
244 Decks, 576 Comments, 508 Reputation

I don't know if I would count it amongst my favorites of his, but it is certainly good. Rather I think I would say that the Colour out of Space, or Dagon would be my favorites.

There's something to be said for the variance of EDH, and with Sakashima it can be said again. I think my reliance on Old Man of the Sea in EDH could stem from our tempo-esque building philosophies. I can't tell you the number of people I've met who despise Hemingway, it's always nice to find one who can appreciate his work. And I can only take that as a compliment, it could only be construed as backhanded if I held the average taste of Americans in high regard.

Posted 16 July 2014 at 23:13 in reply to #483683 on Memories and possibilities


Of Herbert West, who was my friend in college and in after life, I can speak only with extreme terror... While he was with me, the wonder and diabolism of his experiments fascinated me utterly, and I was his closest companion. Now that he is gone and the spell is broken, the actual fear is greater. Memories and possibilities are ever more hideous than realities. - Dan Cain*, from Herbert West—Reanimator.
*Name from the short film adaptation Re-Animator.

While that book is called the worst of Lovecraft's works, I quite enjoyed it.

Sakashima is one of my favorite options for a Blue general, and this is so well done I can't help but smile. I am however surprised by the lack of Old Man of the Sea, I would much rather see it in my hand than Tolarian Enforcer most of the time. Also, I just can't help but love it as a Hemingway fan.

Posted 16 July 2014 at 08:12 as a comment on Memories and possibilities


Well Urborg, while awesome, was unnecessary, and I never really liked River of Tears. I love the artwork for it, but the card itself is a bit of a disappointment to me. It's an interesting option with ye olden wonder that is Undiscovered Paradise, but I've never been able to shake my initial impression of meh with that card.

Posted 14 July 2014 at 07:09 in reply to #482485 on March to the sea


How most people feel about Consecrated Sphinx is how I feel about Disciple of Deceit. I have discarded Haakon to find Rhystic Study, and it felt amazing.

Posted 07 July 2014 at 21:00 in reply to #479812 on March to the sea


Mostly my vote would be toward Bloodthrone honestly, but in both cases it's that providing another simple beatstick feels moderately redundant.

Posted 07 July 2014 at 20:58 in reply to #479756 on Well that escalated quickly...


Interestingly enough, I'd remove either Bloodthrone or Mold Adder.

Posted 06 July 2014 at 23:54 in reply to #479756 on Well that escalated quickly...


Oh man, I like mono-Red so much more than Green when it's me playing. Burn, Sligh/RD, and Goblins! Oh my! Though my Goblins do run Thalia now, the point remains.

Posted 02 July 2014 at 04:01 in reply to #478260 on Chamber the Cartridge


Subconsciously going with something that fits the card perhaps? I went into this with the intention of making it that way, so I guess on my part it's a conscious effort instead.

Yeah, I'm thinking the Informer, on the grounds that it's cheaper.

Posted 01 July 2014 at 00:49 in reply to #477745 on March to the sea


Knight for Haakon, and a great beatstick for the price. Arrogant Bloodlord is actually one of my favorite Vampires, just that kind of flavor from an immortal creature, it's awesome. I am kind of torn with this deck actually, there are two creatures I'd like to put in(Corpse Traders, and Undercity Informer) to make the theft aspect of this deck more menacing, but I can't think of what I would remove for them. Arrogant Bloodlord is one of the ones viable for the chopping block sadly.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 23:37 in reply to #477745 on March to the sea


This... This is pretty evil, I'm not going to lie.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 22:41 as a comment on This. :D


Well there were some odd looks for instance. I bought one of these;

Posted 30 June 2014 at 20:19 in reply to #477343 on Transdermal Celebration


I do, they're insane, but just enough to work. Plus, I'm one of those people who can actually quite enjoy playing against combo.

I wish it still was $80, I want more people to be able to play the old treachery like that. It's just so epic, and in EDH you can pull off shenanigans like it, grand MotF Tarkin, and Anvil of Bogardan. That's just freaking crushing if it gets set.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 19:32 in reply to #477517 on Point Doom


I'll check it out in a bit, but it'll probably be until tomorrow that I comment much.

Really? 'Cause I've thought all of yours I've seen are pretty epic lol. Mine are just themed, and have little packages I've come to enjoy. But it means a lot that you like them Dag!

