I think you should drop out 2 cards to add two more lands. 22 lands and the llanowars should suffice but 20 seems too small. If you play tested it and it works consistently thats fine but just by looks I would say your a little mana short be to playing as many big mana heavy creatures as you are.
To many islands for Geralf's messenger's. Other than that nice deck.
Prefer to keep the deck cheaper in mana and price, thragtusk is too much $$ and a 5 drop I would like to avoid. Also it does nothing for this deck in the long run. I'm aiming more to fast damage to the face than I am about building up for 5 gain in life and a creature that will die really quick whilst having done little in comparison to hellrider or something which will be more beneficial in the long run.
That's a good thing? It would hurt me if I was casting a lot of stuff from the graveyard. In terms of increasing savagery I won't care if I take 3 or whatever if I'm getting back 10 damage in counters.
A few issues I believe.First: Your 5 cards over 60, for the sake of the deck and making it viable remove 5.Second: I think it would be good to add in vampire nocturnus, it's an amazing buffer creature, and it is better than bloodline keeper.Third: I do not think that white is adding much of anything to the deck it is slowing you down it adds nothing of great interest other than Sorin.Fourth: Midnight Haunting is useless in comparison to lingering soulsFifth: Slaughter Games isn't as good as surgical extraction.Sixth: I think Gatekeeper of Malakir is a really good creature that your forgetting, also Kalastria Highborn is also an amazing creature you should be running. Vampire are better in bigger numbers than you seem to be focusing on, you have a decent amount of spells. I've had better luck with primarily high numbers of creatures. Seventh: Arc trail is okay but I think lightning bolt is better. dreadbore seems useless when you have better kill spells you can utilize such as terminate, go for the throat, unmake (if your playing against indestructible creatures).
Too many 1 of's, you should focus the deck more, also Falkenrath Marauders suck, and so does nightbird's clutches. I would straight up drop each and add in 2 more terminates. At least then your at 60 cards not 62.
I would drop the harvesters because they are expensive don't work as well here, and you need to get down to 60 cards (well should). I think you are in need of some kill cards. One of the best things going for black as a color is the kill, murder, tragic slip, bone splinters etc. With the amount of islands you have in the deck your going to be kicking yourself in the ass constantly because it will severely screw your deck. I played U/B zombies back prior to the ravinca rotation so I know how it goes with dual lands. I would suck it up and buy 4 drowned catacombs, get 2-3 evolving wilds and 2 islands. More than that and the amount of blue your pulling isn't going to allow you to play geralf's messenger until way to late in the game. I use him in a R/B vampire/zombie deck and I only was running one mountain cause I'm short one blood crypt and that mountain alone screwed with my ability to play the messenger turn 3 or 4.
Seems like you don't have much land, some useless nonbasics, also I'd consider putting in Primalcrux (could be such a badass here!) and Gaea's Liege due to the making opponents lands into forests thing considering your general gives all your elves forestwalk anyways. Finally Rofellos could be a nice add in here, if you can find the room.
I'd drop a Falkenrath Noble for the fourth Blood Artist. Also I would drop a Midnight Haunting or Gather the Townsfolk for the fourth Lingering Souls. Divine Deflection could also be fun.
Wow, in my temporary absence I actually received a handful of comments which I appreciate. I have a few ghost quarters around so I'll put them into a sideboard when I get around to making one, also rewind might find a slot, though not 100% sure about it, I tried it once before and it only mana drained me pretty bad cause my rewind was negated. We will see though. I had left three slots open for finishers, and I've thought about using Vampire Nighthawk however I feel like with a good U/B control deck like this you need more in the line of HUGE mana hungry finishers like Grave Titan. Sphinx of Uthun fits this decently, Stormtide works also, Talrand is cool but I'm worried about how easy he is to remove, same with nighthawk now that I'm thinking about it, Abrupt kills it, searing spear (one of the most popular burn cards right now). I think primarily though this is going to be a deck that will be finished come the next set from Ravnica, with I believe the dimir house's release. There should be some good U/B cards that will fit here, or even just mono blue or black.
It's not exactly about how much mana you can produce that is the issue, it's the consistency of getting the right amount of lands, I play 22 lands to 38 cards most of the time, I'm 19 to 41 in one of my recent build ideas but everything is only 1-2 mana. Noble I just think could have a better replacement but that is me, I think it's an overpriced card just for the ability but hey to each his own, you have a specific strategy for the deck with is cool. Lightning Bolt may be powerful but I don't think that it is overpowered per say, cards that are overpowered are things like Jace, the Mind Sculptor and Skull Clamp etc, cards that are banned which lightning bolt is not but if it is outside your block imposed limit, which basically you seem to be saying standard then alright,. --> --> As far as your imposed limit goes then you have two cards that aren't inside the limit, incinerate and Rakdos Carnarium. As far as burn spells inside of standard I wouldn't really have much to include, bonfire is good but way to expensive ($45 a piece last I looked) pillar of flame is a good one if your playing against anything like zombies with regen or cards that return like gravecrawler or undying. ---Final note, even if a land produces black mana it does not count as a black card, lands are colorless as far as Nocturnus' ability is concerned, this is why historically back when he was in standard as M11 people played Sign in Blood Along side him to remove top deck lands and red cards.
