Creatures: 3x Bloodline Keeper 2x Skirsdag High Priest 4x Blood Artist 2x Odric, Master Tactician Enchantments: 4x Intangible Virtue 3x Oblivion Ring Land: What you have here Planeswalkers: 2x Sorin Spells: 3x Midnight Haunting 4x Gather the Townsfolk 2x Increasing Devotion 4x Lingering Souls 3x Killing Wave Thats 60 and that is how I would do it for sure with B/W.
I love this deck!
Stromkirk Captains, Nighthawks, Nocturnus, Bloodline Keeper, Aristocrats? Just really not feeling the creature set up here. Also vampiric fury over dynacharge. It's strictly better with vampires like this. Dreadbore is also quite nice.
It's really clean and refined which I love. Only thing I'm not huge on is the Zombie Apocalypse, I would put in some kind of draw instead, think twice, ponder, brainstorm. Or drop those and maybe a Lich Lord for Geralf's Messnegers. Otherwise:
If you were to remove all the killing waves and blood artists? In this case I would probably put in Dreg Mangler, maybe Strangleroot Giest if your worried the 4 new 3 drops is gonna be rough on the mana curve though I don't see much of a problem when it comes to Dreg cause of the haste. Instead of Killing Waves I would add in tragic slip and or bonesplinter(s) nice kill card when you have gravecrawlers and even better with messenger's or maybe the Sever the Bloodline. Still seriously hate that Vraksa, I would sell her before she drops majorly in price again and becomes worth nothing and buy Thragtusks in place.
Absolutely man, best of luck with the deck it looks pretty good, and with vault I think this is gonna be ridiculous.
Hate Demonlord however I think I see his purpose here. Drop him in trigger an undying from another creature and blood artist. Nice synergy. Don't see it happening often but interesting and cool non-the-less. Land, without anything that is ramping you and a high curve I would run 22-23 not 21. The extra(s) will make a difference. Vraska, hated the card when it release in the "leaks" or what have you, hated it when it actually released, still hate it. And not because it's good but because I think it is a useless dead drop without any gain in board presence. Her Ultimate is even lack-luster in comparison to most others. Her destroy non-land permanent is the only really useful one and that only triggers 2 times in 3 turns with her dying, and that is if she doesn't pull aggro from your opponent(s) creatures, or a detention sphere, or a dreadbore. Bone Splinters, badass, I'm glad I'm not the only one who was made the connection that this card in the right place is amazing. 1 mana for a kill is so good when the sacrifice isn't to a disadvantage for you like when you have undying (here) or zombies with undying or gravecrawler's persistence (me). This is an amazingly easy fix or tweak to make to this deck that will make it super badass as far as I am concerened. -2 Vraska +1 Swamp +1 Forest (Hell since your doing mostly undying anyways you could even put in grim backwoods and use the utility to draw you cards and trigger the undying. /shrug)
You need a strong finisher, a desecration demon, worldspine wurm, thragtusk (best one). Personally feel like Dreg Mangler would serve better than blood artist. Blood artist doesn't serve as well in B/G zombies as a hasty 3 drop does. Vraksa is pretty much a dead drop, waste of a card slot, too expensive without much gain in board presence. Her ultimate is underwhelming even especially when your playing against dreadbore and detention spheres and can't counter them. Killing Wave doesn't seem effective mainboarded, unless your playing alot of aggro decks and your ahead, or matched up with them and you have a blood artist out. Otherwise control and midrange won't care much which is most of your match ups. Token's is about the only one that will be strongly affected, this is unless your plan is to killing wave yourself with a blood artist out and hope that it wins? Ultimate price is okay, rather see an extra tragic slip and 2 more abrupt than murder, personally hate the card cause 3 mana is a lot to dumb for one kill, or play tribute to hunger. This gives an opponent options however it gains you more life which is nice in a mirror match. Also deals with indestructible and hexproof (though there aren't really any issues with that currently). Sever the bloodline could be nice also because it deals with a lot of repeat cards, if someone plays 3 diregraf ghouls, or 4 2/2 drake tokens -> Sever the Bloodline (BOOM!) So what I would do basically. -1 Blood Artist -2 Deathrite Shaman -2 Vraksa -1 Killing Wave -3 Murder +2 Thragtusk +3 Dreg Mangler +1 Sever the Bloodline +1 Abrupt Decay +2 Tribute to hunger
Too many 1 and 2 of's I would focus it more. Cards I would get rid of: Izzet Saticaster Nivix Guildmage Past in Flames Essence Backlash
Sublime Archangel over Angel of Glory's Rise for sure, it's too expensive mana wise. Duty Bound Dead I would replace with Knight of Infamy cause Duty Bound Dead is not really that great with a 4 to regen and is useless as a turn 1 drop anyways more or less. If you do go with Sublime you could think about dropping the Arrester or Gaurdian's for lingering souls cause it gives you a higher amount of creatures that would have exalted plus some decent air defense. Since your black white also think about getting Vault of the Archangel. Lifelink and deathtouch... ehh I don't wanna block anymore... Just in case you read nothing else of this ---VAULT OF THE ARCHANGEL---
I like it, I think Highborn ghouls and rancor are under rated and possibly mistakenly so on my part previously because them are a good answer to planeswalker threats when your talking about "USA" control or Bant Control with Jace's and tamiyo. However I think in place of 1 rancor and 1 highborn ghoul, or even 1 diregraf ghoul you should board in 2 thragtusk. It's a beast of a creature (haha pun, unintentional) gaining you 5 life, you get a 5/3 trample creature and if it leaves play for any reason you get a 3/3 in place, this give you a lot of benefit after a terminus or supreme verdict, and you could come back and win after that if you have rancor's and or dreg manglers in hand.
