Hey man, glad the changes worked for you! and yeah no problem I'll take a look! but I found the best way to get people to look at your decks, is to look at other people's decks. offer the best advice you can, and usually in return they'll check out yours. after you comment a few times, people will get a general idea of who you are, and the more known you are, the more people will check your decks. basically just get out there, everyone on this site wants to help, and I do the best I can ^.^
haha I thought of you when I said that
sorry to break it to you, but this isn't stompy :/
basilisk collar... eh. I enjoy the card, but only as a sideboard option. sure, it gives your creatures deathtouch/lifelink, but in an aggro deck, I find that a boost is better than the two abilities. plus it's only good in certain matchups. I always found myself siding it out, to be honest. im not familiar on the other equip, but an equipment I love lately is bonehoard. 4 is a bit mana intensive, but it gives you a creature as it enters, and then it's only 2 to equip later on. it only takes 4 creatures in the grave to put it to good use, and then every creature you kill with it, it raises it's attack. thats just my 2 cents.
yeah, I may drop the student and the fourth crusader for 2 days. never know, though. I may like this build. It's not that I dislike the 4rth crusader and the sole student, but I hate 1-ofs, :P and also as amazing as the crusader is, if I really need him i have the shamans to seek him out. I really appreciate the both of your help, and once i get those vines and a few rares here and there, i'll report back to you on how this does :D
moved the dojs to the sideboard, not sure how i feel about that, or the single student, lol. but how would you guys say that looks?
I completely missed that oust was already sideboarded, haha. well, this opens a lot of new possibilities :D
Thanks! I'm glad you like the deck, it's become a favorite of mine as well! first off, proxies are only for a short time, trading my single jace for the remaining ones. and i've been thinking about the revokes, and I may find a better place for them. I mean, the exile is good, but a journey to nowhere could do the same. hell, even an oust would do the same. and come to think of that, oust would be a much better fit. seeing how it's so versatile. like I said, doj is getting a lot of talk. I may remove a day for the single student, like raggedjoe said, and move the other to the side. I'd still feel safe with one maindecked though. who knows, I could completely remove them for the student and the 4rth crusader. but I KNOW i'll always sideboard them in. :P I mean, they're good against ramp, control, vampires, weenies, I find doj to be an amazing card. but I'm always open to suggestions. :D celestial purge I run in my boros sideboard, and honestly I didn't use it once. so yeah, they'll go as well. thanks a lot for your help, (:
blehhh, I hate the art on blowfly. so nasty. great deck, though. (: if you got time, would you mind checking out my new g/w aggro? it's my latest deck and as always I'd love your opinion. :3
I don't use the day to kill a sole hawk, I use it to wipe the board of maybe 4 hawks. even 2 and a stoneforge is good enough for me. using my boros last fnm, i found no matter what the game was, I was siding in doj. so i had might as well keep it mained. i played one green white blue squad hawk variant, one squad hawk, one blue black white squad variant, and a red green aggro/ramp. i aalways sided in day, either to kill a swarm of hawks, or a bunch of titans/ mana excels. I may try for the 4rth cusuader, because you're absolutely right about that, they are amazing. student of warfare could be nice, but with the shaman im always seeking a vengevine, then discard the vengevine to repeat the process. then bring like 3 back all at once. i have considered condemn for spot removal, but I figure if I drew a condemn, or a journey, i'd be able to play them both essentially at the same time. if i drew a j2n, i'd play it when I draw it. but if I drew condemn, i'd play it on their turn. to me the timing didn't really matter. but I've yet to actually get all 4 vengevines yet, so i've just proxied and barely tested.
Dude, you forgot infernal spawn of infernal spawn of evil
I like the deck, but I realllllly think you should find a spot for Gideon. Once you stabilize with him and jace on the board, game over. He's just so good. lol. Btw, congrats on top decks. (:
blue -.-
Day of judgment is a card that I find everybody is talking about these days. Some people like it, while it seems as if others completely disagree with it. I like having them, because with all the caw-go, ramp, and aggro that's out there, it can just sweep the board and really start things off fresh. But it's a possible sideboard option. I'm always open to suggestion! I like having the body and mind there, just in case. I find the extra body for a chump works swell, and ditching 10 cards is always nice, too. So I think I'll have to disagree with you there D: Student of warfare isn't that bad a suggestion, actually. What would you suggest I change around for it?
i decided to drop blue all together and just go green white aggro. uses gideon though, so I guess that's minor control, at least. :P the decks on my profile if you'd like to check.
ditch mirror works and akroma w/e for 2 more tezz. akroma and mirror works are too mana intensive for the deck, and hitting a tez more often will really help you out.
Well, I would offer some advice, but I wasn't playing magic long enough to use these cards, so my help is basically useless :/ my only advice, is to cut down on the 1-ofs. They'll make your deck inconsistent, and fairly unpredictable. So I couldn't be much help, but if you have any general questions I'll be glad to answer them.
Edna, how does that sideboard look?
Hey raggedjoe, I was wondering if you could just check my g/w aggro deck? (my latest one) I feel it's pretty solid and I'd love your opinion on it! :D thanks, man
sideboard fetch lands are absolutely useless. thats a wasted card slot. and besides, what deck would you even bring them in against? use marsh flats or that other fetchland which i forget the name of, lol. also, lilianna sucks, man. ditch her altogether. im too lazy to make suggestions, but all I can say is maindeck black sun's zenith
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