turn 1- land and vector asp turn 2- land and plague stinger turn 3- attack and pump, boom
might i suggest vendetta
any guesses about the name of the deck?
sword of feast and famine is possibly the best control equipment ever made
tap, tap, tap it in
why are there mountains in here
now that day of judgement will be countered, badabing
here is a good game turn 1- land and Perimeter Captain turn 2- land and Stalwart Shield-Bearers turn 3- land and rage nimbus turn 4- land and vent sentinel boom
a turn 6 win with this deck will plain kill the opponent
i would use rolling stones instead of the chariot
aluren turn 4, turn 5 let it rip
here is an ideal game turn 1- land and goblin lackey turn 2- land and goblin piledriver, attack with the lackey and put siege-gang into play turn 3- land and goblin cheiftain, boom
this should be a fun one to run
silent arbiter and magus of the moat are key in here
if this is casual then you def need to work on your lands cause some of those cards r pretty tricky to play in a tri colored deck
ya but it takes up space in your hand. y pay 2 and get 2 when you can pay 3 and get 5 with seething song. you only need 3 spells plus the dragonstorm. so with 4 mana you play seething song, now you have 6. drop 1 for a dark ritual, now you have 8. then play rite of flame and there you go. if you had manamorphose you would be looking at this. tap out the lands then play dark ritual, now you have 6. rite of flame, you have 7. manamorphose you have 7 and draw 1 more card. ya its an extra card for the storm but it essentially holds you back a turn and is unreliable
that would be good to sideboard
if you can get 4 demonic tutors and another vampiric tutor this deck will run much smoother. manamorphose isnt the best choice in this deck, you dont have a guarantee that the card you draw will be any good. for another mana source i would look into mana vault. the spirit guide isnt any good cause you dont play it and in this deck you need 3 other mana accel cards plus the dstorm.
ya but if thats the only way to play it then it makes the deck inconsistent, if you focus the deck on that it makes more sense
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