
31 Decks, 330 Comments, 0 Reputation

Also, I don't know why ure hating on rogues. The Oona's are the best out there and they work together, but it's ure deck. U can do what u wish.

Posted 06 August 2008 at 18:14 as a comment on Mono Black Discard Control


Wow, unless the bidding ended, I think the 2.50 for 1 would def go up to 4 without shipping. That's a great find otherwise.

Posted 06 August 2008 at 18:12 as a comment on Mono Black Discard Control


Also if ure worried about losing the oona's to a small burn, they helo each other out and u cause ure opponent to make the choice of taking them out, discarding a card, or taking 3 life. With a discard deck that choice should be pretty hard to make.
Thoughtseize is just as expensive as damnation if not more, too.

Good Luck. Hope u do well if u manage to make this. The korlash sound really interesting in a discard format. Great back up power.

Posted 06 August 2008 at 18:10 as a comment on Mono Black Discard Control


That would cut ure land problem to 20 since the highest cost would now be 4 mana. U could could add 2 Oona's Blackguard to compensate for the 2 cards lost, or add more spot removal. PS. The Oona's black guard would be great help to the Prowler.

Posted 06 August 2008 at 18:01 as a comment on Mono Black Discard Control


Yea, hypnotic is hard to find in 3s. If u manage to it'll be around $12 to 15 if ure good at ebay. I see a lot of idiots that bring cards up to 20 to 25. The shimian specter can be cheap if u can find them. I recently jz saw a bidding that ended at $2, lol.
The Demigod's aren't needed. I would cut them, 1 shimian specte, and 1 Korlash for 4 Oona's Prowler. These great flyers early on. 4 would run for $15 to 20. Damnation is really expensive. 1 is usually $10. 2 for $15 if ure redonculous on ebay

Posted 06 August 2008 at 17:51 as a comment on Mono Black Discard Control


I'd rather control my opponent then have one more reanimator card. Maybe ure right though. I'll find out soon enough.

Posted 06 August 2008 at 17:42 as a comment on Demigod Reanimator


Good Luck ^_^

Posted 06 August 2008 at 17:38 as a comment on Merfolk Control


I would also cut the Steel of the Godhead for 2 Loxodon Warhammer. So far that's 67 cards I think. Still needs work, but I'm sure u'll get more help. Maybe 3 pump merfolk is better: 65, and lose the curse catchers: 62, and 2 less douser: 60. But, u might wanna do things differently. Just eliminate what u think doesn't feel as powerful and comfortable in play. Also I'd suggest adding a sideboard of 4 Sower of Temptation.

Posted 06 August 2008 at 17:37 as a comment on Merfolk Control


I would really concentrate on strength of creatures rather than combos and tricks. Those are nice bonuses.
Cut the:
2 Harpoon Sniper for 1 more Merrow Reejerey and Lord of Atlantis
2 Jace Beleren
2 Merrow Harbinger for 2 Sygg, River Guide. Having 2 of him and 2 of ure prophets would be draw percentage for a cluch card.
4 Mystic Gate for Hollowed Fountain. If u have the gates already, I would drop it to:
2 Mystic Gate and 2 Nimbus Maze
3 Ponder and 2 Cancel for 4 Ancestral Vision.

Posted 06 August 2008 at 17:31 as a comment on Merfolk Control


Ahhh... I forgot about the standard difference. However, I still think I would stand a chance at winning even if u added a great card like Eladamri, lord of leaves.

Posted 06 August 2008 at 03:44 as a comment on Elf Rock


Should be a fun match. U would eliminate my green creatures and most likely swarm me... or I would wipe out ure army and play an annoying spiritmonger. I would love to see the outcome.

Posted 06 August 2008 at 03:39 as a comment on Elf Rock


If u ebay well, shimian and hypnotic should set u back around 20 if ure lucky, 25 to 30 if ure good. 35 at most.
Good luck.

PS. please comment on avatar reanimator. I jz made it and I hope it plays as good as it sounds ^,..,^

Posted 06 August 2008 at 03:34 as a comment on Mono Black Discard Control


Haha.. like Garruck, lol. I thought of him... then I thought of keeping my $. Plus I'd rather use mind twist if I have the mana and throw out a ravenous or better from there.

Posted 06 August 2008 at 03:30 as a comment on


I like ure twist to this fast paced design. If u could get some Mutavaults, this would be an amazing deck... but then again, u might change things too much and it'll lose ure heavy hitter flavor. Comment on my Beast deck, I don't think I can make it any better, but I rarely lose with it. I wonder if it'll hold against ure Elf.

Posted 06 August 2008 at 03:05 as a comment on Elf Rock


This isn't really a discard deck. I would remove the demigods and add hypnotic specter. A lot o' creatures could be taken out, and a couple Shimian Specter would be nice replacements. Check out my avatar reanimator, u might like it and add ure own flavor to the design in this discard deck. That's my 2 cents... I'm sure ure gonna get a dollars worth of help from others...

Posted 06 August 2008 at 00:54 as a comment on Mono Black Discard Control


How many decks do u actually run 0,..,o shiz.... by the way, I noticed that I commented on this deck and stated that moggs could be taken out. I retract that... lately I've realized that they're phenomenal chump blocks. I still think ball lightning could be added, and the pitiful 2 damage cards could be changed. All in all, u'll cause panic if u haven't already won.

Posted 05 August 2008 at 05:16 as a comment on Vintage Sly


I think rats shouldn't be used to swarm. U should have Ravenous Rats and Stronghold Rats in here to control ure opponents hand. A couple Locust misers are nice too since they are rats.
augur of skulls is great cuz it leaves the playing field to help ure rats.
Ure designs are too centered around vain theatrics. A pure rat deck would lack the strength to be at all competitive. A discard deck with "rat" in it's title would be far better casual play.

Posted 05 August 2008 at 01:49 as a comment on Pure Rat Deck


I don't think mana flare is a great card for burn. I like to keep things fast, so in mine I have only 16 mountain and 2 sandstone needle. The extra mana is compensated with fast paced artifacts (3). But ure design is good for the use of disintegrate and fireball.

Posted 05 August 2008 at 01:31 as a comment on Oldschool red DD


A lot of elves these days are warriors, like imperious perfect and wren wrun's vanquisher. U could use eladamri, lord of leaves with them, and bramblewood would still pump them. Elf beatdown with burn spot removal is a great design.

Posted 05 August 2008 at 01:16 as a comment on Warrior Deck


The theme is hard to create. Good job so far. I think u should definitely decrease some spells though, cuz this isn't burn. I think u can use 2 more island and counterspell. I would have a hard time editing this myself.... mono blue discard is difficult to work with.

Posted 04 August 2008 at 17:30 as a comment on Blue Discard Deck


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