Not bad though I don't see the need for black here. I see the cards using black but it seems only like it's going to screw with your mana base besides Sorin is okay, Vraska sucks, sever the bloodline can be replaced.Selesyna Charm is good enough in place of bloodline I think. Throw in some Centaur Healer's or Loxodon smiter's in place of the Sorin's and Vraska's, maybe even a rancor or 2 or 3 up to you. Sundering Growth can replace the Golgari Charm and Abrupt Decay here.
Nice RDW man! Interesting route though, no Thundermaw's which is fine cause your going goblin's for more hellrider triggers. Though I'm not sure of the placement I think it would do you well you use Ash Zealot as it is an amazing creature for red. 2/2 Haste, First Strike, your not using much if anything from the graveyard so it will probably benefit you more than it will your opponent considering Gravecrawler, Unburial Rites, Snapcaster etc. aka decks using some graveyard regen/flashback whatever.With that said I think you could be better off going with Reverberate instead of increasing vengeance because vengeance only works for you spells and it's flashback seems unlikely as you should win before you can flashback a searing spear or something for 9 to the face. Reverberate allows you to copy spells from an opponent as well as yours. So for all you know it presents a good counter-counterspell or something like that.Vexing Devil, still not and will never be sold on this card. I just don't see it as it will always be played to your downside. Unless your only want with the card is to burn someone early or provide small tempo mid game.
Cool, I'm not sure if it will stand up to good bant control or junk rites or 4(5)-color reanimtor/control like decks that will be able to get our Angel of Serenity faster, and be swinging in faster and harder with Thragtusk's and Restorations angels.If anything I think that Supreme Verdict should be 1 mainboard 2 sideboard while 4 mainboard terminus. Supreme Verdict I don't like cause of rootborn defenses, faith's shield, golgari charm etc which will just play down your board wipes effectiveness. Other than that I think you might have trouble stabilizing, though you do have the entreat the angels which would help. But it's impossible to set up a board wipe into a good (miracle) entreat the angels. I think it's good to use a terminus turn 4-5-6 depending on mana ramp, miracle or whatever then the following into a thragtusk. Terminus burns out the opponent unless they are running more control like deck in which I would sideboard for more supreme verdicts based on their counters and draw spell ability.Guess that is up to you though, best of luck with the deck all the shame.
Thank you sir!!!Searing Spear in place of Victim done, keeping the one murder for just in case sort of places with issues like loxodon smiter, though dreadbore should do the trick I want to try murder out once. dreadbore despite being sorcery speed is back in in place of abrupt decay cause of the shift to red and because of decay's limited target base in standard with soo many 4+ mana creatures.Your the one who wore me down to the putting more red in which I think I became more comfortable with when I took out Geist, farseek, and put in keyrunes. Farseek became keyrunes as you saidShaman I moved one to sideboard. I'm too interested in trying him out seeing how he goes too completely move him to sideboard yet.Searing Spear went in in place of victim, if I find a place for pillar I'll put them in but as of now I'm okay without them. Golgari charm and abrupt in sideboard for detention sphere and o-rings. Rakdos Charm does nothing for me as far as I can tell so that is one I don't plan on going with at least for now.Geist dropped in favor of another falkenrath more mana (tried fixing the mana up a bit also).I'm not going for the 4th blood artist I think 3 is the right number I see them in multiples almost every game and if all I see is blood artist I'll be screwed. Another Aristocrat made it in despite my best effort considering their considerable worth right now (I pulled 4 back when they were only $4 each and sold 2 when they made $25). Slitherhead is a 100% no go, useless ass creature, especially when I could be using either diregraf ghoul, or deathrite shaman both are considerably better creatures. Sever the bloodline.. I hate this card actually but I could see it's value with the high amount of bant control where you see all 4 copies of thragtusk by the end. Savagery is gone and I believe I put in in place of Wolfir Silverheart which can be a fantastic creature with Lotleth and or anything else really because he can cause a confusion of which creature to kill. At least he slows down an opponent when they have to react to him by either killing him and still dealing with a good threat from something else or killing the other and leaving open a soulbond with a aristocrat next turn or something.Having gone this far red I feel like I should have just gone with my vampire build and played in some green for a lotleth gone mostly vampire and throw in that extra Olivia or 2 which I could use her shock ability to make Lotleth into a vampire which would buff him having vampire lords out such as bloodline keeper stromkirk captain etc.
