
148 Decks, 1,477 Comments, 183 Reputation

Why thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my decks! :D

But I don't realllly think you understand what I'm going for with this deck. It's not really suppposed to be a control deck. it just has a control element. I honestly just threw this together for fnm tomorrow, haha. my main deck is g/w, I LOVE that deck. such a beatstick.

black red... hmm.. seems kind of slow to me. the only reason I feel I can drop the titans at a moderate pace here is the counter, and black's amazing removal. even though red does have good removal as well, blue can just rid something before it hits.

iunno, i'll have to experiment. because you're right, my friend plays green red, and wrecksss my boros whenever inferno titan hits. haha i HATE inferno titan ;P

i may try green red black. because that way I could abuse the removal but hit the land at a fairly strong pace. who knows, I'll have to see.

and I honestly can't remember making any comments regarding your comments D:
butt some deck builders I enjoy around here are Edna, you, surewhynot (of course), buddysystem, whiteandbluetheykillyou, thenightangel, and savajcabaj.

but if you have any more ideas for my green white, check it out!! it's been updated quite a bit. :D
and thanks again, once more man.

but before I forget. mimic vats ARE going to the sideboard, BUT i'm leaving the list as it is until tomorrow's fnm so I can see how it works and what I should ditch.

Posted 17 March 2011 at 20:58 in reply to #142978 on Aggressive side-dish


Iunno man, quest seems too cute. Journey is a solid removal, but quests are feeble.

thanks for the suggestion though :3

Posted 16 March 2011 at 16:59 in reply to #142351 on W/G Aggro


Yeah, I guess I'll find out at fnm.

thanks for the help though, man!
and also thanks for the compliment above. :3

Posted 16 March 2011 at 14:01 in reply to #141959 on Aggressive side-dish


I mainly kept the landbase from my old deck, but added blue. I found 24 was too much, so 22 sounded right.

tumble magnet i've yet to test, so I'll have to get back to you on that one. but it seems more versatile.

and mimic vat was a card I myself was iffy on, but in the mean time I've decided to just leak it maindecked.

I like the sacraments, because they let me see what I'm working with, and what I can remove. they may go though.

BUT the swords, now that my creature count is relatively low, are fairly useless. thanks for bringing that to my attention!!

i appreciate your help as always, edna. (:

Posted 16 March 2011 at 13:43 in reply to #142198 on Aggressive side-dish


I may. I may just add the 2 sideboarded gftt to the main, and move the vats to the side.

because after I commented, I realised. "what good would a silly little shade do under the vat anyway?"
in this deck, well, in my MBC, i found the vat was really abused based off of my opponent's creatures.
so that mayy earn it the maindecked spot.

but I could always move 'er to the side, and add my wallet sculptor and the 4rth preordain.

Posted 15 March 2011 at 18:45 in reply to #141959 on Aggressive side-dish


how's that look, guys?
I don't own any wurms, so the grave titans will have to do. but besides that, I'm only ify on the mimic vats.

Posted 15 March 2011 at 17:18 as a comment on Aggressive side-dish


I've yet to run this deck, so I may indeed end up dropping the doom blades.
and I find shade is actually a huge threat once he hits, although mana intensive, he gives you something to do with the extra mana.
but on that same note, he IS mana intensive, which may be a good reason to cut him.
tumble magnet sounds like a good plan.
but if I cut 4 more creatures, then I'm solely running 13. which seems to render mimic vat nearly useless.

No islands is fantastic. With the landbase, I can play and kick any malakir, I can hit sacrament no problem, everything's just so much smoother. I have 16 blue mana sources, which is WELL over the amount I need, and even at that all the maindeck spells only cost 1 blue.

really? wurm over titan? D:
I've been in that debate a lot, and sure, massacre wurm is good, but like.. once he hits, thats kind of it. sure, 2 life loss for each creature is good, but grave titan keeps on swinging.
playtesting will sort that out.

but what are your views on the mimic vat, should I decide to ditch the shades?

Posted 15 March 2011 at 17:13 in reply to #141887 on Aggressive side-dish


I know, a lot of 1-ofs in the sideboard, but I feel it needs to be versatile. The 2 jaces are there for mainly jace kill against caw-go, and the card draw is good too when I'm against control. They SHOULD be 3 jtms, but I only have the 1.

swords are self-explanatory.

and I feel as if everything else is as well, lol. But suggestions are encouraged!!

