
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

Indeed you shall. I, and probably most of us here, wish you the best of luck. :)

Posted 19 July 2014 at 02:34 in reply to #484601 on Static Ability Challenge


Yeah, that isn't a triggered ability. Although that is a neat idea. :)

Posted 19 July 2014 at 02:28 in reply to #484837 on M15 Hushwing Meets Torpor Orb


Went through Temp agency, made a good impression... Yeah. I have zero code skills though. Just testing.

Posted 19 July 2014 at 02:24 in reply to #484732 on M15 Hushwing Meets Torpor Orb


Microsoft is a good place to work for. even as a contractor at the bottom of the ladder. :)

Posted 18 July 2014 at 19:51 in reply to #484732 on M15 Hushwing Meets Torpor Orb


Why you not gonna post decks for a while? :(

Posted 18 July 2014 at 16:40 in reply to #484601 on Static Ability Challenge


Man, I an stoked!!!! Company I work for had a promo event yesterday and gave out M15 cards. Including a promo foil Soul of Ravnica, and two premade 30 card decks of the color of my choice. I chose black and blue. :)

Posted 18 July 2014 at 16:32 as a comment on M15 Hushwing Meets Torpor Orb


Torpor orb was.

Posted 18 July 2014 at 16:27 in reply to #484655 on M15 Hushwing Meets Torpor Orb


Or counter spells if you play blue.

Posted 18 July 2014 at 08:13 in reply to #484427 on M15 Hushwing Meets Torpor Orb


I do my best. :)

Posted 17 July 2014 at 22:34 in reply to #484156 on archbound junky


yeah, no problem. and thanks for helping him out. :)

Posted 17 July 2014 at 16:29 in reply to #484201 on ...And so did Northy return...


Hey Northy and anybody else too), got a favor to ask... might you be able to check out my brother's decks? He only has 5 on here. He is kinda shy, and has a hard time asking for comments and suggestions because he is fairly new here, and really new at deck building. But I know that he would really appreciate any advice or suggestions that people might be willing to give him.

He goes by Egotines here on the Vault.

Posted 17 July 2014 at 08:45 as a comment on ...And so did Northy return...


oh gosh... :) I don't know. but my phone has done that to me at least twice now... autocorrected side boarding into dude boarding. I am kind of frustrated by it I guess.

um... hmm... I can't think of anything. maybe tomorrow. almost 1 am where I am at.

regardless of that... any comments or suggestions for this deck?

Posted 17 July 2014 at 08:41 in reply to #484076 on sharpshooter


So not funny... :)

JESSIE!!!!! Spiff is picking on me...

Posted 17 July 2014 at 08:30 in reply to #484076 on sharpshooter


thanks. :) I and he both appreciate it a ton. :)

Posted 17 July 2014 at 07:55 in reply to #482934 on Budget: Grumpy Golems


side board. stupid autocorrect on my phone... :(

Posted 17 July 2014 at 07:54 in reply to #484076 on sharpshooter


ok... I can do that.
turn 1: lay a mountain and play goblin welder.
turn 2: lay an island and play an archbound ravager.
turn 3: lay a land and play intruder alarm.
turn 4: play another archbound creature, and izzet charm to make sure that you put an archbound creature into your graveyard.

so at this point you have 1 creature in the graveyard, 4 lands out, 2 archbound creatures out, goblin welder out, and intruder alarm out.

from here you can use goblin welder to swap one of the archbound creatures on in play with the one in the graveyard. the creature entering the graveyard triggers the modular ability and lets you put a counter on an artifact creature. The creatures entering play triggers intruder alarm and untaps all creatures including goblin welder, which means that you can immediately repeat that process over again for as many times as you wish. :)

all other cards in the deck are really just here to fill support roles. either to get the ideal conditions for the combo, or to take advantage of the artifact nature of the deck. hence the steel overseer, which I can use to put an infinite amount of +1/+1 counters on all my artifact creatures other than the 2 that I am swapping back and forth with goblin welder. :)

hope that makes sense to you sgt89. :)

Posted 17 July 2014 at 07:53 in reply to #484156 on archbound junky


From what I recall about this kind of a trigger is that if a card would check for a state (does it have counters, does it not have counters) then that trigger would be ignored. For example, annihilator is a triggered ability. it states that a specific condition must be met, then, and only then, will the ability take effect.

ok, so anything that triggers when it enters the battlefield would be effected. calciderm doesn't state that it gains anything or does anything on entry. simply that it enters WITH something. now if it said that it gained counters when it entered... that would be another story.

woolly razorback I think is in the same boat. and wouldn't be effected by Orb or Gryff for the same reason. the game doesn't ask about the state of the card upon entering the battlefield.

thoughtweft trio however, does trigger upon entering the battlefield. so it would be effected.

hope that helps.

Posted 17 July 2014 at 07:40 in reply to #484140 on M15 Hushwing Meets Torpor Orb


ouch... mill and burn. you got some mean spirited players in your meta if they mostly play mill and burn. I feel for you my friend. :(

Posted 17 July 2014 at 06:22 in reply to #483617 on 5 Brutal Black/Green Combos


Egotines. :)

Posted 17 July 2014 at 06:17 in reply to #482934 on Budget: Grumpy Golems


no problem. hey, I was wondering if you might spare a second and check out my brother's decks. he has 5 posted here. he is kinda shy, and doesn't now how to ask for advice very well. But he would really appreciate comments and suggestions a TON. :)

Posted 17 July 2014 at 05:00 in reply to #482934 on Budget: Grumpy Golems


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