Oona's Prowler is a great discarding air ship, and u could use it ability on ureself if needed. Augur of skulls is like the standard hymn to tourach and Sudden Death is better than Gloomlance. Please comment on my Beast deck^^
Knucklebone Witch is great for BR goblin decks. I also run one, though it isn't standard. It could easily become one, however. Add Mogg War Marshal and Grave Pact. Shriekmaw is a great spot removal card, too, and if u manage a grave pact, it's twice as powerful. Comment on my Beast deck plze.
Plz comment on my beast deck :)
I like crucible of worlds, but it doesn't fit too well in this deck. Shrapnel blast, wildfire, and strip mine are great with it. Shrapnel blast is if u add some artifact land. I haven't seen it on the site, but a wildfire deck with crucible worlds is common. I'm sure a broken fastbond could work with it.
Mogg Fanatic for more chump block. Sideboard bottle gnomes. Cut down on burn trail and Jaws of stone to fit the moggs.
I'm guessing u want this standard... if not, voidmage prodigy, meddling mage if u want UW, which can have powerful W spot removal, and better counterspells, like counterspell, lol.... and a couple cryptic command can help make this beatdown... Voidmage is actually, standard, my b. He's a great addition to a wizard deck.
If u could afford the Bitterblossom, u should invest in mutavault, too. The liege is a little out of place, cuz it's meant for beatdown. More spot removal and/or Vendilion Clique. The land could be made faster, too.
Exalted angel if u can afford some
U could prob cut down to 1, 2, or no nobilis of war. The liege already costs 5... don't want too drawn out a game. More red spot removal like Lash out should help. U want more lower casting cost to play off the affect, and u don't wanna weaken the deck by focusing on the fused colors alone. Oblivion ring is another good spot removal to add. A Boros is supposed to hit hard and fast..and Eventide seems like another scourge debut of high mana cost beasties slowing the RW style for shits and giggles
U've got a lot of high mana cost cards and surprisingly lack mana excel. Add Heritage Druid and Priest of Titania.
True, haha, I wonder if he'd actually fit with arcbounds... I own him, but I don't think he's very good. Slow and highly counterable... and too dependent on artifacts remaining on the field.
I could prob make a giant RW, and it won't be Boros... sry, just skimming through various Boros to fine tune mine... felt like commenting ;p. By the way, the idea of Sunforger is to strengthen shadow/ first strike/ and or double strike. Then use it's ability as a spot removal on occasion or finishing blow. Check out my Boros if ure still into this slightly dated format.
I like the archer creature based format... would have never thought of it. I don't think u need this many colors, though. All of your creatures don't have to be archers, they can be mana based. Add 3 Elvish Harbinger, and 4 Llanowar Elves. 2 more Crossbow Infantry, 1 more Brigid, maybe Elvish Archers and Chameleon Colossus to replace the Titan. Keep it GW to simplify things. Longbow Archer is pretty decent, too. The flying pokers should be sideboard. Good luck
I like Hymn to tourach, but it's not extended.
I'm surprised u don't run avatar of discord and Oona's Prowler. They're good air ships and work well in this deck. Demonfire and Rakdos Signet could be replaced, too... I think augur of skulls and another discard addition would fit better.
I like Light from Within over Glorious Anthem. The only problem is I'm not sure tokens have mana symbols... tcould cost 0 but still be white like slaughter pact is black. Still, if u don't rely on wrath all the time, I think it would be stronger. Check out my kithkin.. if u could call it that, lol.
With black u could take advantage of great cards like extirpate and Underworld Dreams. Glimpse the unthinkable is great, too, but no longer standard. I don't really see u making a powerful mill for standard, but a BU does control well.
I like mudbutton torchrunner, but I don't think he's strong enough for 3 mana
haha, yea, in a mono red, but here they're meant to play with grave pact.
Eternal Dragon can speed things up, and I like Serra angel and exalted the most. The avenger's good too.
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