
401 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

Also. I did miss the back side of curious homunculus. Which also reduces the cost and isn't legendary. So you will get a larger reduction than I initially stated.

Posted 08 March 2018 at 18:25 in reply to #612806 on Cheap Spells V1.75


OK, so I get the concept and like the idea a lot. But I think you aren't getting the most out of your mana reduction from Baral. Since he reduces mana by 1, not by a colored mana. So the only spells that are cheaper are cancel and counterlash. And maybe dream twist flashed back.
Also since Baral is legendary you can only have one of him on the battlefield at a time. So you only get a reduction of 1 at all times.

My suggestion is to change this up a little to be red and blue, so you can add cards like goblin electromancer for more reduction, and spells with x in their cost. To be played really cheap.

Posted 08 March 2018 at 17:11 as a comment on Cheap Spells V1.75



Also this looks pretty sweet. Love the witch and the artifacts of empires in a single deck.

Posted 06 March 2018 at 15:35 in reply to #612603 on Power of Three


Hmm certainly something to think about.

Speaking of this to think about, could you rate a look at this and let me know what you think?
It is super janky but I think it looks fun.

Posted 06 March 2018 at 14:20 in reply to #612620 on intruding tokens


Remand I like for the draw. but I think that something like memory lapse might be better since it puts it on the library... (if it were modern legal.) that being said, remand can also be time walk in early game.

I was thinking about Spell Pierce specifically for control decks. Mana leak is great as well.

I was thinking about Supreme Will because it also lets me dig a little bit if I don't need a counter just then, or not playing against a control deck. So I think 2 of those wouldn't be a bad idea. maybe.

Posted 05 March 2018 at 17:48 in reply to #612620 on intruding tokens


Lol... That makes sense. :)

Posted 05 March 2018 at 15:42 in reply to #612634 on Heartless Sun Acquisition


So. In answer, yes preordain is getting replaced. I never build decks more than 60 cards, so I was looking for replacements. and I was thinking Opt might be good there. It doesn't dig as deep but it allows me to scary before drawing, which I like.

Life// death needs to go honestly. No place for it here. It was a very early possibility I looked at, and I just couldn't make it work.

Jeskai ascendancy is an interesting suggestion. It would certainly work here very well with Sprout storm. But not with my other win conditions... Hmm... I suppose if I dropped the other win conditions and rework the mana base. I could work it in. I feel like I could build a separate deck around it in Jeskai colors.

Really looking for counter spells that won't kill me. Was thinking about remand, Supreme Will, spell pierce, censor and swan song.

Posted 05 March 2018 at 15:34 in reply to #612620 on intruding tokens


OK. I like this idea. Heartless titan, with ramp from blood sun. You could titan on turn 4.

Posted 05 March 2018 at 14:38 as a comment on Heartless Sun Acquisition


Yeah, Eggs is super tedious. Shortcutting is pretty much needed any time you play it.

Posted 02 March 2018 at 18:52 in reply to #612207 on pauper eggs


this looks good. :) love merfolk. :)

Posted 28 February 2018 at 17:41 as a comment on (C) Duel deck-2:2 (MERFOLK)


no you aren't, but when you don't have better fetch lands, (which standard doesn't) then they work just fine.
unless you count like... field of ruin I guess.

Posted 28 February 2018 at 17:38 in reply to #612431 on (C) Duel deck-2:2 (MERFOLK)


also... what do you think of this deck?

Posted 27 February 2018 at 16:20 in reply to #612328 on priestly spine


Hi... and you should be able to recover your password from your email.

Posted 27 February 2018 at 03:22 in reply to #612328 on priestly spine


hmm... I would suggest Efficient Construction ( perhaps instead of golem foundry...?), if it was pauper legal. but I think you have plenty of good win conditions here. well built. I would love to play this deck.

Posted 23 February 2018 at 18:36 as a comment on pauper eggs


yeah. always happy to give whatever help I can.

Posted 20 February 2018 at 22:00 in reply to #611929 on Army


Yeah, mutilate is very good mono black. - 4/-4 at the very least which is enough to kill most anything anyway. And it simply gets more powerful the longer the game goes on. Since this is a slower deck anyways it seems that would certainly be beneficial.

Posted 18 February 2018 at 18:07 in reply to #611994 on Korlash, Heir to Blackblade


Well... It is a combo... Just not an infinite one.

Posted 18 February 2018 at 06:22 in reply to #611997 on PAINTER'S TUTELAGE


dang. this is way different than the original. lol... :)
looks pretty fun to play though.

Posted 17 February 2018 at 23:29 as a comment on Korlash, Heir to Blackblade


I was bored. I went digging through your decks, and found the first one you posted, which happened to be this one. :D

Posted 17 February 2018 at 23:29 in reply to #611986 on Lotsa Black Mana


And if you swapped Demonic tutors for diabolic, or mastermind's acquisition. You could play it in several formats.

Posted 17 February 2018 at 19:54 in reply to #611986 on Lotsa Black Mana


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