That's what makes standard fun; searching for stability with limited options! Of course the stability of legacy is far greater than that of standard, the card pool size isn't even close... But in standard you have less threats to worry about, as well. I don't think standard is lacking options, per se, it just doesn't have as many as legacy. So in comparison it's lacking, yes. But on it's own, it's just not as in depth. Either way, I love it. (:
It's actually really easy to get into. Hard to predict the meta now, with the fall of jace and stoneforge, but the top decks will probably be Valakut, Vampires, MBC, POSSIBLY pyromancers ascension (it's really good, trust me) and after m12, RDW will be top tier, no doubt. Eldrazi green MAY have a shred of hope, but with RDW on the rise, it's speed will be it's downfall. Red doesn't need to burn your dudes when they can just burn you, especially with shrine of burning rage. But black is a color to reckon with. Maybe a combination of red and black could do well, but i think either MBC or RDW will be better off mono-colored.
and thanks, also! I'll hopefully get a list ground out soon. But at the moment I need to break standard, lol. Not an easy task.
Yeah, reanimator was so quirky, thats why I like it. :D And I think I may just go bant. Although the natrual afinity idea is nice... it doesn't win me the game. So the better deck builder in me will probably just ditch it, lol. I'd rather win with goyfs and vengevines ; ]
MBC all the way. Black is the jesus christ of magic at the moment, lol.
If reanimator could exist in standard... ohbuddy, lol. I actually thought about starting off legacy with reanimator, but i realllly like tarmogoyf... so I'll probably go rug or something of that sort. I was thinking, I think it was you w&b who did a natural affinity pyroclasm type combo? Well either way, I liked that a lot, and i think that if I through in some aether vials and a playset of goyfs I'd be cooking! goyf won't die to pyroclasm (he'll get bigger) and then I can use my vials to pump in more dudes. Then add in some blue for some jaces (which have now dropped in price substantially) to bounce their guys, and they can't re-cast them. It would need a lot of tweaking, and possibly fow, but it'd be fun. maybe even natural order to get out something ridiculous, in which they cant respond to with no lands :'D just an idea (:
Haha reanimator in standard? now that I'd have to see ; ] Lol just joking, but a person really didn't know how reanimator played out? ^.- I don't even play legacy (yet) and I know how they work... lol.
well, when the money and time is there, I hope to make you guys proud. ^.^ thanks, (:
See, it's shit like that that makes extraction so powerful in the hands of an extractor. Normally a lot of people wouldn't see that interaction, but you pick up on it right away because you're an extractor. This game is a lot more skill based than a lot of players think. And it's that fine line between skill and luck that make and break a good player. When I build a deck, I try to eliminate the luck portion by as much as possible, and the rest is skill of the play.
Haha why thank you, kind sir. I just don't see why anyone wouldn't like the lavamancer... ohhhh, 2 burn spells in the grave I won't have back? yeah, see ya /ping for 2. And goblins, before rotation, will be veryyyy god. That new grenade is insane. And I don't exactly minddd playing against extraction, per se, as I do playing against an extractor. You give just a random guy an extraction deck, and they'll lose 90% of the time. But if you give an extractor and extraction deck... gg. lol
Ohhhh man, grim lavamancer <3 I've made a rdw list already. just waiting for the cards to go on the site for m12, and BAM. it's sooo good. <3 But there are a lot of ways around new rdw, like glistening oil might prove very worthy of a sb slot.
Hahahaha, *high fives back* Thanks w&b, :3 If you think my previous decks were unique, wait for annastraad and m12... It's time to brew some serious jank, :P But I really do appreciate the fact that you like my decks, thanks a lot :)
Ohhh, haha. At first I was like... what? lol. But knowing you, you'd probably praetor's grasp either or and use them against me. :P
Why? Tumble magnet runs out. Obliterator would stall the balls out of them, lol.
Standard is so fun, haha. I love it. :'D You should definitely try it out, it's fun trying to break the format, lol. I'm glad you like it, man! Thanks! : )
Haha, thanks man (: And I was thinking maybe surgical extraction, but it just doesn't do what the deck wants it to. I chose memoricide over s.e. because now where valakut will be so big, s.e. will be too late. Once primeval enters the battlefield... it's half over. :/ And tumble magnet is actually quite impressive here. where someone can phyrexian metamorph my obliterator, tumble magnet can't tap it down and let me swing through. Or tap anything down and let me swing through, lol. But thanks for the comment, man! Glad you like it (:
I was thinking on posting a video... and rick rolling you all... But out of respect, I chose not to. (: P.S., sorry to ask, but with the banning of stoneforge and jace, I made a new mbc! I'd really like it if you guys checked it out and left your opinions/ideas! I think monoblack can really shine, and I may even make an aggressive build sometime. Or infect... Iunno, But I like monoblack lol.
^ hahahahaha
It really is versatile. I run it in my Big Red, as well, and against a RDW, I copied their shrine of burning rage, and actually won the game with it. The thing is just sooo good... blows clone out of the water!
Man, phyrexian metamorph against my MBC is impossible to get around! Can't doom blade it, can't gftt it... like what can I do? dismember doesn't do anything agaisnt a metamorphed grave titan... lol it's a pain.
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