U make it seem like I didn't know this. Plz look more closely at my deck b4 suggesting a card. I like to make it seem like I thought of demonics if they were in the list to begin with.
The Korlash are already in my Zombie. I like it, but I don't wanna be focused on it. The discord are strong enough, and the idea is to reanimate a big dude anyway. I'll find out when I can put the deck together in a couple days whether or not I need another reanimate though. Thanks for the advice.
Is this type 2? If it isn't I would def look into terminate. I would add slaughter pact, too, no matter what the format is.
I haven't even looked at your deck yet... jz curious about what u stated in ure comment for my kithkin deck. It sounds vain and a little stupid. It doesn't seem to give me any help... at all. It doesn't even flatter me. I think it means u own the card I said I own and hope to use. When u leave a real comment I I'll leave one for u.
I am always willing to learn and gain more experience in such a game of luck and wisdom.
Tell me what u would add to my deck. I understand just by looking at yours, how u would build this type of design... but since I already purchased all of the cards, I am curious to know what u would suggest considering what I have currently. I wonder what u would possibly think would help and what wouldn't be better suited in the format already. Please enlighten me.
The deck is good. I still like Serra Avenger; great when mana screwed; great with a weenie (can play more than one card at moment it's allowed); can mirror weave it if u wanted the turn after it's played. I love it, but I guess I'd be the one putting it in my deck, lol. I wonder if ure gonna play this in competition, especially since u already have a winning elf.
3 Serra Avenger would be nice and 3 Serra Angel. U could prob add some more copies of cards and cut weaker ones from ure deck. Try to make sure u have plenty of 2 drops and some 3.
I would add more oblivion ring and unmake after.
Mirror entity would get removed fast, I would cut those. replace the giant with serra avenger. The windbrisk heights is slow in a deck with mostly weenies. If u had 3 creatures, u should have 4 mana usually. 2 more plains and 2 forbidding watchtower would be better. Or 4 rustic clachen instead. cut: Spectral Procession, militia pride, Steel of the Godhead, and Mirrorweave. I don't understand it's purpose... it's unlikely u'll swarm with this, cuz ure opponent will have plenty of removal
Kithkin decks don't need to be purely kithkin. I would take out a lot. The only Kithkins I see truly useful are Goldmeadow Stalwart Thoughtweft Trio Wizened Cenn Knight of Meadowgrain I would add great cards like 3 Serra Avenger, 2/3 Serra Angel, or a new avatar. U could utilize a wrath of god and play something for 5 mana next turn.
This is not that bad, but I can't believe I don't see any Oona' s Prowler. If u added that u could cut down some more weaker rogues to add hypnotic specters. U would be able to control ure opponent more. I'd suggest trading the 4 Stinkdrinker bandet for 3 specters and 1 more blackguard. Then trade the earwig squad for the prowlers. This would make for a mean discard format with either unblockable weenies or a powerhouse Korlash. At that point u wouldn't need the banneret.
Jz sayin.
This deck is getting a lot of comments and everyone that's given them can slowly see that u won't change ure mind. Why even ask for comments so often and then ridicule their suggestions? I bet u haven't even played ure design. I can't wait till u spend all that money and get beat by a real standard discard.
Hypnotic is Xth, too. It's jz more expensive to get. The idea is to get a blackguard out and help the one of the 4 prowlers ure bound to draw. But try out ure design first, see if it does well.
The Elvish Harbinger aren't that great. If they've done well in play, then keep them, but they tell ure opponent ure gonna play colossus or battalion. I would change them for another perfect and another vanquisher. Pretty good draw percentage that way for everything in ure deck. But if they've been cluch, and ure revealed card hasn't been countered or discarded constantly, than def keep them.
I would lose the Deathmark. Maybe state in ure info that the sideboard has another terror and soul reap. Those have more colors to play against. I would also change the archer to another extirpate and a couple thoughtseize. That would deal with ure blue. The extirpate are especially great against blue.
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