Cut out about 7 cards, add in 2 land and you'll be better off. 20 land with 45 cards is not a good consistent way to play. Your creatures are okay but if your willing to dig into extended/ modern/ casual play I would drop out the noble for something else like gatekeeper of malakir, kalastria highborn, bloodghast, pulse tracker, child of night. There are many other better cheaper faster vampire out there, personally don't think noble has a place anywhere other than the "excess cards" box. A few of the vampires I suggested should be cheap enough that it isn't a problem to get a play set others may be a little more, bloodghast is about a $20 set. Further, searing spear has a strictly better than in lightning bolt. As far as Volcanic Geyser, or Street Spasm... Fireball, Devil's play, and there are others that are better, cheaper versions of these cards. Other than that it's not a bad construction, the rest comes down to the money dumps in lands if ever it comes to that. Dragonskull Summit, Blood Crypt, and the fast land which the name I am currently forgetting and I don't feel like looking it up right now.
Underworld connections, and slaughter games could be nice for sideboard, also tormod's crypt. Searing Spear maybe. I would drop off one of the murders or dreadbores for an extra rakdos's return. Seems like that is one of the better cards in the deck. Not that you need it but this came to mind for a back-up strategy is deathrite shaman and evolving wilds, gives you more mana ramp also with black you can slow down re-animator and do some damage. (not the best strategy per say though, just came to mind)
Pretty well laid out actually. The only thing I think should absolutely be changed is dropping the Vraska, either for another Garruk, or a Thragtusk. However if you went for the Thragtusk (personally think it's the better of two options) I would then drop something else off like 1 Highborn Ghoul to make room for 2 Thragtusks. In general I think the Thragtusk is just short of needed, it's an amazing creature. It gives you major stake on the board and gains quite a bit of advantage.
Not sure if you've heard of it, I believe this was a popular combo some time back. Quillspike+Devoted Druid (+rite of consumption *optional*). Not a turn 2 win but it's probably more reliable. and you don't have to run off of your life to do it.
Consuming Vapors could be fun here, 2 kills for four mana, and gains you some life back. Rakdos's Return could also be fun cause it does damage, and drops them cards.
Battle Hymm is absolutely a good mention here, thats genius I never thought about how that could mana pump eldrazi soo much.
Your running really mana heavy everywhere. You need to dumb it down a lot to make this work better. 2-3 Bloodline not 4 Markov Partician is okay, not great to easy to remove Vampire Interloper is alright but it's 2 mana can't block and doesn't return, not really that good either Marauders suck I would remove Captain good 4 of, needed here combo's well (really well) with Nighthawk Nighthawk, love it one of the best vampires around (along with Nocturnus) Nocturnus, perfect here, 2 of works well and it's a great finisher for vampires (however I would think about sign in blood because of him being able to return a top deck black to keep the buff) Necropolis Regent, ...cool... useless. It's a mana heavy win-more card; it does nothing for you. Lands: Need some dual lands, Dragonskull Summit is cheap so that would be priority one, then blood crypts if you can afford them Spells: Hate murder with a passion it's mana heavy for a kill spell and with B/R your left with no shortage of kill spells. Searing Spear will take care of a lot of creatures and gives a good power punch to an opponent directly if needed. Brimstone is better than murder also, more splash-able and dual purpose. Tragic Slip and most of all DREADBORE. That is a main spell for B/R cause it's only 2, kills anything, and also planeswalkers which are major threats in standard. Creatures I would strongly consider. Stromkirk Noble, Blood Artist, Rakdos Cackler, Falkenrath Aristocrat, Olivia Voldaren, Ash Zealot is a good consideration despite not being a vampire, haste and first strike is good, and it can be a good hosier against flashback and snapcaster. (also for fun Skirsdag High Priest could be fun cause it's only 2cmc and can technically generate a 5/5 flying demon) This is what my B/R vampires look like now (ignore the comments I made this one over an old deck which was splashing for humans also): http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=395249
Child of Night isn't in standard good sir. Also I haven't looked over the deck a lot, however I think Nocturnus is one of the best vampires.
I think Goblin Guide is probably better here than grim lavamancer unless your worried about tarmogoyf in which case deathrite shaman is probably better than lavamancer since it doesn't care which graveyard you use, also surgical extraction would be fun also in that case if you kill a goyf or whatever. Other than the lavamancer I think this is a totally badass deck, I love some of these cards and the general construction: take a look at my modern deck and lemme know what you think and suggestions you have, it would be greatly appreciated (I get the feeling you'll have some good idea's or criticism): http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=401078
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