replenish and pacifism type enchantments FTW
You can prob replace some energy field with control enchantment like treachery. I like the sigil of sleep combo.
It is pretty strong. The only problem is the focus around a 4 mana cost card with too few creatures to have a well-rounded beats. A fast mono U counter or a discard can stop me from using the theme, but if an order resolves too soon it would mean a boring game to begin with.
I understand that reckless abandon is cheaper to play, but if most of your creatures are blocked, I think a fling would be better suited.
I would replace a couple damnation and an infest with 3 fling. Sideboard 4 volcanic fallout, and terminate might be more productive than extirpate.
High Tide + Palinchron + Brain Freeze FTW! Check out Tinker Mill ;p
Oops, I forgot they have to be a chimera, oh well, they still seem fun.
You need a Tinker for that occasional easy summoning, Tolarian Academy cuz it's OP here, a Soul Ring, and a couple Ancient Tomb. After, some draw cards would help. I never heard of Chimera artifacts. They're beast together. I bet you pump the little Myr to make him a god in play ;p
Do you gain from book burning often. Taking a mill for 6 isn't usually too bad if they just stay in the graveyard for a time. I think a mogg fanatic first turn pull, second turn swing, third turn threatening swing, and chump block would be more helpful. Figure pf Destiny doesn't have the choice theme for your opponent, buts it's good here for obvious reasons, too, since you have a good amount of land. I can also suggest fireblast the same way, but it is again not too much of a gamble for your opponent.
I'm not a big fan of scion of oona and faerie conclave, and yeah, you have 6 rivers. I'd suggest a pendelhaven if you keep the oonas and maybe a hammer.
Haha, your right about okina. At first I had legendaries in here, and forgot to edit that.
I don't like giant decks to be honest. They're like a bad dragon, but if you wanna speed things up I'd suggest Sacellum Godspeaker if you find yourself with 3 or more giants in hand by 3rd to 4rth turn. Maybe a couple rite of consumption and 4 birds to ramp one. Good Luck ^_^
I can do without the cryptics. I don't like to move'm around my decks all the time, and they're too expensive to own more than a set. I don't think they're necessary with 4 nukes and reanimators, which is usually how I win or stall until I pull a haunting echoes ^,..,^
Cut a capsule and add a drifter. Cut the countersquall and add another of each charm and a 23rd land. U need 2 forest somewhere. Seems really hard to play anything unless u pull a pool first turn. Not bad all in all.
Too bad it's T2. Strip Mine/ Wasteland + Crucible World FTW!
That's cool dude, jz suggestin' cuz aluren is hard to use and fits well here. Rancor, Pack Hunt, and Aluren are allowed under anal legacy rulings, but they're also more money ;p
Seems like a ramp Boros. Figure of Destiny fits that theme and works with liege. Should prob cut a sunforger and add a couple jitte. I have a boros myself, and it was one of my favorite until I realized its cheap in casual play due to the protection sideboard. It's a powerful dust collector now, but check it out if you want to tweak your version^^.
PS. 'preciate the comment 'bout my "Book of Dagons", but it I find it pretty fast without the song. I'll try it out in casual play, but the deck is always too mean for that ;p. Also, the Hellkite I have is not as fast as the overlord, but he's reliable against little swarms.
I understand the part about you drawing more than 7 cards and having to discard, but that step happens at end of turn and an infinite combo usually dissolves at that point.
I don't get the combo either, but am pretty interested in the mechanics if you can further elaborate plse. Even if you were to pull a palinchron combo, or some other means of producing infinite mana to generate your combo (though, the likely hood of using 2 combos together is near impossible), I see you decking yourself after about 10 draw sequences. You could have a massive deck to compensate, but that would make it harder to pull off the combo(s).
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