
401 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

One suggestion I might give is to run the Urza lands to help with faster mana, and expedition map or something of the like to make sure you can get them consistently. playing platinum angel etc on turn 3 is pretty crazy.
I might also suggest, since you are running blue, some counter spells like Stoic Rebuttal. you need something to protect yourself.

Posted 09 October 2018 at 20:38 as a comment on Artifact beta


Also, I don't normally like to trash people, but dude... Your name is very offensive. Sexual abuse isn't something to joke about. And your name either mashes fun of those who have suffered., or you claim to be the cause of that suffering. Either way is offensive.

Posted 09 October 2018 at 02:27 in reply to #618480 on Republicans


I found the counterpart.


Working on a deck representing Washington D.C. As well.
You should let me know what you think.

Posted 09 October 2018 at 02:23 in reply to #618481 on Republicans


I saw. It made me sad. :(

Posted 09 October 2018 at 01:14 in reply to #618481 on Republicans


yeah, a bit.

Posted 09 October 2018 at 01:11 in reply to #618481 on Republicans


what is the flip side?

Posted 09 October 2018 at 00:42 as a comment on Republicans


too bad you cant play personal sanctuary in this deck. It would protect you from hurting yourself with your land drops.

Posted 08 October 2018 at 04:59 as a comment on I HATE Commander


well it was in april, when this deck was published.

Posted 07 October 2018 at 07:09 in reply to #618430 on Standard infinite combo


I do like hunted witness. Will throw a couple of those in.

Hidden stockpile... Odd interesting. I really want to like it.
It seems alright. It will certainly give me a token every turn by itself, but no more than one. It would be sweet if it gave me a token for each creature I sacrificed to it, but way to powerful. My biggest issue with it, and maybe I am being nitpicky, is that it costs 1 mana to use the ability. So it is a tad limited in that sense. I guess paying 1 mana and getting a few tokens is pretty mana efficient, so I might throw 1 in here.

Immortal servitude is sweet, although I have a couple of graveyard recursion cards already. Not a bad card to consider.

Thanks for the suggestions! :D

Posted 06 October 2018 at 15:02 in reply to #618421 on W/B Aristocrats


Evolution charm is here for the flying and the graveyard recursion.

as for immerwolf and huntmaster, I felt that getting a single flip trigger was still very valuable. I might swap huntmaster for another mayor and a bandit instead though. or maybe 2 bandits.

moonlight hunt is kind of a one sided fight card, which I like since green has very limited removal.

Posted 05 October 2018 at 21:28 in reply to #618392 on Moon doggies


This looks like a very fun zombie deck. I do have to point out something. You can't actually cast Zombie Brute from the graveyard. Victimize lets you put it into play, but that isn't really casting it. I don't see any other way of getting Zombie Brute out from free graveyard other than victimize, so I feel like running more than 2 would be good.

Other than that this deck looks fun and easy for beginners to understand and use. Very well done.

Also, extra points for using Shephard of Rot. One of my favorite cards.

Posted 23 September 2018 at 03:16 as a comment on Zombies for cheap


Xantcha is your commander then? you should set the deck format as commander, so you can have Xantcha in the commander slot rather than the 99.

Posted 18 September 2018 at 16:21 in reply to #617923 on Xantcha the MTG Slayer


I think it is an edh/commander deck that hasn't been whittled down yet. But I am not sure.

Posted 17 September 2018 at 22:39 in reply to #617923 on Xantcha the MTG Slayer


what format is this intended for?

Posted 17 September 2018 at 20:04 as a comment on Xantcha the MTG Slayer


While I think this is a fine deck, you should remove any tags from it that don't actually apply. Like defender, devil, graveyard etc... Having tags on your deck that don't apply to your deck skews searches when filtered by tag.

I was looking for defender based decks for a reference for a deck idea I want to try out and this deck comes up. Not even close to what I am looking for.

All that being said, I suppose I should give some actual feedback here since I went out of my way to chew you out.

Ok. So I dip like this deck. Love w/b tokens. Always have. Really like them being used here as sacrifice fodder to cost the way for your big hitters via grave pact and the nasty combo with grave betrayal. Sweep their board with cheap tokens to take all their creatures, and hit big, then sacrifice their creatures to repeat when they put out more!

Looks very fun.only changes I might suggest would be swapping alliance of arms for secure the wastes. I feel like giving your opponent(s) creatures for free is... Not great here. They could pay nothing at all Ave get a few creatures, which I suppose could be dealt with as long as you have grave pact out and they had fewer creatures than you already. But I feel like secure the wastes might be a safer and equally as powerful card. I guess the only upside I can see for alliance of arms is that perhaps they pay mana and you get free creatures because they paid while you didn't die some reason...?

I think that overtmall secure the wastes is better due what you are trying to do with this deck.

Oh, and you should sideboard hour of reckoning. That way if you don't get your vampires you can still clear the board and have a good amount of attacking power as it doesn't kill tokens.

Posted 14 September 2018 at 06:47 as a comment on The Sacrifice Deck


Why haven't I commented on this? I could have sworn I did when this deck was released. Oh well. Love this combo. Super fun and Janky.

Posted 29 August 2018 at 17:14 as a comment on Turn 4 Kiora 9/9 Kraken Combo


Hmm... I think you should swap Fyndhorn Elves for Noble Hierarch, and Autumn's veil for Might of Old Krosa.

Posted 29 August 2018 at 04:01 as a comment on Elvish Infection


crap. wrong deck. was looking at the black deck at the same time... lol.. *facepalm* oh well.

Posted 27 August 2018 at 17:15 in reply to #617456 on One Mana Series: White


thought so. no worries. :)

Posted 27 August 2018 at 17:14 in reply to #617454 on One Mana Series: Black


While I would normally agree, I think that Dark Ritual might be the reason it counts. as they said every card must work with a land or a combo with 1 land, which Dark ritual technically does allow you to equip your artifacts with only 1 land still.

Posted 26 August 2018 at 21:47 in reply to #617456 on One Mana Series: White


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