the ideal combo here is to have Bishop of wings, divine visitation, a token generator, a sacrifice outlet (viscera seer) and either an additional bishop ( to multiply your angels) or a life drain creature. its a super janky combo, but its infinite.the premise of the combo is this:it alls starts with a token generator: doesn't matter which onedivine visitation makes your tokens into Serra is the sacrifice outlet. either viscera seer or carrion feeder. this lets you sacrifice your angelsbishop of wings likes angels dying, when an angel dies, you get a spirit token, which becomes an angel (because of divine visitation.your official win condition is either zulaport cutthroat (which lets you drain infinite life) or an additional bishop, which gets you a second token each time an angel dies, so you get infinite tokens.the sacrificing can happen on your opponent's turn, technically giving your tokens haste, to swing for lethal. if you use viscera seer, you can scry infinitely to find the card you want to draw the next turn. like brave the elements or something, making sure your angels get through.
I have been trying to tell him that, but he really thinks the fog effects are needed. Hand disruption and spot removal is the way to go here. And something like Rebuff the Wicked or Giver of Runes of you really want the protection for the combo pieces. Or even Apostle's Blessing.
So... To make sure the tokens get through for lethal damage?
I can kind of see resplendent angel as it can create tokens, but I'm not sure I see how the other cards really fit here. Can you explain to me?With the context that this is a combo deck.
Yes, but doesn't that seem more like a game 2 issue? They bring in spot removal for bishop, and you counter by bringing in protection spells? I feel like more draw or removal would be better mainboard.
I feel like brave the elements and safe passage are more sideboard cards than mainboard cards.
Not saying this deck is bad, but I just think it would benefit from having a few basics to play around common non-basic land hate sideboard cards is all. Or perhaps a way to play around having your lands all enter tapped, like amulet of Vigor perhaps.
Doesn't mean the combo doesn't work. Just that it can't be played in a sanctioned tournament or other illegal, but not invalid.
That's true, draw and counter are both good reasons to add blue as well. Add a little consistency and protection.Might drop some of the one - of cards to add blue.
I might be willing to add blue, [[Growth Spiral]] is a sweet card. [[Wayward swordtooth]] is interesting, but not sure how I would fit it in. Perhaps swap out [[Sumala woodshaper]]? If I added blue I could also throw in [[Hydroid Krasis]], which would be a great threat.
Dang. Must have misread it. Thought it put out beasts. My bad.
Might I suggest rampage of the clans?
Still here. I can take a look.
[[sailor of means]] essentially gives me infinite mana. While [[militia bugler]] lets me dig until I find a win condition.Might swap out [[aviation pioneer]] for those, maybe swap an [[unwind]] out as well.
Funny, I was looking into all of those creatures other than mentor.
True, [[Aviation Pioneer]] does fill that role, but I am always looking for better cards.
While hunted witness is a fine card, it creates a token when it dies, which is when it enters the graveyard from the battlefield, which doesn't happen with Lumbering battlement, as it exiles things.Kind of wish hunted witness said when it leaves the battlefield, but that would be super broken.
Hmmm... I shall test this. [[Doom Blade]]. It works. Sweet, thanks.
Not a bad idea, but what would I replace for it?
I think I do have one Hallowed Fountain in the deck, but I can't remember exactly.Also, how did you create those links in your comment?
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