I don't know, I think Jund is better than people are willing to give it credit for if it's built right. You could absolutely make an interesting and effective Jund deck. Jund made top 8 at a GP or something, though most were Azorius control. However if you play only to the strengths of the meta game everyone would be playing the same deck which is what I hate, I like playing random weird decks not everyone using Azorius or Bant Control EVERYWHERE!!! 1 of 2 decks at my FNM were Bant Control. I greatly praise you for using Jund, however I could be a little biased as I am using Jund myself however a pretty different version of it. Anyways here is my opinion more about your deck specifically. Personally I would run something so completely different I don't know where to start. I think your curve is a little high but if it works so be it. With Jund and no tribal (zombie) focus you could go heavy haste which could be good here. 4x Strangleroot Geist 4x Dreg Mangler 3x Falkenrath Noble 4x Ash Zealot 2x Thundermaw Hellkite 4x Rakdos Shred-freak 2-4x Hellrider (maybe not all of these but there are good haste creatures in Standard you could make it very quick and deadly for an opponent) The only two creatures you have in the deck that I like a lot are Silverheart and Tormented Soul (only because if linked with Silverheart could be awesome). Spells: Wouldn't run Ancient Grudge when you could have Rakdos or Golgari Charm in instead. Slaughter Games, everyone seems to say "sideboard, sideboard" I like it however I do wonder if the preaching isn't for something thought I'd mention that it might be a good idea to run something else in place mainboard but if you don't want to more power to ya. I know it's a different style however if you would take a look at my Jund Deck I'd appreciate it. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=394505
I greatly appreciate your compliment and suggestions! I'm glad you can take something away from these deck to help yourself out. Battle Hymn, good god I never knew... that could be ridiculous here for a second epic experiment, or depending of far into the game even just the first one. I'll absolutely be looking for a place to at least test these out. Past in Flames, interesting, however not here. I'm not so much for using Flashback in this deck, it's kind of just a fun niche on some of the cards and Snapcaster is for when I really need it but 4 mana, plus the flash back seems like probably too much. Curse of Echoes I've heard some interesting stories about people not realizing just how big of an impact it can make, but I think I agree. For now I'm going to sideboard it, and put in something else. Thanks again for the comment and suggestions. I'll be taking a look over your deck soon.
Based on the responses I'm going to take your advise amongst the others with sideboarding Ghost Quarters, really isn't much to say for that card I suppose, only really fits a niche which doesn't always need to be filled. As far as negates versus something, I might turn them part into dissipates and parting into burn spells based on your suggestion. Probably helpful that I do an Epic Experiment into extra burn spells help ensure a win like that. Annihilating Fire seems like a great choice especially against zombies like Geralf's Messenger and Gravecrawler. As for creatures I really am trying to keep down on creatures so that my Epic Experiment doesn't pull a ton of creatures, really hoping to keep down that number. Archeomancer I couldn't care less for however the Charmbreaker devils are really cool. That could be so devastating under the right conditions, I might add in two for the fun of trying instead of curse of echoes.
Thanks, I'm absolutely going to sideboard Ghost Quarter now that you mention it. The Izzet Keyrune was something i was thinking of adding, the little mana "accel" sorta and the creature only when you want it to be is nice especially coming up against terminus or something. Negate, I think i'm going to sideboard these also, I'll test with out them for a while see what I think. Personally I think Negate is a really good counter, only costing two means a lot and I'm more worried about stuff like detention sphere, terminus, murder etc that will target my board than creatures. However dissipate isn't much of a downer in really any manner so it's worth a shot. Thanks!
If your not going standard I think it could be very interesting to add Charism. Also Lightning Bolts not sure where but somewhere, best burn card...EVAR!!!! (sorry for being dumb about it but seriously) I would greatly appreciate you taking a look at my new idea for an izzet deck and giving (or at least attempting to) criticism and or suggestions: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=396647.
I don't think that the 1/1 goblins are going to be as effective as you may hope so I would make the following changes. -4 Burn at the Stake -4 Krenko's Command -4 Blustersquall -4 Dynacharge -4 Goblin Arsonist -3 Krenko's Mob Boss Thats a total of -23 cards, which leaves room for 25 land, or 3 more cards. Add a think twice, and 2 Mizzium Mortars, they can be good control and board cleaners. Talrand and Guttersnipe should do the trick. Either that or it's going completely the other way and making the deck more so about Goblins. If you get the chance I would love if you could give me some criticism, and suggestions on my new deck which probably won't get much press so to speak: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=396647
I had more to say but I was going in circles a bit myself as to what I would do so I'm going to condense what I have to say and try to streamline it in comparison. Murder, hate it cause it costs too much, it wastes a turn when you could be playing a creature which is more necessary for an aggro deck like this. Vampiric Fury, and Rakish Heir. I like both of these cards however with Vampire Nocturnus I think they can be issues without a draw which I'll get to. Necropolis Regent, cool, interesting, not useful here. It may be a vampire but it doesn't work well with other vampires 6 is too much when you could get a better effect with a Nocturnus or Bloodline Keeper. Slaughter Games, don't know about it's use here, but I like the card so I'll leave it be. In sum, drop Necroplis Regent, Rakish Heir, a Vampiric Fury, the 2 Murders and add 3 Sign in Blood, and 2 Dreadbore. Dreadbore is really nice cause of the heavy use of planeswalkers in standard, Sign in Blood cause it's card draw which is nice for refueling later game and to remove a top deck red card to regain Vampire Nocturnus' ability which can be game winning. I know this may not be your speed but I'm looking for some possible advise and criticism on my new deck idea which got no attention when it was on the newly created deck list: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=396647.
