
148 Decks, 1,477 Comments, 183 Reputation

Not to be rude, but of course I mind.
By my building a deck for you it defeats the whole purpose of magic. What would you learn? Nothing,

I can HELP you make one, but for you to rely completely on me is absurd, haha.

Posted 29 March 2011 at 19:05 in reply to #145696 on Psychosis Shenanigans


i'd drop the titan and the baneslayer for 2 more stoneforge. you really want to hit those quick. but if you like them, id drop 2 thrun.

i found that there really wasn't a need for 4 lotus cobras either, but whatever works I guess

Posted 28 March 2011 at 23:34 as a comment on I get to use up to 50 characters for the deck name


Well, usually the whole point of vampires is to be fast as hell. So they usually splash red because red is fast, and they can hit you hard when it counts.

the main vampires (that you WILL need, haha) are;
bloodghast (IMPORTANT :P)
pulse tracker
vampire lacerator
vampire nighthawk
viscera seer (also important)
and kalastria highborn (the most important one of the 3)

so why are these vampires good? well because they start a realllly hard to get around combo.
if you have some lands in your hand, you could sac the bloodghast to the seer, scry a card, then pay 1 black to hit your opponent for 2 and you gain 2 using highborn. then lay your land and repeat if you wish. (:

but vampires are all about being fast, as I said, so anything past 3 mana is too expensive D:

also, for removal, usually vampires run either doom blade/go for the throat, orrrr lightning bolt. (hence red)

the red landbase is actually pretty easy;
laveclaw reaches
dragonskull summit
andddd blackcleave cliffs.

just search up (in google) worlds 2010 vampire top 8. you should find a red black vamp deck that did fairly well last year.

hope I helped xD

Posted 27 March 2011 at 21:43 as a comment on First Deck Build / Vampire Cont. PLEASE COMMENT!


I'd take out 3 fire servants and 1 galvanoth for 4 kiln fiend. and I'd take out the chandra for another koth.

Posted 27 March 2011 at 21:34 as a comment on Burn Control


congrats on top decks, man (:

Posted 27 March 2011 at 17:53 as a comment on Crucible Pox


On the standard topic, I personally love it. It may be that I can't really contrast it to any other formats just yet, but I like having a set of limitations, and seeing what connections I can make to take down the "top decks". The limitations sort of make it a tad harder, (assuming you're not going to just copy somebody's deck).

But I've never played a deck I didn't make down to FNM. Never have, never will.

Unless of course me AND my friends made it, then it's still in a sense my creation :P

Posted 27 March 2011 at 17:45 in reply to #145166 on Crucible Pox


haha thanks! but this deck is mainly casual. I think i'll build my polymorph deck, if you wanna check that one out? it'll just be for fun, but who knows (:

Posted 26 March 2011 at 06:33 in reply to #146417 on Psychosis Shenanigans


well the price dropped now.

and i should have them by this week, with the following trades;
grave titan/nighthawk/gatekeeper for a vengevine
2 goblin guides for a vengevine
and a jace for a vengevine and a gideon.

then a wurmcoil for a gideon. (:

i know some of the trades arent exactly equal on both ends, but they're my friends so we make due

Posted 25 March 2011 at 04:04 in reply to #145853 on Psychosis Shenanigans


why has this suddenly gained interest? lol

Posted 25 March 2011 at 02:37 as a comment on Polymorph Emrasteel


Haha thanks man, and yeah that's primarily why I built it. just for casual.
after i get my vengevines (those expensive friggers) i'll build this deck. (:

Posted 24 March 2011 at 23:00 in reply to #145853 on Psychosis Shenanigans

Permalink you're asking me to build your deck for you? ^.-

Posted 24 March 2011 at 19:18 in reply to #145696 on Psychosis Shenanigans


well, I have 4 inkmoth, 4 growth spasm, 4 kahlni garden and 2 garruk. plus i only need like.. 2 tokens to make it effective. so i think i'm good.

the ramp is mainly for deck thinning.

Posted 24 March 2011 at 19:17 in reply to #145698 on Polymorph Emrasteel


so does sadistic sacrament. the trip black might be hard to pull, but not with plenty of dual lands

Posted 23 March 2011 at 21:43 in reply to #107066 on Quick Mill Really Effective


I'd definitely find room for 2 hero of oxid ridge.and goblin guides

Posted 23 March 2011 at 21:40 as a comment on Better than Boros?


well, I think you have wayy too much counter first of all. I'd cut down all 4 cancels to 2 spell pierce and 2 explore. (trust me, explores are godly)

and distortion strike, I think is more "cute" than anything. it doesn't really do anything for your deck, it just gets a solid attack through. which you can do without distortion strike.. so I'd ditch those cards and add maybe 2 garruk and a cultivate? iunno, your choice. i'd recommend jtms, but we all know he's not budget friendly. however garruk is :D

cut bear umbra altogether, man. auras are once again, "cute". 4 mana is too pricey as it is, anyways.

no ramp creatuyres? D: if you can find them, 4 birds of paradise would do you wonders. they really are amazing. one of the best 1-drops in standard.

I see all this island walk, and I'm assuming you're trying to abuse spreading seas. and that's cool, except what if you don't hit a spreading seas. you just wasted some card slots. so i'd remove the boa and the halimar w/e for some birds of paradise :D
a really good defensive ramp card is also overgrown battlement. you could lose the 4 aether for 4 overgrown battlements, lose the 4 boa for 4 birds of paradise, and then if I were you, I'd lose the 3 aether for some bombs. i.e. avenger of zendikar.

sorry my suggestions are kind of expensive, but if you can do them, i think it would help a lot. :3

Posted 23 March 2011 at 21:37 as a comment on Thrunundrum


With 3 colors, colorless mana is hard to pull off.

Posted 23 March 2011 at 21:29 in reply to #145566 on W/U/B Artifact Infect.


Haha anytime!
and really? I honestly don't see anything special about valakut.
i've yet to lose to it..

Posted 23 March 2011 at 19:51 in reply to #145103 on GW Aura Beatdown


Meh, I plan to. But I figure if I haven't even won an fnm yet, there's no need to rush.

Posted 23 March 2011 at 19:46 in reply to #144663 on Naya Ramp


can't say I'd be able to relate, I only play standard. :/

Posted 23 March 2011 at 19:23 in reply to #144663 on Naya Ramp


journey to nowhere is by far the best.
and oust is good, but it's if-ee. yeah, you can take away their draw and what not with it, but if it's say.. a titan, and they hard cast it, really it's not stopping them any except a turn.
but on a blightsteel, well oust is just beautiful. thats why I consider oust a strict sideboard card.

then of course there's condemn, which I'm not too fond of.
but besides that, there's day of judgement, pacifism, arrest... and I think that's it, unless we're taking artifact removal

Posted 23 March 2011 at 17:52 in reply to #144663 on Naya Ramp


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