
244 Decks, 576 Comments, 508 Reputation

I would put Sundial of the Infinite of the Infinite and Unwinding Clock in just to laugh if I were in your group after that.

Posted 21 June 2014 at 04:23 in reply to #474874 on Alpha and Omega


I just noticed that, given the perfect storm of luck, and preparation, you have an infinite turn combo.

Posted 21 June 2014 at 04:15 as a comment on Alpha and Omega


Surprisingly I started writing a poem about Marchesa after putting the connection between the Vampire style mechanic, and Undying. That would be the start of it.
I didn't really get too much from the others, but the Black Rose cards really stood out to me flavorwise, and as EDH cards.
I really have to disagree though, I honestly think Vampires will be more the way to go. Undying is great and all, but there's too few creatures to make that the primary focus, though it should be noted that Geralf's Messenger is absolutely absurd with Marchesa. Flayer of the Hatebound hadn't even crossed my mind, oh how delightfully evil that is!

Oona's Blackguard should always be paired with Bitterblossom, and should have been an automatic inclusion for this. >_> Maybe I focused a little too much on the new stuff.

Soul Conduit is kind of a hilarious way to do that, and I have no doubt that it would be potent, but I wonder if that will suffer the same fate as Survival of the Fittest. Maintaining a good balance of power while concealing threat could potentially become all but impossible.

P.S. Have removed Curse package for tweaks based on above thoughts.

Posted 21 June 2014 at 03:37 in reply to #474836 on How far is Heaven


Thanks! And as soon as I saw her I knew I had to do something, but I couldn't decide what; Vampires, Undying, or par for the course with Grixis control! So I just kind of went down the middle of everything, and did my best. I'm planning to refine it after I get some games in, but I want a large amount of data, so it might be a while before anything major happens.

Posted 20 June 2014 at 22:15 in reply to #474807 on How far is Heaven


I kind of have to agree that hand disruption would be better for this deck than Sylvan Caryatid.

Posted 18 June 2014 at 03:42 in reply to #471579 on Modern Ooze Reanimator


Just remember, the brain has a limited storage capacity, and once you pass that point you start overwriting. You probably just overwrote that with rock folds :P

Posted 16 June 2014 at 16:12 in reply to #473146 on Alpha and Omega


Of course that's your reason, fancy boxes. Haha!

And they're right sadly, it doesn't work with Genju. Would be awesome if it did though.

Posted 16 June 2014 at 15:21 in reply to #473146 on Alpha and Omega


You know I've never seen two of the things in this deck done successfully before. You've made Genju look fun in practice rather than just theory, and you've made Draco a viable win condition.

Posted 15 June 2014 at 08:36 as a comment on Alpha and Omega


A good effort variable, and I suppose that is one, but the joke I was making is in another castle. Taking the definition of the word corrugated, and a little stretch of ones imagination, is all it takes to see the joke I mean.

Posted 15 June 2014 at 08:24 in reply to #470817 on Would You Like To Play A Game?


Until proven otherwise(haha for manipulating the system!) I shall pretend it stands for corrugated boxers. That's right, there's a boner joke hidden in your name.

Posted 15 June 2014 at 06:18 in reply to #470817 on Would You Like To Play A Game?


And that is why you, Dedwards, and Drumhead have any information about me. Though not from the Vault, I've had too many creeps and crazies mess with me.

Posted 14 June 2014 at 21:30 in reply to #470817 on Would You Like To Play A Game?


Good luck Northern, it's been a pleasure so far.

Posted 13 June 2014 at 21:49 as a comment on An Important Message


Infernal Kirin is one of the cards I originally considered, but I actually wound up dropping it. In a one on one situation I might use it, but in a multiplayer game the sheer spite of that card garners more attention than it offers use.

Posted 13 June 2014 at 18:48 in reply to #472235 on Awake, arise;


Well Mana Confluence is good in the versions of it not using Bloodghast, but with my love of Bloodghast it is slightly less useful than Undiscovered Paradise.

Posted 13 June 2014 at 18:40 in reply to #472150 on LED Dredge, or how to be hated


True, but it's also really fun to just slap them.

Posted 08 June 2014 at 06:34 in reply to #470850 on What rules?


It is quite wonderful, but I am afraid I have to say that Faustus still holds my pick for favorite quote; "That which issues from the heart alone, will bend the hearts of others to your own."

I have yet to get to your Stabwhiskers, but if this is any indication, I can entirely understand. It's efficient, powerful, and above all else, it retains the enjoyability a lot of times found lacking in BR decks.

Posted 08 June 2014 at 06:31 in reply to #470852 on "I have harnessed the shadows"


True, Muscle Burst is one of the most absurdly powerful growth spells with Diligent Farmhand, but in such a graveyard shenanigan based meta as it is, I do say I find the trade-off worth it. It's something that needs to be weighed by player I think; I'm not good at 10L, so I need to remove what is a crucial resource to many to play, but you can achieve success even while allowing it. Simply put I play Dryad Militant as a crutch as much as a good choice.

I honestly forgot about Harvest Wurm... All I remembered is that I had played two Boneyard Wurms in my previous 10L, and apparently I picked the wrong wurm >_> Thank you very much Wumpus, that's quite helpful! Also, Experiment One is one of my favorite Green creatures in a while, it's especially insane in Legacy.

Posted 08 June 2014 at 06:28 in reply to #470759 on Adrenaline


I know how that is, I'm currently having that with Stompy thanks to Dedwards. >_> After these years of playing ridiculously complicated decks, and working off of putting my opponent off-balance through soft measures(the actual player interaction), it feels amazing just playing something simple. I clapped like a mentally impaired seal after my first win.

Optimization wise it would be the way to go, but I also understand shenanigans. It's simply fun, and the things it enables are so absurd I can entirely understand why you'd want to play him.

Posted 08 June 2014 at 06:20 in reply to #470850 on What rules?


The only thing I needed to know about this to make me love it was the general, but then I see some of my favorite creatures in an array of delicious cruelty, the sort of thing that would leave wanton trails of destruction. But then, to see that the description holds a quote from my favorite author, and from one of my favorite works of his no less! Sure, you've outdone yourself kind sir.

Posted 08 June 2014 at 05:54 as a comment on "I have harnessed the shadows"


You know, I love seeing Manaless Dredge, but I can't stand playing the thing myself. The closest I came to really enjoying it is the Bauble+Phantasmagorian build, and that actually had mana.

The concept of the deck is so wonderful, it rids Dredge of what it inherently has no use of, but the practicality of the thing leaves me feeling disappointed. The inclusion of Chancellor of the Annex slightly alleviated this for me, and in all honesty I would run the fourth copy of it rather than the third Flayer.
I think I would even go so far as to say that I think this would be the most optimal design of Manaless Dredge should you delegate Flayer to the SB with something like this;
-3 Flayer of the Hatebound
+1 Balustrade Spy
+1 Chancellor of the Annex
+1 Gitaxian Probe

Posted 08 June 2014 at 05:50 as a comment on What rules?


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