Agreed with this guy ^ Boros Charm could also very well finish a game if need be just capping an opponent for 4.
I disagree with you here actually. I think Domri, and Xenagos would both be a little dead in the deck. Xenagos is already on the top of the curve for the deck so there is nothing to ramp into first of all, secondly it wouldn't be producing much mana because the number of creatures is limited here meaning the plus +1 would get you maybe 1-2 mana (and again for what?). Domri thrives in a deck that is using 2-3 spells maybe a few other planeswalkers but otherwise 24+ creatures, with 18 creatures and in an enchantment deck I think it would likely just lead to very little value before she just gets hated off of the board via dreadbore or something like that.Purphorus... iffy add; it will never get the devotion, the other ability of pumping the team is negligible, and again the 2 damage when a creature enters is better when there are a ton of creatures coming in either with a creature heavy deck or if you where aiming for Young Pyromancer, Chandra's Phoenix, Purphorus, Elspeth and or Assemble the Legion. Chandra Pyromancer would be decent here though. Pyromancer would be better value with the "card draw" ability, the +1 on her isn't hugely relevant all of the time but it doesn't hurt pinging an opponent for 1 occasionally.
Actually really well built, I like the deck alot. Personally I'd kind of like to try it out myself, if only I owned the cards to do it. However I'd drop a dragonskull summit and 1 pillar of flame for 2 steam vents. 25 land is typically what I've used and seen used in control decks in standard. You don't want to miss drops when your using drownyard and heavier cost spells like far+away, opportunity etc.Also to help finish out your sideboard you could add in 2 negates or essence scatter(s). The extra counterspells is typically nice to have.
Nice, though this may come across as a stupid suggestion because of price however I will say it anyways. Noble Hierarch is dying for a place in this deck (your wallet will/may not agree at $30ea however). Other than a few higher cost cards that would be amazing, though not entirely necessary, I actually quite like the deck.
Check out this ridiculous idea: know it isn't hugely likely to happen etc but I like to play around in Magic Christmasland sometimes and I happen to think this one was pretty exceptional.
My first take on what a Junk "Aristocrats" deck could become or something along those lines. To be fair it isn't typical but it is utilizing a lot of newer cards cause I'm curious what they can do together in this kind of a deck. Furthermore this is something that will be in standard (mostly) post Innistrad's rotation.
Not bad though I think your missing some of the better vampires, Gatekeeper of Malakir, and Kalastria Highborn. Also feel as though you need more like 22-23 lands and probably don't need a full 8 fetches, 6 is what I run in my Modern vampire deck. Overall pretty interesting though.
Grisly salvage is a really good graveyard filler. Also I don't think you need 24 land, you'd be okay with 23 since your using mulch and hopefully after this grisly salvage. Then again you don't need to drop a land since your not reanimator.
It's quite interesting however I think Jund should have deathrite shaman, tarmogoyf, thoughtseize, inquisition of kozilek, thrun the last troll, lightning bolt, terminate (instead of dreadbore), kitchen finks, maelstrom pulse, go for the throat, things like that, also fetch lands. However not all would be appropriate here or necessary however you are using some kind of strange cards for modern.
Awesome, really not a bad start then. I'm jealous of your voices, I have fetches and chords but can't afford the Voices for a little while.
No Chord of Calling, No fetches, interesting deck. Not bad just needs some tweaking from my perspective I suppose.
Alright: is closer to what I think you should be running, I haven't 100% polished it as I have to run to class however I think this is a very good representation of the maindeck, I am of course also leaving sideboard to you though I could make some random suggestions, fun cards that may or may not work for the deck but what comes to mind in your colors. Kitchen Finks (life gain, persist), krosan grip (deal with issue enchants and artifacts), lightning bolt (who doesn't love 3 for 1), dregscape zombie, diregraf ghoul, and deathrite; the first two are zombies to help with the gravecrawler rez and deathrite is just a damn good creature in modern especially when your in his colors. Life from the loam, if you dredge up to many land or even just to help dredge along even more. Dark Confidant is good for card advantage better than blood scrivener cause he doesn't lose you life on land pick ups which happens a bit. There was another good one and it's killing me I can't remember what I was thinking... Varolz could be interesting...Anyways best of luck
Actually not sure graven cairns will help being you only need red for faithless.However, abrupt decay is really nice to have.Id replace motorpod for blasting station, you could even drop blood artist for stinkweed imp then. The dredge will help fuel your deck. Lotleth main could help gravecrawler, which in turn helps venegevine.I might throw together a list later to work out numbers and list it here.
Your very close to a standard deck mana base you may do well adding graven cairns, black cleave cliffs, another forest, marsh flats if you ever can. Ill add more suggestions later, im on my cell right now.
I think one notion is that you can gain yourself life from this? Otherwise I think either o-ring or the extra paths to exile would be a good choice.
Blue, white, green is Bant for future reference. WU - AzoriusWR - BorosBU - DimirBG - GolgariRG - GruulRU - IzzetWB - OrzhovBR - RakdosWG - SelesnyaGU - SimicWUG - BantBUW - EsperBUR - GrixisRGB - JundRGW - NayaWGB - Teneb / NecraWUR - Numot / RakaWBR - Oros / DegaBUG - Vorosh / AnaRUG - Intet / CetaWBRG - Dune-BroodUBRG - Glint-EyeWURG - Ink-TreaderWUBG - Witch-MawWUBR - Yore-TillerWUBRG - Maelstrom / ConfluxPretty cool deck, don't think Simic Manipulator is your man, drop them and add in 4 glacial fortress going up to 24 land, maybe even drop 1 gyre sage and add a 25 land with a gavony township
I think Messanger is an underspoken card, it currently isn't seeing as much use so I almost feel as though he can survive better than when zombies was a larger deck. Mainly he provides such good reach being able to sac him off to a Aristocrat or Varolz for the last few points of non-negatable damage (life loss). I've had reasonable success casting him in decks with even worse mana bases for his strict black casting cost so this one doesn't bother me overly. Thanks for the comment though, I'll see how much success with messenger goes and post back about what I put in his place if it proves to be an issue.
Thank you very much sir!I'll try the dreadbores mainboard and abrupt sideboard see how it works, my thought while putting it together was the instant speed and versatility could be nice in an aggro build like this.
At least I'm not the only one who noticed
Awesome idea, hadn't considered that combo, I need to try that. Upkeep gain 7 you lose 2 =P haha
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