Fair enough, didn't consider mill
Is Augur really the best card to have? I suppose he isn't a dead draw which is nice because he could net you an advent however I think the interaction is kind of fun having resto angel+Scion of Vitu-ghazi+a wurm token/voice token. Further a rather fun suggestion that nearly clutched a win for my opponent -> Trostani? The lifegain and populate ability can be really useful. I played against g/w tokens and the guy pulled a turn 5 trostani then I swung for just short of lethal I think he had 2 left which meant on upkeep with an Obzedat he was dead but he dropped an armada wurm turn 6 and gained 10 life which stalled the match for another 20+ minutes which I won only because I managed to get a fiend hunter he could never deal with to get his trostani back.Suggestions are kind of light, they could be helpful but at the same time I could see why you wouldn't go for resto or trostani.
Also I agree with Poet that running abrupt is necessary in more than the simple circumstance of can't be countered. It targets more than putrefy does (in terms of types of cards), it kills ajani (3cmc) liliana, detention sphere, o-ring, nevermore etc; things that putrefy could only dream of targeting. On a different note I think I would be running those 2 severs sideboard and finish off the creature base a bit getting the fourth falkenrath and hellrider or maybe a thundermaw because it will just short of be a guaranteed 5 damage which can be a winner. Also why the witchbane orb sideboard, aren't you worried it's a little dead considering putrefy now more or less fills the gaps for every deck having a way to deal with it making kind of a waste if it in facts even makes an impact worth noting to the opponent?
Fair enough =P
Resto and Serenity would bother be in the deck and mainboard if I had then I don't have either sadly. I've focused my collection so much on black that I sold off the white cards I had before they got crazy expensive. I'm still kicking myself for selling resto angels back when they were $5 a piece or so.Resto would be in place of Desecration Demon, and Serenity in place of Mikaeus and the Aid or maybe in place of a Thragtusk.
Thanks for the suggestion, I will have to look into that. Any idea what to remove to add in the exarch though? I was thinking the eternal witness.
Unless it's Battle of Wits?
Yeah I actually just made the changes mainboard of -2 dreadbore for +2 Tragic Slip. dreadbore is now sideboard in case of issues with planeswalker decks or something of that sort. If it is at all possible I might actually move to make a trade making these changes potentially:-1 Aristocrat (down to 3)-1 Varolz (down to 3, he is a legend anyways)+2 Thundermaw Hellkite that way I know I have some power mid to late game and with 2 I can rely on seeing him more likely.
Money is an issue at this point, what is in the deck right now I already own or can trade for, Thundermaw and hellriders I don't own. I have F.Aristocrats though 4 of them.Kenny, thanks the the advice I'll take it under serious advisement I'm thinking however that it will be -1 Vexing-2 Rancor+3 Falkenrath AristocratTragic Slip might find a way in instead of dreadbores potentially, I can't afford a Thundermaw nor do I really want to, also 3 F.A makes it more consistent I have a better feel for what is in the deck and what is coming instead of the occasional surprise showing of a 1 of T.M.H.K. As for dropping a land, with an increase of 3 -4cmc creatures I'd rather not tempt fate with less than 22 land.And actually I'm going to also make this change:-1 Geralf's Messenger+1 Falkenrath Aristocrat (putting it to 4 in mainboard) Seems like a better creature all around for the deck.
Thanks, thats a good idea, I'm not a huge fan of rancor either, at least not overly.
Thank you Luttersign however I think it will fit well into the deck with Varolz, I have dreadbore which is red, ghor-clan for a bloodrush which can be a game finisher and I'm thinking Falkenrath Aristocrat might find a spot eventually. I think that the red is kind of a nice addition, I could put in bonfire, searing spear also. Three color isn't out of the way right now though not exactly optimal per say for aggro.
Your proposing that turn 5 I'll have 5 land and nothing to play, with a creature in play I'm willing to lose in that situation which in almost all of the circumstances very unlikely. If in a low cost aggro deck I have 5 land turn 5 I've already lost.
Yeah... 4 damage turn 1 into 4 +1/+1 counter later cause of Varolz's ability. Seems good to me. Golgari Charm will be sideboard maybe, putrefy is more likely to take it's place, Grim Backwoods is not going to happen. It costs way to much mana to activate. By the time it would come online I would be at a major disadvantage being an low cost aggro deck and having screwed with my mana if it was one of a few mana I had early game.RR for 4 damage, 4 +1/+1 counters on target creature seems really damn good to be fair.
Varolz, the Scar-Stripped is the missing 4 cards from the mainboard.http://sales.starcitygames.com/carddisplay.php?product=446208
Thanks for the comment though I'm not sure I would make any of those changes myself they are an interesting thought if it comes down to this deck needing some changes depending upon it's performance at FNM or whatever.
Not bad, I was running something similar at a point. I had Liliana of the Veil and diregraf ghoul maindeck though cause of gravecrawler.Sideboard skullcrack wouldn't be a terrible idea cause of lifegain, if someone manages to put the match just out of range with thragtusk resto angel etc.
Ajemancinnajob's deck huh? Interesting choice. Personally don't like his design as much as just going Junk Rites flat out but not terrible.
Track down some Dragonskull Summits, Blood Crypts, Blackcleave Cliffs if you can. You don't need to have such a strong red mana base either. Looks like hella fun for casual.
Yeah, I like the idea of gather the townsfolk but I feel like lingering souls is also really a better card here and in general because it provides a decent card to pitch to Liliana's +1, also the flashback allowing for 4 tokens instead of only 2 is really nice in many ways, not to mention they fly, if you have to discard it to a rakdos's return it's okay etc etc. I will agree to a point on the instant speed, sure it would be nice but I like the versatility of dreadbore, also it won't lose me anymore life than an orzhov charm will really. I don't often run into issues with haste creatures, if I do I have instant speed in the sideboard. I suppose victim of night could be nice mainboard, but then I also do run into a handful of zombies and werewolves (mostly huntsmaster).
It could very well be something that was posted somewhere this is my own variation of the aristocrats deck based off of what I have and what I want to the deck to do. I'd think about replacing the cartels maybe at least to try it out but like I mentioned above I think Cartel aristocrat is really useful typically.
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