On ebay, I think each card sold individually would fetch for a total of around $250 without shipping... maybe. No, I haven't tried this, it seemed ideal in my mind. I can certainly imagine how well it would do, though, playing it out in fantasy ;). I don't play blue, so I thought I should at least make one up.
u don't need needle specter. Another hypnotic would be fine. Too much high mana cost, too. 2 of each megrim, underworld dreams, and one copy enchantment. Forced fruition would take forever, and ure opponent will have drawn enough to build an onslaught. 2/3 Howling mine would be fine, and I would limit the planeswalkers to 2 each. There's a lot that could be said, but that's my 2 cents.
I think Prax meant cheap in terms of $. The islandwalk is a 1/1 for one mana, so it's a decent first turn. True, a better creature would be Cursecatcher, Flying Men, or Sage of Epityr, but all in all, this would be decent casual play and stays with the beatdown theme.
I like Loxodon Warhammer over Unstable Mutation, but this is a great deck. I would love to try my Shadow deck against it. See who wins the race ;)
Check out Shadow Life
This deck is easily countered and bounced. Reanimator can make ure angels ure opponent's devils. Otherwise it might survive against a fast paced deck due to the life gain. FYI, most of the time, even in casual play, if someone plays akroma, the opponent will sideboard discard.
I'd suggest adding some eternal dragon. It would decrease the amount of land in your deck. 2 more exalted angels would be nice, too. Of course, ure obviously working with what you have... so my only usable advice would be to organize the cards into 38 best spells and 22 plains.
It is an infinite cycle. U cannot control it. U can't state "I'm only gonna have this card's affect occur a million times." U can say, "I tap my mana a million times", but I'm not sure a spell can be played unless it has split second. If a card stays on the stack, gorger's affect would create an infinite loop.
Interesting style. I don't think it would be fast enough for 1 on 1 casual play, but it would certainly be annoying in group play. I would add better spot removal. Sudden Death is well rounded, but slaughter pact (1 on 1 play) and shriekmaw are great cards.
Any goblin deck that hopes to swarm with king pumped creatures is slow. A true goblin deck attacks and sacs its weak.
Ive played this deck w/ the proxies I don't own. It's absolutely disgusting. Mana base is great as is, don't need it in a deck w/ so little cost. Everything is pumped fast and 4 of each land is draw percentage. Also, the Heritage Druids are nice in the beginning, and are usually chump blocks later.
You don't need a pure kithkin deck. They tend to be a weaker version of soldier. Exalted angel and eternal dragon would be great additions.
Corrosive Mentor + a regenerater like Slith Bloodletter and Spined Fluke would be fun. Also, this deck could use some better spot removal. Lash out for extended... lightning bolt and slaughter pact are my favorites.
Thanks for the advice. I like Trespasser. I have enough cards for two reanimator decks, so I've been tryin to make the best kind.
the banneret is not very useful. I like how u have 2, however, if u only have 2, then what's the point. 2 card percentage should be meant for a drawn out game. Comment on Kithkin Flight and see if it gives you some ideas.
Oh wow... that's pretty smart. I would have never looked away from a dark ritual possibility... hmm. You are right though. This deck is too fast to truly need dark ritual. Good advice dude.
It's a very fast deck and I do like it. I would suggest adding Fires of Yavimaya and knocking out the Firespout. Mogg Fanatic would probably be better than Raging Goblin. Check out my Sly. It's also GR and it's won me a lot of local tournaments.
This is a deceptive deck. I want to put heritage druid in my other elf casual, but I've been too lazy to buy them. This tourny deck is based on spot removal and strong individual cards that can be pumped by others without being targeted. It's prob not Vintage strong, but it won in extended.
I don't think you need arcbound ravager to deal infinite damage. You can remove 3 counters to deal 2 damage to a player and then 1 to itself. Ravager is still a great card here though.
I don't own that card sadly... I would take out 2 land and a couple other cards for 4 though.
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