Posted 14 March 2011 at 17:09 as a comment on Aggressive side-dish


well, I suggest using evolving wilds. same as terramorphic expanse, but a diff. card

Posted 12 March 2011 at 16:20 in reply to #140771 on Landfall Aggro - Too fast to live


zendikar fetch lands. you need them.

Posted 12 March 2011 at 09:18 as a comment on Landfall Aggro - Too fast to live


Well I've only playtested against my friend's green red deck, which is fast as hell, and garruk never really helps against him.
I mainly use garruk for his -1, to provide beast tokens, but thinking on a larger scale, a control deck could just mana leak garruk. but they CANT mana leak thrun, or condemn him.

he may stay a sideboard card, because I mean in those matchups I could just side him in, but I'm not sure.

and I loveee gideon, I find I want to be drawing him more.

Posted 12 March 2011 at 09:16 in reply to #140696 on W/G Aggro


I wishh, gsz would be soo good if it wasn't color restricted.

And I may remove garruk for thruns, but I'm not quite sure.

Posted 12 March 2011 at 09:10 in reply to #140434 on W/G Aggro


suggestions would be swell, but I'm not really sure about losing the bop.

Posted 11 March 2011 at 22:50 in reply to #140696 on W/G Aggro


So, garruk seems pretty irrelevant in this deck, so I'm thinking about going -2 garruk, -1 bop, +1 gideon, +2 thrun maindeck

Posted 11 March 2011 at 22:45 as a comment on W/G Aggro


Hey man, thanks! :D
But yeah, i think gsz is pretty like.. pointless. i only ever want vengevines, and usually 2 is enough to win the game.
i found that 2 cobras are enough, because late game I never want one, and I draw them fairly frequently while just running 2.
so -1 cobra, +1 shaman.

thrun is good, but I find he's more a sideboard card.

Posted 11 March 2011 at 17:45 in reply to #140434 on W/G Aggro


Tezz doesn't really scare me. Blightsteel can be dealt away with oust, and this deck is fairly aggressive.

Posted 10 March 2011 at 19:55 in reply to #140331 on W/G Aggro


I don't know if you have jtms, but if you do, definitely find a spot for those. They're just too good in control.

In the sideboard, definitely include luminarch ascension. They're brutalll against the slower decks.

Sorry I'm really tired atm, but I'll try my best.

I'd ditch triskillion, I think that's just a horrible card in general. I'm not really a fan of elspeth either.
But if you're going to try and get spine if ish sah on the field for control, I'd ditch white and use green.

Sorry, my brain is mush, but I'll respond when I'm more.. awake, haha.

Once again, sorry man

Posted 10 March 2011 at 17:31 as a comment on Venser


Although this deck may be fast, any deck can be slowed down, and gideon provides a good late-game threat.

I use thrun in the control matchups, besides that, I'm not really a fan

Posted 10 March 2011 at 17:24 in reply to #139673 on W/G Aggro


I love the idea of this deck. Like it's actually such a rad idea.
Buttt, i do see a few things you could patch up.

vivisection, distant memories, and cancels. I think you should ditch them all.
even though you want card draw, I think card advantage is just as important.

the deck is 62 cards, so right off the bat, I'd cut 2 cancel.

vivisection is... more or less cute. and distant memories is good, in a sense, but do you really think your opponent will want you to draw 3 cards once you have your combo established?
I don't, so I'd put in 4 preordain in their place.
they're cheaper, and they can really speed things up.

Not sure how I feel about jace's erasure. I suppose it could help you, but if you're not really trying to mill the opponent, it doesn't really help you much.

this may seem odd, but I don't think you need venser's journal. yeah, the life is nice, but it seems like an expensive wasted card slot.
so if I were you, I'd cut the both of those for 2 jace beleren. those cards are madddd draw engines.

this deck seems slightly slow, so you may want to put in a fourth wall. I'd cut 1 stoic for this.

if you don't want to cut venser's journal, I strongly recommend cutting the zenith. 4 mana for 1 card? 5 for 2? 6 for 3? who cares if it shuffles back in, that's awful.

btw, you may want to switch your land base to b/w now, haha.

but thats my 2 cents, and I hope I helped. (:

Posted 09 March 2011 at 21:02 as a comment on Diagnosis: Psychosis v3.5


haha i understand that, but I'm not really an equip person, so I can't really offer much help.

Posted 09 March 2011 at 18:18 in reply to #138755 on Bant Aggro


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