expidition and Azusa, Lost but Seeking. Those cards give you the land boost you need to make this deck effective.
For a turn 1 win, throw in Gemstone Cavern. So if u go second u get 2 lands on turn 1. Then, most likely, you'll be able to play pservant and grindstone and activate it
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