
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

I am so going to make a word of winds deck.

Posted 25 July 2014 at 00:41 in reply to #485974 on Kazzong, Hokey, and Artifacts


Tolaria west is good. And I could search for my walker out any lands with it. But I think that the 1 mana transmute card might fit better because I have way more 1 mana cards (excluding game).

However, the question stands: What would I take out for either? I really like gamble because it gives me a chance to put a creature in the graveyard, so I can utilize goblin welder.

However, since you made a suggestion, what do you think?

Posted 24 July 2014 at 16:40 in reply to #486157 on metal meanies


Well, it is still a standard card, if that is your requirement. Or are you just building an M15 set deck, and not standard in general?

I shall look at M15 add see if I can help you out with this deck. :)

Posted 24 July 2014 at 03:22 in reply to #486736 on 1st Standard deck in 12 Years


What about sphere of safety?

Posted 23 July 2014 at 18:02 as a comment on Budget Decks: Imprisoned


KnightoftheHokeyPokey, yes... I know it is triggered by an artifact which Mox Opal is... and it adds the blue mana that master transmuter needs to swap creatures, and it is free to put out. but it isn't a creature... so it does have some drawbacks if you want to swap creatures I guess.

and Jessie.... I don't know. I will have to check out words of wind and let you know.

Posted 23 July 2014 at 06:27 in reply to #485974 on Kazzong, Hokey, and Artifacts


Knights can be cool.

Posted 22 July 2014 at 22:33 in reply to #486167 on Tribal challenge! Whats yours?


I tried to think of what creatures might benefit from dying, that could be a good game ending card, and wurmcoil engine is what came up.

Posted 22 July 2014 at 20:48 in reply to #486157 on metal meanies


That's awesome. :)

Posted 22 July 2014 at 19:27 in reply to #485901 on Tanngrisnir, Tanngnjóstr, and friends


To ensure that you have the mana, you might consider mox opal. Unless mirran spy requires an artifact creature. In which case, my sure what to tell you.

Posted 22 July 2014 at 16:00 in reply to #485974 on Kazzong, Hokey, and Artifacts


not just your creatures... everything on the board. :)

Posted 22 July 2014 at 09:47 in reply to #485542 on enchanting


transmuter/welder deck finished. :)

Posted 22 July 2014 at 09:46 in reply to #485546 on enchanting


ok, I was about to ask how this deck works... but then I realized how stupid I would look. The Springjack shepherd is a token spam engine, and everything else either makes more it more effective or allows for it to be bounced in some way. :) very cool.

now it looks great on paper, but how well does it do IRL?

Posted 22 July 2014 at 09:44 as a comment on Tanngrisnir, Tanngnjóstr, and friends


ok... so here is my take on the master transmuter and goblin welder deck. :) let me know what you guys think of it.


Posted 22 July 2014 at 09:33 as a comment on Kazzong, Hokey, and Artifacts


Wumpus has a goat tribal? I should take a look at it.

oh, and doomed traveler was great in standard... when it WAS standard. human, and generated a flying token, all for W?!?!?!?!? selsnya goldmine card.

Posted 22 July 2014 at 09:26 in reply to #485344 on Static Ability Challenge


throw in etched monstrosity, of course.

Posted 22 July 2014 at 09:20 in reply to #485854 on Kazzong, Hokey, and Artifacts


I don't think that it does. but I could be wrong... best way to find out is to check the comprehensive rules on wizards of the coast official site. I will look and find out.

Edit: I am completely wrong. it does stack. :) you have more than a single instance of affinity, then each of them has an effect on the card. :) so having chief engineer and the Golem that gives artifacts affinity... dang.

Posted 22 July 2014 at 09:11 in reply to #485854 on Kazzong, Hokey, and Artifacts


ok, so to answer your question as to whether convoke and affinity stack, yes. :)

Posted 22 July 2014 at 07:47 in reply to #485854 on Kazzong, Hokey, and Artifacts


sounds good.

Posted 22 July 2014 at 07:45 in reply to #485584 on M15 Hushwing Meets Torpor Orb


ah... but not all the goats ARE 1/1s. enter coat of arms and (for more abuse) mirror entity. make all your creatures goats, and they all get +1/+1 for each other goat.

Posted 22 July 2014 at 07:27 in reply to #484630 on the goat deck


goats!!! my brother made a goat recently. :)

Posted 22 July 2014 at 07:19 in reply to #485344 on Static Ability Challenge


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