
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

dang, wall of shards is really awesome here. I missed it when I was making my Tainted Remedy deck. will have to side board it because of pure awesomeness.

cruel feeding is also an interesting choice here. the life link is super nice.

Posted 16 November 2015 at 21:16 as a comment on Life is fleeting


while I do like Lifelink, I decided that I liked Hopeful Eidolon better as it can double as a creature in a pinch. a bit on the expensive side yeah, but I will have to test it out and see which one I like better. thanks for the comment and +1.

Posted 16 November 2015 at 18:28 in reply to #567817 on heal you to death


@ Morty
I liked Rest for the weary as well, but I wasn't sure how... reliable, for lack of a better term, the landfall would be in this particular deck, so I went with life burst. Beacon looked a bit too expensive mana-wise for me, and congregate is really good, but only if there are a lot of creatures out. I won't be putting too many out, and I am hoping to keep my opponent's creatures to a minimum with some handy spot removal, so I decided to pass on that as well.

and I would love to take a look at your deck. thanks for commenting. :)

Posted 16 November 2015 at 18:27 in reply to #567825 on heal you to death


I would be curious to see what you guys think of my splinter twin deck.

Posted 14 October 2015 at 22:58 in reply to #563723 on How to Splinter Twin(???)


interesting. lots of lands, and lots of draw. not sure how I feel about the trade off discard for draw cards. seems... counterintuitive. but I guess it helps you get rid of the non--land cards that you don't need. so... not bad. and days' undoing reshuffles them that would be an excellent card for imprinting on something like mirror. however that isn't standard.

overall, not sure. I would have to see it played out before I passed judgement on it either way. looks fun though. :)

Posted 29 September 2015 at 07:23 as a comment on Vortex of Molten DOOM!


sweet. :)

Posted 23 September 2015 at 23:36 in reply to #562670 on Mana Tax: How to annoy anyone.


you looked at all the defender and wall decks? dang...

I would be curious to know what you thought of mine.

Posted 18 September 2015 at 08:21 in reply to #562399 on Budget Decks: Deadly Walls


what can I say? I love to play the game even when it appears that the odds are against me. and I think that my ally mill can hold it's own against most anything.

Posted 09 September 2015 at 07:18 in reply to #560273 on Molten Vortex!!!


as with any deck if you don't draw your key cards... but it looks like this deck has a decent draw engine so I don't think that would be too much of an issue.

Posted 09 September 2015 at 07:15 in reply to #561455 on Budget Decks: Deadly Walls


Right on. :)

Posted 07 September 2015 at 19:50 in reply to #561340 on How to Splinter Twin(???)


assault formation allows for creatures with defender to attack as if they didn't have it, for G. so that allows for some powerful blows as it also makes your creatures deal damage equal to their toughness instead of their power.

Posted 07 September 2015 at 19:49 in reply to #561455 on Budget Decks: Deadly Walls


hm... can't say. :( I haven't been in a few months. not sure what the current meta is. but it looks fairly efficient so...
I can imagine it doing alright.

might have trouble with control decks, but that tends to be in the nature of red anyways.

Posted 07 September 2015 at 19:20 in reply to #561342 on Spam, Wonderful Spam!


yeah, the angel combo wouldn't work at all.

Posted 07 September 2015 at 06:22 in reply to #561341 on Boros Kiki-Twin


token burn. good usage of impact tremors. :) disposable tokens to deal lots of damage. :)

Posted 06 September 2015 at 22:14 as a comment on Spam, Wonderful Spam!


interesting. good thing kik-jiki has haste.

Posted 06 September 2015 at 22:11 as a comment on Boros Kiki-Twin


Interesting. I designed a splinter twin deck a while ago. But it is red and blue. This looks like a lot of fun though, with all the burn. :)

Posted 06 September 2015 at 22:04 as a comment on How to Splinter Twin(???)


yeah... eldrazi... stupid expensive. and Necrumlsice, I never did play FNM when it zendikar block was standard. and Kor-blade does look pretty good. but I don't know. I would be interested in seeing how my mill deck did against it.

here is what I recall the deck being somewhat like.

it isn't an exact replica, but fairly close.

it is scary fast too. pretty sure you can mill most of a deck by turn 3 pretty consistently.

Posted 06 September 2015 at 21:42 in reply to #560273 on Molten Vortex!!!


NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I started playing MTG in that accursed block, and the OP decks haunt my dreams still... allies= OP, Eldrazi (done right)=OP, landfall... can be really good but is way too inconsistent... BUT IS STILL OP!!!!!!!!!

I made a ally mill deck once. white and blue... it was standard legal and could mill out 3 people all at once while having tough enough defenses that none of those 3 could hurt it!!!!! oh, and that is before a friend added a Mindsculptor to it.

om paper it doesn't look like much, but man... it is a nightmare to play against. if I had been playing FNM with it, I am sure it would have done very well.

Posted 31 August 2015 at 02:36 in reply to #560273 on Molten Vortex!!!


true, but how would you fit it in? also it costs W more to cast. so I am less inclined to run it because of that.

Posted 31 August 2015 at 02:30 in reply to #560419 on wormfang manta


interesting. I wonder how well this would stand up to my defender deck. :)

Posted 30 August 2015 at 04:13 as a comment on Budget Decks: Deadly Walls


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