hmm... you do have some very good defender creatures in here. Wall of denial is easily one of the best defensive creatures in the game. Axebane guardian is great for increasing board state. and vent sentinel is able to end games surprisingly fast.and yet...I feel like this deck is very unfocused. Not sure how it works. I see some win conditions, but I feel like you have lots of cards that don't really do much for you.I am also not sure why it is 96 cards. how come so many?
I don't play EDH, but this is a really sweet deck.
so.. with training grounds and soulfire grandmaster out psionic blast says pay 5 mana, deal 4 damage, and gain 4 life. it is interesting as a blue burn spell... but... it still seems a little out of place if your main goal is infinite golems.that being said, have you thought about anointed procession in here? I feel it would speed up your combo.
ah. It seems I missed krark-clan ironworks. right on.
So... What does it do? You have it tagged as an infinite combo, and I am curious as to how it works.
Love Demigod of Revenge here. Particularity if you can get 2 or more per game.
interesting take on white one drops. :)although I am not sure how much skullclamp does for you here.I do like your use of spirit link, over lifelink since you can place it on your opponent's creatures and gain life from them. lol... :)I also really like Loyal Sentry used with Valor Made Real.Might I suggest some removal as well? Rerhaps Swords to Plowshares or Path to Exile? premium white removal.that being said, if one drop decks tickle your fancy, I have a list of them here if anyone is interested. no, they are not all mine, nor even the VAST majority, so I am not looking for clicks. I like sharing these cool decks.
it is really an infinitely repeatable loop. in MTG terms "infinite combo" almost exclusively means a series of abilities (whether triggered or activated) that, when everything has resolved, essentially resets the board state, allowing you to repeat that series again.In this case:Famished Paladin untaps when you gain life. 1. give famished paladin lifelink (meaning when it deals damage you gain that much life)2. tap famished paladin to deal damage to a player3. you gain 1 life4. famished paladin untaps, allowing you to repeat.the main purpose of this combo isn't actually life gain, but the damage that causes it. the life gain merely facilitates the repeatable nature of the combo.Now, a true infinite loop, with no interaction on either life total (losing life), poison counter total or card draw, and has no player interactions simply ends the current game in a draw.
on individual creatures undying is the far more powerful ability, but oddly enough it isn't as useful in combo decks. lol... :)
yeah. always glad to help people understand more about the game. Interactions between +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters are a funky thing, so it is pretty common to be confused by them.and persist is a pretty old ability, so there aren't any new cards with it. (perhaps if wizards decides to go back to lorwyn it might come back. but otherwise is it relegated to modern, vintage and legacy, which don't rotate when new sets come out.if there is ever a rule that you don't understand, there are a few places to go. if you use facebook there is MTG ask the judge not there is also wizards site itself, which provides the comprehensive rule book.
???Actually they do cancel each other out. From the comprehensive rules :121.3. If a permanent has both a +1/+1 counter and a -1/-1 counter on it, N +1/+1 and N -1/-1 counters are removed from it as a state-based action, where N is the smaller of the number of +1/+1 and -1/-1 counters on it. See rule 704.So yes, the safe hold elite will die, causing it to trigger persist, bringing it back with a - 1/-1 counter on it, which then triggers ivy lane denizen to put a +1/+1 counter on it. After which both counters are removed, allowing the process to be repeated.Now if at some point the safehold Elite died with a - 1/-1 counter on it, having NOT had a+1/+1 counter placed on it for some reason, then yes it stays dead. But if it did get both counters they they are both removed.Essentially what you linked says that if the creature has a - 1/-1 counter on it when it dies it won't come back, because it doesn't meet the trigger requirements. Also if somehow you put multiple - 1/-1 counters on something at a time like... Safe hold elite is a 3/3 because of a +1/+1 counter and gets 3 - 1/-1 counters, that is enough to kill it by giving it 0 toughness, even after removing one of those counters, because of the +1/+1 counter, it still dies and doesn't trigger persist because it dies with a -1/-1 on it.
yeah, I know what you were going for. I guess I said it a little different. yeah, preventing a fog effect card for the win is good.
hmmm.... Perhaps I missed it, but I didn't see anybody suggest Become Immense. might run that over Larger Than Life. I know it is pretty popular in infect decks.@s0rinmark0v: I think pact of negation should be pretty good in infect as long as you have the kill in hand.
how do burr grafter and moonlit strider help? they have soulshift, but that only brings something else smaller back to your hand. sadly, not infinite.
Indeed. Most copy effects copy a spell after it is cast, and put them directly on the stack. But scepter is funny as it does allow you to cast the copy. Same goes for elite arcanist s well. I think there are a few other cards that do it, but not many.
Nice. Simple, easy to understand. The way a beginner deck should be. I not a cycle of beginner decks, one for each color, and has a lot of fun with them. I imagine this would be pretty fun to play as well.
interesting... was no deck description when I posted this comment. that being said... I suppose this a pretty interesting deck.
I just thought of this... You know what would be really sweet here if it was a common? Pendelhaven Elder. But I guess veteran armorer is an OK substitute.
OK. Made the changes. How to proxy this and test it soon.
perhaps condemn?
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