Focus is the name of the game here, you have way to many 1 of to get any consistency.
Not sure where I see how this works. The idea of land destruction with Guttersnipe is cool however you have a high mana curve, and a few creatures I just would never run, dark revenant (blood ghast is a good returnable creature without needing a tribal, also squee if you used goblin grenade instead of fling). Also since this is not standard legal you could get much better land destruction cards than those that are currently in standard. None really come to mind immediately but I'm sure you could find some if you looked around. (wasteland, strip mine are the only ones I immediate think of though really expensive and not spells but lands themselves)
Not bad, I would agree with cng and drop the search the city, it's too expensive, in general your running mana expensive especially for 20 lands. Thought scour is necessary for mill, one of the best, also Jace's phantasm is pretty damn good for a different win condition (however you have an interesting set up in place so maybe you don't need them but consider making them in sideboard and some dissipate or something). Also for defense fog bank (though I'm not 100% sure where to make room). I would also use 2x Jace versus Tamiyo. She is good control but doesn't fit the deck, it's a different kind of defense. Also I would use Cyclonic Rift and Unsummon versus vanishment and devastation tide. In general Remove: -1 Tamiyo -3 Search the City -4 Devastation Tide -3 Vanishment -1 Inaction Injunction Add: +3 Cyclonic Rift +3 Unsummon +3 Thought Scour +2 Island +1 Jace, Memory Adept (You could drop trepanation blade and invisible stalker for jace's phantasm and fog bank if you want to try it that way)
Badass elven tribal. I've never looked up what legacy elves look like but without doing that I would say this is pretty badass looks like some good power. The more i look over your decks the more badass I realize they are.
I like the mini-tribal rat thing you have going, it works well and drainpipe is gonna be a hell of a card when matched with Avacyn that should be fun. Otherwise I think this deck is quite well balanced, I was gonna suggest dropping sign in blood for something else but realized it might not be the best idea cause it's one of the better draw cards in the deck considering you don't have to just discard anything. I would drop tibalt though cause of the discard at random thing which I don't much like. However other than that it's badass and I love it. (Don't know what to add in place of tibalt.. 1 land and another wild guess?)
This is probably one of my favorite decks of yours honestly. I think there is some great synergy with the creatures; good choice of spells and land. Honestly there is one change that I would absolutely make. And I have a feeling you'll know what I'm gonna say before I say it. Vraksa, I will not waste space on a rant on how much I hate her and why I'll just live with this note, Thragtusk is a better 5 drop than her so I would make the switch. Awesome deck though man, and I would seriously love some feedback from you on my modern deck I put together recently (and edited a little on trollking's suggestion):
Awesome deck really solid, this is pretty reminiscent of a Bant Control deck I played against at a local FNM recently. A deck that totally handed my B/G zombie deck it's ass on a silver platter. I would very greatly appreciate you input on a modern deck I put together:
I list this deck for sure. There are a few things I'm just not sure about; primarily in spells. Why bump in the night versus searing spear. I personally would rather have searing spear if need be for creature control. Bump is kind of nice since flashback however I just don't see 6 mana dump for 3 damage happening here. Guess this one is up to you, the extra mana I think is worth the instant speed but hey. Also why no tragic slip? This isn't as much a suggestion as a curiosity, I don't believe you need it but it feels fitting. Other than that I'm curious how this plays, I feel like I would have quite a different creature construction personally but that's me so I wonder how this plays what you feel is weak and strong about the deck. I hear Jund and think of Aristocrat and Blood Artist, and Thragtusk, and primarily Huntmaster I suppose. Also I would build a sideboard. I think that Deathrite Shaman is a considerable mention for good Jund cards for sideboard along with slaughter games, and duress and dreadbore, also Underworld Connections, and naturalize. Specific things to be addressed. I think your a great builder though and therefore would greatly appreciate your comments and suggestions on some of my newer decks I've put together. Primarily this one:
Whispersilk cloak is a good choice, also with blue and white you could get "Steel of the Godhead" as a good enchant for unblockable and a good buff especially if you ever broke into azorius (Blue/ White).
Your land choice makes this confusing to me. What format are you aiming for. I feel like this is more or less an old standard deck with legacy land construction. Also what is your win condition. I notice the combo your aiming for, getting it where you can use havengul lich to rez a priest that dies continually which gains you "infinite" mana to then... play devil's play hopefully? If that is the case I would absolutely find a way to get in an extra one or two of those.
Possibly however your running 4 hellkites which needs the mana. Personally I would drop off 2 hellkites, and 1 hellrider for 3 lightning maulers. It gives cacklers and nobles haste for later turn drops. Also it would lower your mana a little which might be nice since RDW is so completely about just ridiculous abrupt speed that takes too long and too much effort to control. That is if even run then in the first place (the hellkites, they are nice but they are actually better for control decks and mid-range not as much for super-aggro).
who wish (WISH) they could use it. Apparently i missed the "wish" part of that sentence.
Yep, all the damn time. "Every damn time" -Stephen Lynch (on something completely different) -Monty Python. I don't know why I made that train of weird quotes, but there it is. On the topic of AWOL itself as a card it love it, i think it's pretty damn funny. I know a couple of friends who could use it on me and have me take it seriously for example vampire cuntfag or cuntpire faghawk (vampire nighthawk receiving all this hate!)
I have a strong feeling it's more than 13 people however that is still a decent amount. I get AWOL all the f'ing time. And that't not my only problem with this website but hey that might be for another conversation.
I like this, it's actually pretty fun looking and seems like it could be quite effective; though might be a little hard to play it right. Going on how this deck should work I would remove the artful dodge in place of an extra unsummon and downpour. Artful doesn't seem necessary. Gravecrawler can just come back, and it triggers the captain so it's fine for you. And if it comes to Grimgrin he just kills on a swing so you don't really need an artful dodge for him to connect. Also I would consider dropping 1 Grimgrin and 1 Swamp for 2 think twice. If your opponent passes the turn and you have open mana you can play it and draw up some extra cards.
SOOOO MANY BOARD WIPES!! Good god sir, you have what appears to be 13 board wipes. I wouldn't use supreme verdict, instead I would drop that for the 4th terminus and a 3rd bonfire. I would drop Inaction Injuction for a 3rd think twice and a 4th Feeling of Dread. I would drop izzet charm for another mizzium mortars. Basically just focusing the deck more specifically so you can more consistently rely on what your going to draw. Also I just don't like Supreme Verdict in the face of terminus or bonfire, each seems to be the better board wipe. Sideboard them maybe if your going up against another control which will counter either of the other board wipes.
Awesome, seems like a stronger and more consistent version of a deck I built a while back. I should take some hints from your deck to edit mine.
Demonic Taskmaster is cool, doesn't fit. Sacrificing every turn is a down fall when your trying to build up, and with hellrider. Vexing, NEIN!!! Vexing gives up too much power to opponents, you could have better cards to put into play than that.
I wouldn't change much here really, seems really well constructed. If anything I would say you don't need 24 land you could go to 23 and add an extra brimstone volley or hellrider (or for giggles Thundermaw) Sign in blood could be useful if your getting mana swamped or if you get hit by any board wipe but I don't know if that is even a big deal when you have a decent amount of strong finishers. Other than that I would only say I find it curious you would sideboard dreadbore.
It would appear as though the like system has broken for you deck. My first comment hasn't counted at all. Weird.
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