
148 Decks, 1,477 Comments, 183 Reputation

i'll decide through playtesting whether or not to keep the bombs.
but mainly i love them for stupid enchantments/artifacts. black has no answer for those. lol.
and also I'll cut the marsh flats to 3. just feels safer. :P

oneee lasttt thing;
thanks for the follow, man (:

Posted 22 February 2011 at 19:50 in reply to #133119 on Mono-Black Control.


I hope this is the deck you were referring to, lol.
well first of all, it's like edna once told me, fume spitters are weak.
i'd take out all 4 fume spitters for 4 squad hawks. I used to hate them, but now I love squad hawks. lol.
and on that note, if you really want to "control" the field, you could add 2 stoneforge and put in 1 sword of body and mind, and 1 sword of feast and famine.
i can see why you'd chose not to, but white is such a great color for get&go.

i reallllly dislike smother. it's good up until about turn 4. lol. i'd deff. replace those with doom blades.
mimic vats are good, but i find 3 is usually overkill. especially with an essentially low creature count.
so i'd drop 1 mimic vat as well.
so, should this be my deck, i'd change;
-1 mimic vat
-4 fume spitter
-1 hexmage (just because i'm not a fan of the card, sure, planeswalker kill is good, but you're controlling the board, lol)
-2 smother
-1 condemn
-1 inquisition.

why -1 condemn and inquisition?
well, condemn is good, but sometimes that life gain can be more a pain than anything. and iquisition is good, but man 2 duress + 2 inquis. is enough.

so then i'd add;
4 squad hawk
2 stoneforge
2 doom blade
and 1 of each sword. (:

just my two cents, but i hope i helped some.
also, for the side, deff. find a spot for memoricide.

Posted 22 February 2011 at 18:26 as a comment on B/W control aspiring tournament quality


thanks man, and yeah I'll take a look (:

Posted 22 February 2011 at 18:19 in reply to #133077 on Angel-Go


yeah, I will move sorin to the side.
wurmcoil in the main will help gain life that i've used to pay for sign in bloods.

Posted 22 February 2011 at 17:36 in reply to #132808 on Mono-Black Control.


i like the caw go deck ideas, lol. they seem fun.

but if theres so much control, did you ever think about luminarch ascension?
i think they'd do you way more than leyline.

Posted 22 February 2011 at 17:29 as a comment on Angel-Go


i added 4 flats, just because the deck thinning is good.
and you may be right about using wurmcoil main and sorin sideboarded.
i love sorin for his +2 against weenie decks. destroy a creature, gain 2 life.

me and my bud just had an intenseee match. he's green red aggro, and i won 2 matches and he won 2 matches. lol intense.

but i mayyy find a way for durress.
miss abyssal though :P

Posted 22 February 2011 at 17:23 in reply to #132808 on Mono-Black Control.


ahhh, I see. i actually played one of those decks.
dont they only use squad hawks for a creature base, then use control elements combined with gideon and jace?

and how do those changes look?

Posted 22 February 2011 at 16:08 in reply to #132808 on Mono-Black Control.


well, assassin is amazing. he's a wall that kills without taking damage, so he's staying.
mimic vat... is a staple in any mbc, lol. but persecutors seem to be a topic of discussion.
sadistic sacrement is good first game because I can see what i'm up against. with memoricide game 1, i dont know what im up against. and plus, sadistic sacrement can take either 3 of the same card, of various combos of other cards,
the shade is amazinggggg. sooo brutal turn 2. it's aggressive and an immediate target.

i doo like the fetchland ideas, but they're expensive. ill have to look into that.

and massacre wurm, while good, isn't as good as dropping a grave titan. which is really the center of this deck.

also, what in gods name is this caw-go i keep hearing about?

thanks for your comment, and when I get the chance I'll check your deck (:

Posted 22 February 2011 at 15:32 in reply to #132808 on Mono-Black Control.


I don't know, man. control seems a tad slow for the deck i've played against, haha.
who knows, though. we'll see. :3
again though, whats a caw-go? :S

Posted 22 February 2011 at 15:29 in reply to #131849 on Mono-Black Control.


