I would cut the vengeant to make the land and play easier. Add a second jace, and it'll be an even 60. Vengeant is nice, but a little greedy and slow here. Good use of devour (which I never liked, but feel okay about here).
Replace a couple diabolic tutor for a demonic tutor and a vampiric tutor. I would replace some cards with a couple aluren, 4 pack hunt, 4 rancor, and 2 skullclamp. Interesting artifact choices with the mono black list you have. It looks fun to play, but frustrating against black or blue control.
Dude... you have 50 decks.
Add 2/2 First Strike and Shadow, cut the enlightend tutor to 1, replace anthem for crusade, and run a couple armageddon.
If you ever choose to make this T1, look up Opalescence Replenish decks. The main cards are all fairly cheap, and this type of deck is one of the funnest control around. Main cards: Opalescence, Replenish, Parallax Tide, Parallax Wave, and Attunement. You basically draw, control, and smash. For the extended deck, I would main endless horizons, since it's the easiest way to draw what you need, and main the throne. It's your only means of offense. Cut Idle thoughts, sun and moon, add another nodes, and more white spot removal (oblivion ring).
I love the blink combo. Your land could use a couple reflecting pool, but it's all pretty solid. The mana is high, so another remove spell or a bant charm could replace a muse. Great Deck.
Bitterblossom/ goblin assault, and shriekmaw FTW. The fleshbag is good, too, especially if u have a token to spare, which is easy with blossom and sprouting thrinax.
I like the deck. It's very straightforward and an almost perfect layout. I would suggest you run another thoctar over a fourth naya charm, since path to exile and the charm are dependent on it in a way. It's a more intimidating use of 3 dif mana, and a charm should wait for a smash chance neway.
Cranial Extraction, Extirpate, and Glimpse the Unthinkable are OP key to mill control. They don't necessarily mill, which is obviously not what your going for, but they're better options. Most good decks revolve around a combo, high mana, or contol. You can eliminate those problems while milling them ;p
Thanks for the comments and suggestions. I'm pretty satisfied with it as it is, and have been able to match it up against creatureless blue with my sideboard. I've won two pots with it already, and hope it stays strong.
wall of nets and plumeveil ftw!
If you run moggs you always have 4. Cut ranger to 2. I don't see you ever using the ghitu encampment. Cut to 2, at least since u have mutavaults anyway. The sideboard is overkill. The only decks that swarm are faerie, elf, and white. I think fallout does the trick for them all, if not add 2 wog and a couple kitchen finks.
Nice Deck. You need 2 more ball lightning, 4 rancor, and 4 fling.
There's not that much difference between wrath and fallout since all your creatures are dead either way, excluding nyxathid, which is played to clean up anyway. Add 3 wogs and a mind shatter. Keep a wogg in sideboard along with 3 fallout against control.
Run 4 Buried Alive, make it legal by cutting a lotus and entomb. Add more control (discard, and counter). Use Animate Dead and Reanimate so you can take from your opponent, too. Limit your creatures to 4 best and you wouldn't have to use cards like hidden horror. Check out my RB version. Book of Dragons. It's an interesting twist to the old school theme.
Too many dragons. Add more creature removal, a demonic tutor, vampiric tutor, and a couple Zirilan of the Claw. Narrow down to best dragons and affects after their death. Hellkite Oerlord is a speedy 8 damage.
Run 4 Isochron, take out the megrim and nezumi.
This is interesting since it's BWR, colors that are unfocused overkill together, and a T2, meaning limited to decent cards. However, you did a very good job even though I still see a huge desperation/attachment to white in order to use the vengeant and skuller. Granted, skuller is great way to remove a cryptic and force use of spot removal on him. Hmm, i'm conflicted, too I guess, cuz I like the layout, but the color scheme is still ugly. Idk
Too much creature removal. Sideboard the wrath and 2 more. Replace with 2 more mind rot.
Nice deck. It's very straightforward. The only suggestion I have is the land, which are very slow and weak chump blocks. Mutavault are better... a lot more expensive, but cryptics are worse in terms of mad monies.
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