The deck isn't bad man. It just doesn't seem to kill very well. All your creature are expensive and your other spells are too. I know it's control, but it doesn't control fast enough
Yea dude, xaltedone is correct. They may be all creature types, but it only counts for 1. And since they are all creature types, it'll help your opponent more too. NIce thinking though!
I have a squirrel deck and this one is a little weird... you should try putting in Coat of Arms.... much better then having Giant Growth, Strength in Numbers, and Blanchwood armor. Also, Parallel Evolution is a must. Derranged Hermit is really good as well. Krosan Beast is a good card and all, but Squirrel Mob + all the tokens + Coat of Arms = Better The Earthcraft + Squirrel Nest combo lets you make infinite squirrels, but it's banned from all tournies I believe.
Hahahaahahahaha, I forgot about Relentless Rats. Fun card man. Great choice of artifacts (Swarmyard is useless with Lifeline in your deck)
You've got a lot of really nice cards. They all do similar things. Annoy your opponent like crazy. My only comment is the amount of singles you have. Try and get a hold of some more zombies, since you said it is based around Lich Lord of Unx. (also, try and keep it 60-65 cards if you add more cards. and maybe some more mountains)
Nice deck. Looks consistant, has some control, and it helps you play the big guys a lot faster. I also like how you used the old school split lands, not the new ones that add like 1 of 3 mana to your mana pool. Those are cheap and stupid.
Nice man. Maybe swap the Cancels for Mana Leaks. Better to work with in a 3 color deck. Don't worry about the pay 3 mana effect on it. You just play it when your opponent can't match the price (like early game when you can play it on turn 2)
Clearly the cards work well together, but there isn't enough mana acceleration. This deck takes a lot of mana to work. Maybe get rid of the Primal Rages and/or the Gift of the Gargantuans (You have 4 of everything... odds are you will draw em) and put in lands in there place (or Rampant Growths/Llanowar Elves)
Old school man. Seen that combo already. Also, I use Force of Will. Oh noes! You're screwed :D
Holy crap haha! When I was reading Shivan Meteor, I almost crapped myself. Never saw direct damage go over 10 before on a card. Anyways, pretty solid deck. Seems very slow, which might be a problem. The Wordly Tutor and Steelshaper's Gift are a good choice, but maybe find some more green mana accel. (Murderous Redcap could be replaced with something cheaper in mana cost)
Originally the deck had 72 cards because I wanted a large amount of mana acceleration. Had Llanowar Elves, Overgrowths, Kodama's Reach, and other cards like that. It would take till around turn 4 to actually be playing the Beasts just because all my lands would be tapped from playing these things. So instead, I narrowed it down to this, and about 85% of the time, I can play a 6 mana creature by turn 4. It's better this way because now I can play the 3 mana creatures instead of the instants, giving myself a blocker/attacker. Before, I would be open for more hits. (Of course, I still take a few hits before getting one out)
Ya need Krosan Warchiefs, maybe Krosan Drovers. You got a lot of different beasts, which aint bad, but maybe narrow it a bit.
I used to have Krosan Collosus in it but I would finish the game before I even got to play it. Haha. As for Canopy Crawler, I wouldn't need it. The Might of Oaks and Blanchwood Armor take care of it.
I was going to say what smc1215 said. Painter's Servant and Grindstone instantly deck someone.
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