The mazes actually do help quite a bit.
I don't see many titans, and even when I do, /doomblade.

persecutor actually raped the field today, lol. but I still may cut them.
and the vapors for rathcet bombs isnt a bad idea, either. because I mean, who doesn't love ratchet bombs?
not sure if I'd like to cut sorin, he's so good, lol. maybe a sideboard option.
I'll mess around, but also, what exactly is a caw blade deck? : O

i'll try various things tonight and get back to you, thanks (:

Posted 22 February 2011 at 15:27 in reply to #132684 on Mono-Black Control.


I would, but they're not legal in extended : [

Posted 22 February 2011 at 15:23 in reply to #132802 on Extended Wither


sadly, No I've yet to see rush. But I have seen the Trailer Park Boys, and bubbles sang closer to the heart, so i guess that counts for something :P

Posted 21 February 2011 at 16:19 in reply to #132126 on Legacy MBC, mk. II


Dudeeee, you know of the Trailer Park Boys? That's so rad.
haha I got to see them live. ;P

Posted 21 February 2011 at 13:43 in reply to #132126 on Legacy MBC, mk. II


I need your guys' opinions on this one;
Should I ditch abyssal persecutor for 2 sign in blood?

and also, should Sorin stay maindecked, or just i find a sideboard slot for him?

I really want this deck to win me and FNM, lol.

Posted 20 February 2011 at 20:51 as a comment on Mono-Black Control.


With the new release of MB, control has gotten too slow for standard.
The only control that really stands any chance of surviving this aggro based metagame is new artifact control, abusing tezzeret.
with that being said, this "control" deck will still pack some aggressive characteristics.
When they use Tezz to turn their mox opals and sphere of the suns into creatures, well.. it's nice having a shit ton of removal for that. (:

I find 2 hexmage maindecked is good enough. Not many decks I see run a heavy count of planeswalkers. And the only ones that really concern me would be Gideon and Garruk. Jace is good, but usually this type of deck can get rid of him fairly easy.
Gideon I can just doom blade when he turns into a creature.
And garruk I can just eventually swing in to kill.

While I do agree that I will encounter some situations where I'll need to deal with a planeswalker asap, in game 2 the moment I drop a phyrexian revoker, that planeswalker has been dealt with. Their card is now a dead draw. That's what makes him so devastating.

Mind sludge really seems useless to me. I could care less if they don't have a hand, lol. with 5 mana I'd much rather drop a persecutor and have room to disfigure something, than make them lose their hand.

MBC relies heavily on what's presently on the board. Which is why i have so many ways to deal with that.

Thanks for you comment, and good luck to you as well. (:

Posted 20 February 2011 at 20:48 in reply to #131849 on Mono-Black Control.


overwhelming stampede and garruk's final work.

Posted 20 February 2011 at 20:41 in reply to #131964 on Deathtouch Kills! Duh!


well, truth be told I don't actually own every single card I have posted on these decks.

I post these decks online so that people can critique them until they reach a point of approval. Then, once they've attained a certain point of "flawlessness", I go out and buy the cards needed. (:

If I want to play the deck with friends before I actually have the cards, I just proxy the few I don't have. (:

But I'm glad you like the deck, man! Thanks :D

And if you're new and have any questions, feel free to ask. (:

Posted 20 February 2011 at 12:36 in reply to #131325 on Artifact Control #2


That card isn't bad, but it's not standard : [

Posted 20 February 2011 at 12:33 in reply to #131679 on Mono-Black Control.


you use the persecutors because you can drop a 6/6 with flying AND trample turn 4, lol.

Posted 20 February 2011 at 12:32 in reply to #131334 on Mono-Black Control.


I know, I know
no duress, no mana leaks? :O
well, dont really think i need them all that much. considering ill be milling w/e they have.

this IS my first deck outside of standard, so please, be nice lol

Posted 20 February 2011 at 00:04 as a comment on Extended Mill


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