Other than sorcery speed I would agree but if I went that route it would have been dreadbore I think instead. At my store I don't play a lot of zombies, werewolves, or vampires, murder is mana-heavy for a kill spell, abrupt decay doesn't get the targets I need. Whole series of problems with kill spells as far as I can tell this is just the one I'm thinking is best here.
Thanks for the comment and suggestions. Murder and victim in favor of dreadbore: Though I agree to an extent I have two issues with doing that. Firstly dreadbore is a sorcery speed kill, I have these here in favor of instant speed. I thought about putting dreadbore in sideboard which I will update later tommorrow probably. Secondly it requires a more integrated red base in the deck which I was aiming more for B/G with the small splash for 2 Aristocrats as finishers, and combo with geralf because sac'ing a not yet undying geralf is a good way to cap an opponent for the last little damage and win.Shaman in favor of artist: I'm not even sure about Artist in the first place in this deck as I'm focusing here a decent amount on lotleth and he shouldn't be dying. Especially if I drop the strangleroot I'm screwed as far as good blood artist triggers. Also for me 3 is a tried and true number with artists for whatever reason. I usually get 1 or even 2 per game and they have served me well at that number.Troll and Geist in favor of aristocrats and voldaren: Though I like them a lot (Aristocrat and Voldaren) I don't think this is the deck for them with the low red integration and such. If anything I would completely rebuild the deck as more of a B/R with green splash if I went this route. Not to mention I think I would be more happy with the power that way. My B/R vampires could add some green for extra mana and power which could be a good upside possibly. Though I have kind of shot down your advice I will look into rebuilding this deck in a different manor using some of the suggestions. I like the hasty aggro of this deck and want to try it out before going more B/R and midrange on it. If anything right now I think I will probably drop the increasing savagery in favor of Wolfir Silverheart for the power boost.
I don't like how re-animator will nearly kill me, if I have to rely on having that much health left I could be screwed. I just like the recursion of unburial rites because if I use buried alive I can get all three creatures back with one card.
Yep I know, thanks for pointing that out anyways. Though I do see the issue that raised this problem, I labeled it legacy... I guess I just didn't know what else to call it.Wasn't going as much for legacy, or any tournament play-ability as this deck is probably weak against many other strategies, or could be completely stopped by a handful of cards. P.S. Sol Ring is also banned in legacy.
To be honest I didn't put too much effort into thinking through this deck so I skipped over some stuff. I'm glad you caught onto some of it though. Champion could be really good, faith's shield will help.Though I am relying on a bit of luck here also, I haven't seen a lot of use of kill spells recently so I can only hope I would be so lucky still. Otherwise I do understand the problem with "all you eggs in one basket" problem that this presents. Honestly I actually run a B/R Vampire-Zombie mix usually which has the last 3 times gotten me top 8, top 2, top 8 (would have been top 4 at least but I kept a hand I shouldn't have because opponent went for immediate play so instead of going... "dude... I never said keep, I'm going for a mulligan" I played.
Nope, cause Birds are not standard legal. This is a standard legal deck as it stands.
Not bad though I think you could do well with gather the townsfolk, thalia, and silverblade paladin's. Angel of Glory's rise I was going to say was a poor choice but here it could be fun because if you creatures goes to the graveyard it's just a rites to glory and win! Not bad though I would tweak creatures choices a little bit. Also if you can get some of the shock lands cause I think your going to run into a handful of problems with the tap lands like isolated chapel and such.