I would absolutely go B/R for vampire. Pillars, rakdos's return, searing spear, nobles, captains, dreadbores. Reasons being, you need to drop the mana curve, your expensive right now, nobles will help with that. Captains make vampires extreme potent adding first strike and extra power. Bonfire, mizzium mortars, just about anything other than mutilate would be good, with solid black your likely to wipe yourself out also, and if your playing control with white say hello to terminus also, your putthing yourself down. Instead of Murder you could do dreadbore, it's a sorcery but it kills planeswalkers and is cheaper, murder is too damn expensive mana wise to keep untapped when your trying to play creatures to keep up pressure. Also planeswalkers are a huge threat in current standard. Necropolis Regent is also just too mana heavy, she is good but there are much better creatures she only serves as a win more. Sorry to completely rebuild your deck like this but that is my strong feelings, I just don't think mono black has the right answers right now. If you really don't want to go B/R at least replace the mutilates with tragic slip or something like that, also drop the Necropolis for other creatures, probably bloodline and something else, bloodline is a really helpful piece, if you come against Thundermaw it is about the only thing you have to help you not take 5, cause you could keep a bloodline untapped, pass turn after they play it tap generating a flyer which wasn't hit by it's abilities that can then block, if you can then flip a keeper and have a nocturnus out it could also kill the dragon which could be fun, and you'll probably win next turn. (seriously though red with captains, nobles and dreadbores is really gonna help especially a captain and a nighthawk, first strike deathtouch... =D )
I feel like your mixing aggro with control in a weird manner. None of the creatures your using have real power other than Olivia which is only one of. Liliana doesn't seem like she is going do much your you. I would drop her and add 4 more creatures like an extra Voldaren, Thundermaw, or even Desecration Demon for a similar ability to Liliana's -2. Reasons I don't like Liliana here are, only 3 cmc which means dreadbore and abrupt decay become a threat, here +1 doesn't seem like it's great for you, -2 can be found else where and she dies after just a few uses especially if she pulls threat, and her ultimate which will almost never happen here is cool but not the best. I would replace faithless looting with something else, sign in blood or elvish visionary maybe. Best of Luck mate.
As for sideboard, Golgari Charm, Underworld Connections, Dreadbores, dethrite shaman, and extra mizzium mortars? Deathrite Shaman x3 Dreadbore x2 Golgari Charm x3 Underworld Connections x3 Mizzium Mortar x2 Abrupt Decay x2 Dreadbore against planewalker heavy decks, Golgari charm cause of the enchantment destruction, Underworld for extra draw come against control. Mizzium extra creature control, and board wipes, Abrupt because it's a good uncounterable destruction spell. Deathrite against re-animator, or control making extra use out of graveyards. Other than that I don't know what to say about them or how to board them in, it's just a suggestion for starters.
Cool, very similar to my Jund Zombies actually ( However there are just a few things I would say. Your mana base scares me, if it's consistent for you cool leave it. Blood Artist, I was going to say he doesn't fit however I think because you using Bonfire and Mizzium Mortars he could work well when you wipe the opponents board. However 4 seems high, I don't think that he is something I would be overly happy to see a ton of in one game when looking for more aggressive creatures. Dreg Mangler, I think this is the most powerful card in a zombie deck right now, truly an amazing creature. A 3/3 with haste and scavenge makes him quite potent. I've been up against tap out control and he is one of the few cards that I get through with, having 4 of him and 4 messengers is what wins it, cause they come out and the opponent is losing life. I would think about going 4 of on him especially for combo-ing with Lotleth. Deathrite Shaman, cool card effective for certain matches. Sideboard card if I had to say something about her. Don't think she fits well in mainboard, that opens up 2 for Dreg? Just saying. Love the spell lay out, I wish I could suck up the guy punch it is to buy 2 bonfires.
Interesting, technically not a legal deck, demonic tutor, and painter's servant are both banned cards. Though ignoring that it's interesing, I don't use the use of Cremate really. Other than that it's cool and seems to be potentially effective with that combo.
In place of something else or going to 62 cards. Cause I don't know how to do the prior, and I don't want to do the later. I think that this is probably about right for the deck, unless I drop the unsummon or ultimate price?
Okay, it works in some respects, countering isn't nearly as effective as it should be in this deck, running more burn tends to do good, dissipate is too much mana even with being a control deck like this, negate served better.
Thanks, I thought it could be really fun.
Interesting, and cool. Love the name, you get a like just for being creative. No interest in going with some red to get Rakdos's Return, it could help with shrieking affliction. This is interesing tech, I would take a look at this video it runs a semi-similar idea:, I put up list here also:
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