im a little confused about the theme in here. you have a lot of draw power but you arnt really drawing anything. if i were you i would max out spire golems. they are perfect for a blue deck that relies on playing an instant or sorcery every turn. late game you will be able to play them for free and they actually make a good win condition for control decks. another thing to consider is concentrate. it is a marvelous hand replenisher and not that bad of a turn 4 play, let me know what you want to do here
ad your gunna want at least 20 swamps
some poor wall choices and too many of them. you need around 10 walls in here. u arnt trying to block all the damage, just enough to win the race. try 4 wall of souls, 4 wall of tanglecords, and 2 steel walls. that way u can block at least 3 damage each turn, which will let you win the race. another thing that is necessary in here is mana accel. 4 dark rituals will let you be at least a turn ahead of the opponent. a turn 2 dark ritual means 2 shadow creatures.....boom
infinite 1/1s, what a way to lose
slam em down
black vise is the best win condition in here. and to max out your chances of pulling off the combo u need chronoatog. he is another way to keep stasis going indefinitely and it allows you to use muddle the mixture to search out either piece of the combo. that should increase this decks efficiency a ton
you play tinker turn 2 and sac a small artifact, like ornithopter and summon memnarch from the deck
tinker, sol ring and any small artifact in the opening hand is a win
personally i would take out Khalni Heart Expedition, its not a sure bet and it has to sit on the field and be vulnerable with no guarantee of help. switch it out for llanowar, it will speed things up a turn and most importantly, help u cast Khalni Hydra which is the biggest win condition in here (i would max it out to 4). consider this scenario turn 1- land and treespeaker turn 2- land, 1 level counter on the tree, llanowar elves turn 3- land, tap out all mana producers, cast Khalni Hydra thats a pretty good chance of a win
a late game spire golem is going to be the win condition in here, counter everything else, thats game
a turn 1 drop is the only way this deck can work, a control deck will run all over this in standard unless your a turn ahead
unfortunately there arnt enough of the remove without ante cards to fill the 55 other card slots
i didnt mean take him out, personally i would use both
llanowar elves is a must in these type of decks
arid mesa is a necessity in here. i rather enjoy this deck, early creature destruction till you can dominate with a big and bad angel. i would consider day of judgement in the sideboard at least for a protection from swarm goblin or elf decks
i love a good red and black destruction deck, i would max out ashenmoor gouger, shambling remains, and dark ritual. a dark ritual turn 1 into an ashenmoor gouger is deadly as hell. i would also look into terminate
the land base in here is going to kill you. mutavault has no place in here at all, a rainbow deck needs multiproducers not colorless. the rest of your lands arnt going to cut it either.
u need chronoatog in here, its another way to pull off stasis combo.
that would also let u run orim's chant, which is very necessary in here
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