Posted 30 June 2014 at 07:44 in reply to #477517 on Point Doom


It kind of makes me think of the typical image of a voodoo doctor mixed with a harlequin. It's interesting, and rather unique.

Thanks man! :D

Posted 30 June 2014 at 07:42 in reply to #477359 on Point Doom


I am a bit shaky as well, but search is in overabundance here, and I wanted to design something with an M15 Legendary as a commander, and Black is pretty much the quickest for me to doodle with. I really can't say I recommend him as a General, but I can say I would put him in almost any Black EDH deck.
This more or less came out as a theme EDH.

I think that's what it's going to have to come down to, but I think I'll stick to Erebos. Balthor was more out of the need to get more ideas for Black in EDH out of my head.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 07:37 in reply to #477480 on Danse Macabre


@Sure; Honestly I think from me it would be either Zedruu, or that second Marchesa that would do the best. Zedruu has all of the things that would become horrendous to see as a Horobi player almost, and my Marchesa has not only recursion, but a card I quite think would fit this deck; Unspeakable Symbol.
Atheros I can see as doing well, but I can easily see why Jarod would do better. It's interesting to say the least.

That's a possibility, but given the likelihood of that happening outside of certain cheap generals, or Karn, I wouldn't rely on that. Yeah, I can see how it would, Zur would especially be in a bit of a predicament.

Not even just bounce, possession, tap, -X/0s, etc. Memnarch is pretty hilarious though, I hadn't even thought of that.

That's actually awesome, I wouldn't have thought of Eight-and-a-half Tails as an out. That's absolutely brilliant!

@Arty; And that's why I would favor Zedruu the horrible over my Marchesa. Less reliant on graveyard shenanigans, and more targeting!

I super love foxes, I bought a silly pink one during my competition trip. It's adorable, and I regret nothing.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 07:31 in reply to #477343 on Transdermal Celebration


@Sure;Heheh, fair point. And yeah, I could tell it would become a battle of attrition, which is one where I say you need to go Black, otherwise it's not coming back.
I must point out that I think it's especially funny that one couldn't even equip Lightning Greaves to stop Horobi, as the act of equipping them would kill the creature XD

That's quite true for the most part, but Blue gets a lot of treacherous kills when Horobi is in play. In fact I would say that they would be the easiest way to put Horobi to tucking point. Though, as you said, mono-Black makes some serious mana, which leaves it as a virtual impossibility(I won't say it's literally, there's a chance however slim).

As well it should.

@Arty; How could I not? It was quite well thought out, and vicious to the core. It's the EDH equivalent of Pox decks in my eyes, something that impacts all, yet still impacts the user less by design. It's that cruel uncaring beauty that makes it go from sadomasochism, to simple sadism.
I feel as though I should stop gushing about how, and why, I love griefer decks.
The art is pretty interesting, and I am at a loss on what to say when about it. It's like a Langolier had a baby with some sort of Ooze.

Posted 30 June 2014 at 00:23 in reply to #477343 on Transdermal Celebration


A fair point I suppose, but it's not so much useless given what the opponent may drop I think. If nothing else, a 3/4 for two mana is pretty damn good. And yeah, 10L will throw pretty much whatever it wants in the graveyard, and still win. That's part of what I like about them.

I just can't stand playing it usually, against it is fun, but green and me just don't along when I'm the one behind it. :|

Posted 30 June 2014 at 00:07 in reply to #475914 on Chamber the Cartridge


I honestly didn't make this with him in mind, I just went through the list of Legendary Zombies after the rest of the deck was made. The fact that he fit as well as he does is really a testament to how absurd zombie hordes are I think. And the recklessness is part of what makes fun, it's not trying to kill you with zombies, it's trying to kill a table! And as much as I love Zombie Infestation for exactly the reasons you state, I think Bone Dancer is my favorite. That artwork, that weird ability, that cost!

Posted 29 June 2014 at 22:04 in reply to #477359 on Point Doom


Especially seeing as the only limit to the number is that it must be greater than one... I think playing with Arty must entail a great deal of importance being placed on creatures with Shroud, or Hexproof.

Posted 29 June 2014 at 21:42 in reply to #477343 on Transdermal Celebration


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