
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

it does not count as creature coming into play, as the permanent has already entered, so Death Match isn't triggered.

Now if you had something like... ambush commander out, that would work as your forests come into play as lands.

as for decks to check out. um... I do have a couple of new ones that I posted fairly recently. Merieke, and www.youlose.com.
I would like some feedback on those. or... anything else that you feel like looking at really. I am not picky. :)

Posted 14 January 2015 at 00:38 in reply to #528815 on Entire deck of Legendary Cards


I am kinda surprised that you don't have leyline of singularity in here. I know it itself isn't legendary, but it works so well with them. :)
or mirror gallery.

Posted 13 January 2015 at 20:34 as a comment on Entire deck of Legendary Cards


not a bad suggestion, but it cant go in here as it doesn't have defender. :(

Posted 13 January 2015 at 06:13 in reply to #528633 on Budget Decks: Rainbow Guardian


why? not sure if this is a troll post or not...

Posted 13 January 2015 at 06:12 in reply to #528124 on Deck of Wits and Stupidity


Indeed it would.

Posted 12 January 2015 at 09:00 in reply to #528175 on merieke


a good sideboard card here would be spidersilk armor, to deal with flyers. :) venom is another fun card. kills things without having to actually deal damage.

Posted 11 January 2015 at 04:34 as a comment on Budget Decks: Rainbow Guardian


not sure that you understand how fast this deck can be.

Posted 10 January 2015 at 07:24 in reply to #528218 on Budget Decks: Rainbow Guardian



this is for sure my favorite deck that you have made North. :)
I kind of have a soft for for oddball decks, and so a few years ago I did a defender deck as well. although mine is Naya, not rainbow.

this looks pretty fun. :)

Posted 09 January 2015 at 12:21 as a comment on Budget Decks: Rainbow Guardian


Lol... I totally understand what you are saying. I also have a very small and SOMETIMES interested playgroup. so we really only play MTG occasionally anyways. they would be hard pressed to try a new format. even something like draft or sealed, much less EDH as it requires a bit more thinking for optimization (for a new player.)

Posted 09 January 2015 at 04:15 in reply to #526968 on Think Small (30 $)


I don't know if I would say boring Jessie. Just... less variety because of format constraints.
If you don't know the format well then it is far harder to create decks for. but if you DO know the ins and outs... it is far easier because you already know what works and what doesn't. in that sense it is just like Standard, because you already know what people are going to throw at you from any given deck archetype.

I personally don't play EDH or commander because I don't find it interesting, simply for that reason. I like my casual kitchen table magic that isn't limited by any particular format other than ban lists I guess. It allows for variety, and unique concepts to be played to their fullest. even if they aren't very powerful in the traditional MTG sense. :)

I also love draft and sealed deck tourneys. super fun to me.
now coming up with a new format, that might be interesting. :)

Posted 08 January 2015 at 08:25 in reply to #526968 on Think Small (30 $)


don't know. Just asking since I don't play EDH, so I am not overly familiar with the color limitations part of the rules.
so... yeah, It The Betrays would be a best with Thraximundar.

Posted 08 January 2015 at 03:59 in reply to #526968 on Think Small (30 $)


oh dang. even better. great use for that card. I love it when you find an awesome use for a mostly poor card. It throws people for a loop, and is super fun to see their reaction. :)

Posted 07 January 2015 at 11:33 in reply to #527462 on Deck of Wits and Stupidity


mono blue infinite turns sounds very plausible. :)

Posted 07 January 2015 at 11:30 in reply to #527609 on Infinite Turns!


do you by any chance run It That Betrays in that Thraximundar deck? or would that not be allowed since it is technically colorless?

Posted 07 January 2015 at 11:29 in reply to #526968 on Think Small (30 $)


if you would do this competitive, how would you run it?

Posted 02 January 2015 at 08:25 in reply to #526560 on [Standard/Infinite-Combo] Bees


Jessie, in answer to your question, I would say that I think guttersnipe would be more... consistent, but Swiftspear could take bigger chunks of life at a time.

however I feel that Swiftspear is a bit out of place in a deck based around non-combat damage.

in the end though it is your call. :) whichever you think would work better is what you should put in.

Posted 02 January 2015 at 05:08 in reply to #526410 on Soulfire Grand Master


I think that while Swiftspear isn't bad, it isn't nearly as good as you are making it to be. I think that it is far easier to prevent combat damage from a creature than non-combat damage. so it may be able to swing for a bit more at a time than guttersnipe, but easier to deal with. just because a creature can be pumped easily doesn't mean that it is invincible, even with burn support.

Burn is simple enough to deal with some protection or counter cards. I am not living in a magical Christmasland. But perhaps you are in thinking that burn is the be all end all in magic?

Counter burn, or spot removal would both be plenty to prevent damage from Swiftspear.

Posted 02 January 2015 at 04:52 in reply to #526410 on Soulfire Grand Master


I block with a 1/1 deathtouch and kill your game ender.

Posted 02 January 2015 at 02:33 in reply to #526410 on Soulfire Grand Master


no, I don't think that would make any sense with how it is stated on the card. MTG is very picky about how things are worded.

Soulfire Grand Master states that instants and sorceries you control gain lifelink. which essentially means that for each single point of damage they cause, you gain that much life.

Cards don't have to be creatures to deal damage, nor do they have to be permanents for them to be under you control. :)

so I think that this deck is the PERFECT way to use Soulfire Grand Master. Or at least the closest you could get without blue. :)

If Wizards had wanted to make it only apply to the cards that you put out with Manifest, then they would have put something like this:

Face down creatures you control gain lifelink.

That would make more sense to me.

Posted 01 January 2015 at 12:12 in reply to #526394 on Soulfire Grand Master


Treasure hunt, zombie infestation, AND battle of wits? very interesting. really like the use of elixir of immortality here as well. get all those discarded cards back for Battle of Wits. :)

Posted 01 January 2015 at 09:42 as a comment on Deck of Wits and Stupidity


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