Seems pretty fun and not terribly expensive which is nice considering what current standard seems like... How come only two creatures though, personally I like creatures too much I would want to have at least 2 of each of those just so you can more reliably get them in a game. Personally I would absolutely drop the Firemind's Foresight for extra Epic Experiments but thats just me I think the Experiment is better because for the same mana cost of Foresight you could get much better advantage. /shrug I know this is a little bit of a different twist on Izzet than you went with but if you could take a look and tell me what you think I would greatly appreciate it. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=396647
Yeah, slightly different idea though. I'm going for more control than evasion. Also though I understand that Tamiyo might rarely get her ultimate off it is still something to strive for, she is amazing control and if I could pull it off it would be end game pretty much. Also I had forgotten about your deck I just threw this together for the hell of it. Messenger's for slitherheads... I don't know I've personally had such little luck while running the slitherheads that I'm kind of against even testing them. I've had better luck with other one drops. Not to mention Messenger's I think are a staple in zombie decks because of their 2 damage and undying. They just about guarantee 4 damage which is nice. However I'll consider trying something cheaper. Negate versus dissipate, god no never gonna happen here. Negate is basically the best counterspell to run as far as I am concerned here. Only one blue and it counters non-creatures spells which are the only spells I'm worried about. Terminus and detention sphere primarily are why I want blue for negates. Dissipate is good if your playing more control based however to fill the niche I'm looking for three mana is too much and too color intensive. I'll work on the sideboard though and see if I can squeeze in more removal instead of messenger's maybe.
Interesting and cool, however I feel like 4 planeswalkers is a little high. I would run 2 Vraska's if any (personally don't like her). Endless Ranks seems to me to be a dead drop with detention sphere's, supreme verdicts and worst of all terminus' everywhere I would run an extra Grimgrin so you find him cause I think it's a great finisher especially with captains and crawlers. I wouldn't use slitherheads, I had also disregarded people saying run Cacklers not Slitherhead's I finally heeded their advice they just don't preform right as far as I'm concerned. 7 Evasion cards seems a little much to me, I would run rogue's passage and a mix of 4 other evasion equaling 5. With the extra two I would consider negates, and or thought scour/ some card draw. Zombies in comparison to the azorius control just runs out of juice to quick and a terminus with no way to regain cards in hand is just game. Personally I also rely on Geralf's messenger, and dreg sooo much in my deck both seem like amazing creatures because they have immediate field presence.
I feel like it's too creature heavy by a decent amount to be as effective as you want. Augur could be replaced with something like thought scour, or desperate ravings. Vexing devil with mizzium mortors or searing spears. etc etc. If I was (which I am not) running an izzet deck with guttersnipe I would be running something so completely different that I don't think I should be commenting on this deck as I am. However if you are curious about my thoughts on a more effective aggressive izzet deck comment I'll check back tomorrow.
Yep, Kokusho is unbanned from general use, however still banned as a general, and the banning of Primeval Titan is dumb but whatever, shit happens.
Personally I disagree with you, there are better lord cards for vampires than adaptive automaton such as the captains, and captivating vampires. Which if there were both 4 of's is more than enough. I've tried to run lots of lords thinking the more the merrier however it just screws your mana curve over especially for an aggro deck. Also I think that if done right nocturnus is the superior finisher lord card in comparison to bloodline keeper. Bloodline often times takes to long to get online, you have to get it out for 4, then possibly use it's ability the turn after and spend another mana, and further you don't give all the other vampires flying. Nocturnus with sign in blood so you can draw past a top deck red is a better combination, it's a faster more aggressive choice which is perfect.
Personally I would drop magma spray for an additional terminate, and then 2 sign in blood. I believe someone suggest taking it out as it appears you have. However it is very powerful for an aggressive build like this especially relying on nocturnus in which case you hold onto the sign in blood until you run into a non-black top deck then draw which most likely will regain the trigger effect of nocturnus which is needed. Also I would consider dropping a captivating vampire and one nighthawk for an additional nocturnus and a third sign in blood. Change over view: Add: 1x Vampire Nocturnus 3x Sign in Blood 1x Terminate Remove: 1x Captivating Vampire 3x Magma Spray 1x Vampire Nighthawk
No don't, terminate is so much better than dreadbore. Instant versus sorcery means so much.
4 nocturnus is too much for this deck, there isn't much room for more nobles it's pretty damn well balanced now. If your going outside of the confines of standard there are much better low cost creatures than noble for something like this. Blood Artist can be quite good however it isn't aggressive enough in such an aggressive deck again as there are better things.
Never would I do that, the blade is a damn powerful artifact for this deck, exquisite blood is too slow, and minimal for a deck like this.
As far as I can tell it seems like a well built zombie horde amassing mill deck. I don't much care for black cat, I think that you might be better off with a gravecrawler instead of the black cat because the gravecrawler keeps coming back for more, it also is cheaper to cast. Further a grimgrin could be interesting because he attacks 7 the first time he attacks at least, and he kills opponents creatures which could prove quite useful. Also let me know what you think of this version of another of my decks. link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=392857
Consider dropping the guildmages for geralf's messenger. It could well with a little more mana fixing and it combo's well with bone splinters and corpsejack and cryptborn horror. Also let me know what you think of this version of another of my decks. link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=392857
I think you might be better off with one less jarad and one more hydra, The hydra alone could win you a ton of games especially with so much mana accel and a corpsejack. Also let me know what you think of this version of another of my decks. link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=392857
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