the only way to pull this deck off is with search and draw. i would use both joiner adept and prismatic omen and then run enlightened tutor and harmonize. that way you can search out either piece to the combo, and the harmonize is the best turn 4 u can play in this situation.
turn 5- gigantiform or overwhelming stampede for the win
and as much as i love black lotus, who can afford 1, let alone 4
the combo is solid but with half the deck as relentless rats you will never pull this off in time. statistically speaking you will get 3 or 4 relentless rats in your opening hand which are essentially blank spots. with only 4 cards in your opening hand and a 50 percent chance of drawing another relentless rats, it just doesnt add up
this deck is gunne be extremely vulnerable until turn 6, you deff need something to do until turn 6, or a way to cast the titans sooner
overwhelming stampede would be an excellent win condition in this deck
if you can get b of p out on the first turn this deck is deadly
the key to an equipment deck is how cheap you can get them out and on the field. bonesplitter is an absolute must, as is i believe shuko. both of these are turn 1 drops that will speed this deck up a ton. you deff want to look into the other creatures with abilities that only work if they are equiped as well
check it out, its called blackest night
dryad arbor is in here for some attacking power as well as a possible mana source, i rather like that little guy
fast mana for tokens and bad ass control
i love the concept of this deck, excellent work. i think ill make one myself
use their cards to beat them, or just get rid of their stuff and attack for the win
muddle the mixture absolutely dominates in this deck. you def need more search in here and it doubles as a counter that will be necessary later on, i think im gunna make a version of this
in a deck like this you need more protection for your combo. you dont really need to worry about attacking with creatures as a win condition. with an infinite turn deck the best way to win is with darksteel reactor. put 1 feldon's cane or wheel of sun and moon in here to make sure decking out isnt a problem and then sit back and run out the clock
here is a good game turn 1- tree of tales and sol ring turn 2- plateau and Ezuri's Brigade turn 3- land, any artifact, badabing
here is a good game get coretapper out before bone wand which ensures 4 counters on the wand before you cast anything then turn 6- lightning bolt (12), any 2 instants or sorceries, thats game son
im gunna make a version of this
you deff need some of the charge counter adders in here like coretapper and energy chamber
that combo would certainly work, but if i dont pull both pieces in the opening hand it would be faster to run the normal draw
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