
401 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

these decks were intended to be used in a sequence, with this being the last one, as blue is the most... confusing... color. blue does most unusual things in magic, that don't always affect the board in ways that are readily apparent, while still being an effective way to win games through control.
none of these decks are designed to be the BEST, or even particularly GOOD, but representative of the color. blue counters, draws, controls, mills, and occasionally combo

the spreading seas is a little tricky, it is intended to be used with the tokens created by Chasm Skulker, as they have islandwalk.

the thought scour really is there as a draw card, but also to work with Mirror golem, get things in the graveyard, then exile one of them with the golem.


Also, Windfall works with Chasm Skulker. and is a quick way to pump it up easily while refreshing your hand. yes it is a banned card, and I am aware of that. will replace it with Laquatus's Creativity. COULD have it be Day's Undoing instead though. either way they serve the same purpose.

Posted 28 August 2021 at 18:42 in reply to #643601 on Mono Blue Newbie


Could use blinding light instead of brave the elements. Was also thinking about [[dawnglare invoker]], but it might be too good for the purpose of this deck series.

No Phyrexian mana here. Too good, and not really indicative of white.

And no, I won't remove the board wipe. That was one of my rules. Each deck must have a way to push damage, and must have a way to wipe the board.

Posted 26 August 2021 at 15:09 in reply to #643554 on Mono White Newbie


Yeah, the white deck doesn't have any anthem effects, but from testing it doesn't need them. Those creatures can already get very large.

I could swap dread warlock for tortured soul. That would be a more fair tradeoff since it can't block. And I could swap the nightmare lash for dark favor. A small life loss for a reasonable power boost that dies when the creature does. Simple, but effective.

Posted 26 August 2021 at 15:01 in reply to #643530 on Mono Black Newbie


I figured that was probably what you meant. although crovax isn't a bad idea either.

Posted 25 August 2021 at 22:45 in reply to #643530 on Mono Black Newbie


yeah, the legends cards would be a bit... hard to come by. could do cauldron... or witch's oven. but no cat to go with it.

Posted 25 August 2021 at 22:41 in reply to #643530 on Mono Black Newbie


was thinking, for utility lands, I might add the blighted lands. gives utility lands that don't add colored mana, while still adding value in a different way.

Posted 25 August 2021 at 22:19 in reply to #643530 on Mono Black Newbie


Dread warlock is in here for a kind of selfish reason... it is my personal favorite card. as for the nightmare lashes, they could certainly be an issue, although most of the other decks run artifact hate.

removed some of the LD, added a few more creatures and life gain.

perhaps I should swap 1 nightmare lash for 1 corrupt? the single use might be a little more balanced.

Posted 25 August 2021 at 22:03 in reply to #643530 on Mono Black Newbie


hm... warhammer might be a tad too good here actually. having played the deck, some of these creatures can get rather large. this deck is essentially mono white bogles. but an equipment giving trample is a good idea. will find a reasonable one to fit in here.

Posted 25 August 2021 at 21:35 in reply to #643519 on Mono White Newbie


excellent ideas. yes this deck series is intended to teach people how to play, and this deck specifically is to introduce them to the role that white generally plays in mtg. gaining life and protecting your stuff. small incremental advantage.

good call on protection, although removing [[brave the elements]] leaves a pretty big hole in the deck. there were a few requirements I had when putting these together, including a board wipe and a finishing card that can push through damage. so if I remove [[brave the elements]] I need a replacement for it that can push damage. I could certainly see [[Auramancer]] as a good addition, perhaps swapping out [[divine favor]] for it?

also good suggestion on the lands and staff for feather.

Posted 25 August 2021 at 20:48 in reply to #643519 on Mono White Newbie


yeah, like I said look at that one for a good laugh because of how absurd it is: a 6 card combo that only happens in happy-christmas-land and is completely unrealistic in every way, shape, and form.

it was more of a challenge to see if you could technically win on turn 0 without using 60 chancellor of the dross, and specifically using chancellor of the spires, as there are very few cards that allow you to DO anything, much less win, on the first upkeep. too bad I needed an Un-card to do it.

