
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

yeah in a deck like this I really can't praise wall of shards enough. :) it is a good kill clock.

Posted 14 January 2016 at 09:27 in reply to #572537 on Tainted Love


it is totally ok. we all have our moments... :)

false cure is fantastic. :) heck there are even some cards that work with it that would be... bad with tainted remedy actually, for instance there is a card similar to skyshroud cutter (in the alternate casting cost) that destroys all enchantments. so you hit your opponent for 6 life but then lose your kill card. with false cure you don't have that issue. :)

Posted 14 January 2016 at 05:33 in reply to #572537 on Tainted Love


meh, it is a fairly casual deck so not really competitive enough to warrant putting in shock lands, and evolving wilds suits my needs for fetch lands for the same reason.

Posted 12 January 2016 at 05:49 in reply to #572374 on heal you to death


How did I come up with it?

well, not sure really. I was browsing cards here on the vault and I came across a couple of interesting cards. ruby leech and bazar trader. I had a bazaar trader a while back, but I didn't like it so I didn't think much of it at the time.

I liked ruby leech and bazaar trader but I wasn't sure how to make use of it. at first I was going to put in the leech from each color, then a friend of mine told me about painter's servant, which made it much simpler. but it still was not ideal because ruby leech was actually a usable creature, so I decided to keep white and swap to alabaster leech instead.

so I put two and two together and this is pretty much what I came up with, after a few tweaks of course. :)

I was fascinated by prison decks at the time so... yeah. :)

Silence is really good, not sure if I need Ajani's presence but also a good card. it is good before I give alabaster leech to my opponent so that is certainly something to look into. my only problem is what I would swap it for. certainly a great sideboard card to be sure. :)

Posted 10 January 2016 at 23:53 in reply to #572286 on leeched lockdown 2.0


Yeah I am usually not a fan of forbidden orchard, but it's weakness becomes a tremendous strength in a deck like this. I am glad that you like it.

If you like odd but effective decks like this you might be interested in my deck called Leeched Lockdown. It should be close to the top of my first page.

Posted 10 January 2016 at 20:12 in reply to #572266 on killer apples


Fine by me. :)
I think that vizkopa guys really well with tainted remedy when you don't have any life gain cards in hand. Add really good with life gain cards when you don't have tainted remedy out. :)

Posted 10 January 2016 at 20:07 in reply to #572267 on heal you to death


I see. That makes much more sense then. :)
Yeah, I really like this deck a ton. :)

Posted 10 January 2016 at 19:59 in reply to #572252 on Tainted Love


I like this deck. I always like seeing people use tainted remedy, as it is such an oddball card. it just seems so good, but there are very few cards that make can make use of it really. but when you can... it makes W/B burn a pretty scary thing to see, particularly because life loss is harder to prevent than damage. not to mention life gain cards are usually pretty cheap to play, hence very effective and fast for just this kind of deck.
I think that you have done a great job of it here. :)

I have a similar deck, but no green, so no wall of blossoms and no heroes reunion.

my brother just finished a deck based on tainted remedy and false cure. he had some... interesting creatures in it, like Skyshroud Cutter.
normally a pretty horrible card. possibly worse than alms beast. Skyshroud Cutter is a 2/2 for 3G to play. BUT it has an alternate casting cost. if you control a forest then you may have each opponent gain 5 life instead of paying the 3G. :) might be a valuable card in here I think. :)

also, I am a bit curious about the overgrown battlements. they seem a bit out of place here. you have no real need for lots of green mana. perhaps I am missing something? either way... this deck gets a like from me. :) oh, I also really like the use of life burst!!! :)

Posted 10 January 2016 at 11:25 as a comment on Tainted Love


I don't think that you really need Ancestral Recall in here do you? or perhaps Gitaxian probe...?

Posted 05 January 2016 at 07:47 as a comment on fast landfall deck, turn 3 win


gotta love Juxtapose with Scornful Egotist. :)

Posted 03 January 2016 at 15:52 as a comment on ALL HAIL THE GREAT LORD EGOTIST


yeah Transmute for tutor is very good IF you have something specific to tutor for. that being said it is harder to counter as it is ability, so I like it a lot. :) plus it is cheaper than most generic search cards. :)

Posted 03 January 2016 at 15:44 in reply to #571569 on killer apples


very interesting. :) I don't think that it is competitive, but I approve, as it is really cool.

Posted 02 January 2016 at 04:05 as a comment on Balustrade fun fun shiny cheap


Yeah. Same thing here. :)

Posted 02 January 2016 at 00:21 in reply to #571519 on Relentless Rats Commander


you might think about having Thespian's stage in here, so you can have a second swarmyard.

Posted 01 January 2016 at 14:47 as a comment on Relentless Rats Commander


um... actually I would be interested in both. please share. :)

Posted 01 January 2016 at 12:14 in reply to #571464 on Druidic fury


I am a tad curious here, I see the infinite combo with krenko, intruder alarm and purphoros. but you say there is an infinite attack combo here, but I can't see it. or am I off in saying that?

Posted 28 December 2015 at 02:12 as a comment on Goblin Attack Infin-Combo


With what?

Posted 13 December 2015 at 02:59 in reply to #569935 on Molten Vortex!!!


perfect hand... gosh. perhaps something like this:
dark ritual x2
hive mind
psychic purge
horrifying revelation.

and draw a paradigm shift.

that would be a pretty good opening hand. perhaps drawing a few lands or land-cycling cards.

Posted 07 December 2015 at 00:46 in reply to #569403 on shared paradigm


indeed removal is also a bit of a nuisance.

I will sideboard Rebuff the Wicked to deal with removal.

as good as Pact of Negation is I can't run it in this deck because I can't pay the blue mana required to not lose the game at my next upkeep step. so even if my lock is in place I still lose if my opponent doesn't scoop.

and thanks for pointing out that I missed this. huge flaw that I missed. :)

EDIT: also thinking about Mana Tithe and Lapse of Certainty for this as well.

Posted 25 November 2015 at 19:12 in reply to #568582 on leeched lockdown 2.0


as a 1 of, sure it certainly doesn't hurt to have an instant kill card. in this deck it essentially says: target player loses the game.
so I can certainly see the value in that. like I said, I almost put it in my own, but I am sucker for little cheap cards rather than the big ones. although that philosophy may not apply in this particular style of deck.

let me know how this runs. I would be really interested to hear.

Posted 25 November 2015 at 04:48 in reply to #567869 on Life is fleeting


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