An early defense would be a Lightning Axe + Chronosavant combo. You'd have to skip ure next turn, but that is great for early defense and offense.
Drift of Phantasms to search for propaganda, rushing river, donate, and 1 Tinker (4 Seat of the Synod, 3/4 Darksteel Citadel).
Dude, did this deck make u miss the Celtics game 6... it was the greatest game Ive ever seen. I would feel sad.... but this deck is pretty ish... check out what I did to Eternal Dragon... I think I was too harsh.
Dude.. that was off the top of my head... rawr.
Dragon Summoning (BR): My Deck... for eternal dragon I would suggest a GWR Fast Mana Dragons. Card List Suggestion: Oath of Druid, Elvish Harbinger, Elvish Piper, Eternal Dragon, Dragonspeaker Shaman, Dragon Whelp, Rathi Dragon (Dual Land search w/ Eternal), Skyshroud Elf, Birds of Paradise, Gift of Estates (Dual Lands), Safewright Quest (Dual Lands)
Smc is right. Zirilan of the Claw would be a good help. Combos for getting dragons out: Elvish Piper (GRW fast mana dragons deck) Buried Alive + Exhume/ Animate Dead (BWR Dragons Deck) Would suggest Bladewing the risen (2 dragons) Eternal Dragon + Animate Dead/ Exhume Oath of Druids
good deck even without the tutors. I didn't think u had the shadowmoor cards so I jz figured tutors would be nice. The urborgs are ok as land replacements. Its nearly impossible to draw more than one in a well shuffled deck. Its like double dipping into a combo percentage and a swamp percentage.
you can cut down to 7 swamp cuz the urborgs are better swamp that would never be drawn more than once. With that you would have a better chance at finding a combo... I would bring it back up to 63 with demonic and vampiric tutor.. better chance to get any needed combo. However, more than 60 cards always feels lacking in strategy.
Shred Memory and Dimir Machinations would be great search cards for this deck.
Safewright Quest is better than rampant. Llanawar elves could be helpful or four elvish harbingers atleast. You don't need too many cows.
Lyzolda the blood witch is a great card here because u can attack without fear. Unless the liege has helped u a lot in real life it is more like a usless goblin king in a good goblin deck.
The Ashenmoor Liege is probably useless. Then again I haven't played with this deck at all to know. It's a 4/1 and it would be difficult to get 2 out at once here with no draw cards unless u save a terminate where as 2 would be unnessary (temporarily). U should be rid of ure hand pretty fast and close to out of ure own creatures if u face another tourny deck. I would replace the liege with dusk urchins or a demonic tutor, vampiric tutor, and a necropotence... or some browbeats and a wheel.
I don't see the point in the elder
Dimir House Guard is a great card but I'm not sure if it works here. The transmute, if read accurately should allow you to search for any card that costs 3B and all of your other 4 mana cost cards are 2BB. Also, this deck is a little slow. There are a lot of expensive cards in here, so a $6 (at most) Demonic tutor and a $8 (at most) Vampiric tutor would be helpful.
Argh.... make ure decks legal dude. Just knock it down to 1 enlightened tutor and put in 3 more ravagers.
Genesis Chamber + 2 Kobold + Cloudstone Curio = Infinite Myrs U have a great name by the way, its very witty.
Also Vampiric Dragon is duel colors. Mono creatures are faster especially if they don't cost 6 mana. Summoning creatures manually is a last resort in this deck.
The idea is to work with what you have. If I don't have one combo... I most likely have the other. If I don't have any, which is unlikely... its easy to bring out a fledgling which can be pumped with buried alive and Lightning Dragon. If I managed an easy Fledgling then Lightning dragon should also cost me RR. Reanimating 2 Kokushos is pretty hard. If I were swarmed by weenies my best option would be to reanimate a Zirilan rather than be greedy with Bladewing. I could have Kokushos die instantly
There aren't that many creatures in this deck, so those cards would be in the way of counterspells and search cards. + I scrapped this deck for a better one cuz I needed the cards. I try not to spend too much anymore.
*sigh*... you own all of these cards I'm sure... I hope u only tried this deck a couple of times cuz that's a waste of birds, cradle, and berserk *tear*
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