I don't normally build decks like that. I had a goofy idea and ran with it because the fact it was possible was funny.

if you want a better idea of how I build decks, check out my Defender deck.

well built, streamlined deck that practically plays itself. It is the most liked, most commented on, and most popular (in terms of views) Defender deck on the vault. reading through the comments should give you an idea of how the deck started and how it ended up the way it is now.

was going to give another example but I realized I have not actually imported my deck list from Arena for it... but it is a colorless deck built around forsaken monument, ugin, and ulamog. (it is a historic deck on arena.)

Posted 25 August 2021 at 15:56 in reply to #643463 on Kaboom! Control


@ Pushkin

sure, I would appreciate some feedback on a few things. my brother and I have been working on a series of decks designed to introduce new players to MTG, one deck based on each color, and attempting to be simple and easy to play, while still adhering to the core of what that color IS within MTG.

deck names are:
mono white newbie
mono red newbie
mono black newbie
mono green newbie
mono blue newbie

all of which have the tag Beginner. so they should be easy to find.
the idea is to have a set of decks roughly at parity with each other that are simple to understand and fairly cheap to build (limit to only a few rares + mythics etc...) and nothing too broken.

another deck I could use some suggestions on, but I don't currently have listed is this one:

and if you want a good laugh you should check out this one:
it really is an abomination but... it technically works... ;p


I suppose it wouldn't hurt. I am always willing to help people out. although I am not exactly a world class deck builder, I can give newer players solid advice.

Posted 25 August 2021 at 00:42 in reply to #643463 on Kaboom! Control


ok, dang... I didn't expect this deck to be particularly popular.

that being said, thanks for the suggestions. I will tweak this, and I like the comments that have been given already. please, keep the ideas coming.

Posted 23 August 2021 at 18:21 in reply to #643463 on Kaboom! Control


Well, finally happened. This deck got a new card!!! Swapped out spidersilk armor for Tuktuk rubblefort.

Posted 30 March 2021 at 06:30 as a comment on defender deck


funnny enough, there is a card now that fits what I was looking for... target permanent gains indestructible:
renegade's getaway.
and for everything you control... heroic intervention.

Posted 03 February 2021 at 23:26 in reply to #604087 on The Enabler


It does indeed have red. It is Naya colors.
It is a powerful casual deck, legal in legacy and vintage but I don't think it is nearly good enough to compete in those formats. But can be tweaked for modern by swapping out just a couple cards. Although I would love to see shield sphere be printed in a modern legal set, I doubt it will happen.


Posted 21 September 2020 at 14:02 in reply to #634802 on Mana ramp storm


I'm thinking of putting it into my Defender deck. Swapping it for spidersilk armor.

Posted 21 September 2020 at 01:01 in reply to #634802 on Mana ramp storm


Yes, Tuktuk Rubblefort is excellent.

Posted 18 September 2020 at 17:50 in reply to #634802 on Mana ramp storm


Walls won. :)

Posted 20 August 2020 at 02:49 as a comment on Soldiers VS Walls (soldiers)


I imagine I could swap out a [[Jace's Sanctum]] for a [[Propaganda]], it would certainly slow down aggro. I will sideboard it, for aggo matches.

Posted 19 August 2020 at 20:46 in reply to #635462 on liquimetals


well, thank you. I appreciate that. I look at deckbuilding like a puzzle with infinite ways to solve it. If/when I find a new piece that looks interesting or different, I build the puzzle around it. I don't care for net-decking even if what I build isn't "the best", I like building decks that look fun to me, regardless of what other people are building. My decks, done my way. :)

Posted 19 August 2020 at 20:43 in reply to #635460 on archbound junky


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