I don't know the super villain, but I do know the Lovecraftian demon, and the actual star(which in the story was the demon). Oh, and the Soulcalibur character.
That's because Poxless Pox decks aren't proper Pox decks. I have frequently admitted to being an old fogey when it comes to control though, so perhaps that's just me then. It works wonderfully, but it's just not what I was looking for truly.It kind of makes more sense to play this as a five Pox build to me, using the 2:3 setup. Dropping either Souls' Betrayal, or a Deluge for the added card.Any deck playing the full set of Chalice always makes me giddy(when I'm playing it), and Wishboards too. This is just like somebody made a deck of things I love.Edit: I got somebody to fold after I put a second copy out in another build I have, turns out when you have three cantrips in your hand, it gets depressing to see multiple copies of Chains XDI think the closest thing to that would be Algol, or some other Lovecraftian entity. I just like the idea of Algol best.It's like Lake, but without nearly as much pain, and more suited to the mana demands of the deck.
All of the options I've seen for doing a tap/untap loop in Modern have required at least two cards, and then there's the need for something to utilize it, in this case Mesmeric Orb. Despite being four mana, the Kiora's Follower's are probably the best option on grounds of being searchable.Part of what makes the combination of Basalt Monolith and Mesmeric Orb so usable is that it's a two card combo that's easily searchable by Enlightened Tutor.In short, I don't really think there's an easier way to go about this. I love the idea of this though, self-mill is one of my favorite things in the game!
I want to say that was a miniseries.
It really does deal with a lot of the situations we have issues with. Sultai Charm is definitely my favorite card from this set.It really frees up a lot more than you initially may think even, it could however be worth running the second in the SB in some MUs.Lake, while absolutely amazing, has always been a way to achieve some of the higher costs in the deck. With Deathrite we have a more user friendly source of ramp, and an all around amazing inclusion. Without Lake, it's also less tempting to just grab Crucible to maintain your land presence.http://i.imgur.com/iZb4d.gifHaving a basic to go for on turn one can really make the difference, and Iso-Pox has a surprisingly great time making it's colors game one. Game two it may be beneficial to have a Tropical Island to search for, but since pre-board we're only running BWg with the mana fixing we have it's kind of silly not to have a basic I think.
The strangest thing is that I only put in one, because I didn't know what to put in the last slot... Dafuq? I'll fix that sometime when I'm not on my phone I guess. Now that I think about it, a second copy would fill that nicely.I stopped running two copies of the Crucible sometime during the Parfait projects, I found it was an unnecessary redundancy in the build for how I play it. The idea is to never let then stabilize to the point that one needs to go to three(the comfortable limit). My hardest time in locking somebody down lately has been against Bwx, Liliana+Lingering Souls has become a bit of a nuisance... I have actually considered grabbing Illness in the Ranks to deal with that.I do love GQ, it's a fabulous card, but I feel like I'm still not getting my money's worth without Psychic Surgery... I will have to try them without it again. And I think what is bothering you about my landbase is probably that I'm currently not running Lake of the Dead. I'm testing if it's still as much of a necessity for the higher costs since we have Deathrites I'll probably wind up taking a page from your book, and running a 2:1 split between GQ and Wastes if it turns out I want Lake back.I wonder, which of us is the evil twin then? Haha!Dark Tutelage in the board is actually one of the things I just haven't found anything to replace in certain matches. It's soooo good against other disruption heavy decks, and unlike Bob, it's tutorable. There's usually a very slow grind to fighting disruption decks, so the life loss is more or less negligible, and Aegis of the Gods is too fragile in those matches to actually work.
Dragon Stompy is usually pretty funny in Modern multiplayer.
I can understand not wanting to add deck styles, as they can be categorized under the pillars usually, but as Melvin and Vorthos are mindsets, I see them more as flavorings for what already exists. It could be argued that the griefer is a mindset as well, since there are griefers of each primary type, so it's just another flavoring. I've been told we're solitaire players in denial.I take pride in that when it comes to MtG, so thank you! :D
We only exist in short bursts.
Mainboard Thalia is amazing, I actually don't side her out at all. I do however run a playset of Goblin Guide again though, which brings a lot of the speed back to the deck.
I suppose in the traditional archetypes of MtG, I'm a Spike(with Johnny leanings) player, or a Spike/Melvin if you include them. In reality though, I am a griefer/Melvin; I play Pox because I enjoy winning by crushing the spirit.In short, I'm a horrible person, but I'm okay with that.
So I doodled up a list with Deathrite as well, good grief, it feels like I'm not playing a deck, but rather I'm slapping them in the face repeatedly.
Well, it's not you, it's that the fantasy genre just lost one of it's best writers.That's probably quite a contributing factor, I just... WHY HAVEN'T I BEEN RUNNING THEM?!I can bet, I think you were the only one still running 25 though, I've been comfortably running 21 for going on two years. Though we have always been quite different on what we like in a landbase, so perhaps that's just my innate desire for a reckless efficiency. I love the 2/3 split, outside of traditional Pox styles, it is probably the most effective it seems.I had just found something non-Pox related to tinker with, guess that's backburnered for now thanks to you :P
>~> Pratchett died? That's probably the second worst news I've had at breakfast.You know, I feel like it's the same as in PAL; Deathrite was so obvious that it was overlooked.
http://i.imgur.com/iZb4d.gifThe best compliment you can possibly give a Pox player.
I play two copies of EE in my sideboard for it, it is magical. Null Rod is just me wanting to hate that deck more than I know I should.Agreed. Brilliant bastard.
I know what you mean, sort of. I never had that luck, but every time I tun into affinity I immediately think I should be playing Null Rod... That deck is the only thing to stay ahead of Maverick for my scorn. I blame Joe still.
Well you know I support that notion.
Yeah, this only has two kinds of games; ones where it absolutely demolishes somebody, and ones where it rolls over dead. Shardless Agent and Swiftspear was really the only thing I had in my mind when I put this together, I really wanted it to be a thing, and so I put it together in a bit of a slapdash fashion...I really want to get Phyrexian mana goodstuffs in here now, I'll have to see if I can tweak them in, thanks.edit: I tweaked it around a bit, it's still a roll of the dice on if it's effective that game or not, but a bit better.
I love love love love LOVE the Angel setup for Laboratory wins, but if you run just that extra bit of protection, might I suggest Grand Abolisher?
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