Too many 1 of's, bad creatures, bad spells, no dual lands. Too lazy to get through with more detail than that.BlightningDragonskull SummitBlackcleave CliffsBlood CryptGraven CairnsKalastria HighbornBlood ArtistGatekeeper of MalakirStromkirk NoblePulse TrackerVampire InterloperGuul Draz VampireBlade of the BloodchiefTerminateDreadboreLightning BoltIncinerate
Ooops! Thanks for pointing that out, things I need to pay a little better attention to.I think I'm going to replace Barren Moor with a few other lands and a few Elvish Visionary for extra discard creatures and draw if need be.Hymm to Tourach is becoming Wrench Mind I suppose.
Stromkirk Captains. Currently you have set in the deck two white "Captain of the Watch" you need to replace those with 2 stromkirk captains.Also your at 59 cards add in another B/R dual land of any kind, graven cairns or blood crypt. Hell even rakdos guildgate as a 2-3 off might be helpful if you can't afford a few blood crypts.
Thank you sir!
Your running some kill spells but nothing great. You should use some go for the throat, doom blade, Unmake even (personally love the spell because it removes any creature so long as it isn't shrouded).Ankh of Misra isn't a card I would use here because why bother with it when your gonna be needing to use land a decent amount with a mana heavy deck. Remove those and add 2 land (swamps probably).You have a pretty good selection of creatures, if you focused more on the ones that are better for you and for this build you would be better off. I don't believe Guul Draz Assassin will or is doing much for you, nor is Sangromancer.Personally after they started releasing B/R vampires I won't use anything but a B/R build for this.Captains (useful as hell, makes Vampire Nighthawk into a nightmare of an attacker or even worse as a blocker cause first strike+ deathtouch, deadly f'ing combo).Terminate (amazing kill spell!)Lightning Bolt (One of the better spells ever!)Stromkirk Noble (Pretty good, useful as a one drop, though I do love Pulse Tracker)Besides with vampires your not running into the problem as much with heavy color costed creatures like Geralf's Messenger which as bbb can screw with what you can run as far as mana and still have a consistent deck here you could run a few mountains and dragonskulls and be okay in every way as far as mana goes.My deck that I think might help you out a little bit:
So close to EDH (that is why it is unloved. Your running a lot of 1 of's and 80 cards, mill it down to a more consistent 60 with some staying power. Also sideboard is legally limited to 15 cards).
I'm not that good with sideboards but I'll try here.4x Dissipate (can be useful, good against major creature threats)4x Duress (think this is an amazing card, I sideboard it a decent amount last FNM *which I made top 4*)3x Murder (instant kill is good to have, one of my bigger issues at FNM was craterhoof because of haste, if I was running murder it would have been a lot easier)2x Sleep (cause it could be a pretty good chance at winning. It presents you with 2 turns of more or less block free attacking and saves you some good like also. Don't ever see it used but I think it could be fun, don't see a lot of counter spells in mid-range/aggro decks so it seems like a decent card)2x Vampire Nighthawk (powerful creature really good chump blocker gains you some life and kills the creature)
Gyre Sage does look pretty good I would think about using it here instead of farseek maybe.dormi rade seems pretty cool as far as a planeswalker. If I feel like it I might try her out here.Clan defiance seems to be a really nice card, so if I do go with Gyre Sage then it opens up better mana opportunity for a good cast on that card which could be really useful. There is another card that I thought could be fun but I'm forgetting it's name right now, I believe it's {r/g} {r/g} to cast then it gives you {r} {g} which opens up the ability to play it and then off it's mana play lightning mauler giving each haste on the soulbound and swinging in for a good 4+ damage turn 2.
Needs to drop darkslick shores also for something else in that case. As there is no reason he has to drop off anything and make it standard if he/she doesn't care if it is built for extended, modern, legacy etc. Though I think the deck might be most viable in standard with changes that is just one opinion though.I like the deck other than your mana, it seems as though your running islands when you need not be. I would drop the islands in place of the last two darkslick shores, and watery grave(s) if you feel a need for as much blue as your running. I played a U/B zombies prior to this last rotation and only used darkslick shores and drowned catacombs.
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