Well, that would be sweet, but if dark depths is sacrificed with counters still on it, and not to it's own ability, you don't get the token :/ cool idea, though. and thanks for taking the time to check this out (:
and also p.s. in magic b=black, u=blue. your deck title should be u/w control, just saying its no big deal
Hey, thanks for the follow, but also I felt like I'd check out some of your decks. I like the idea of u/w control, but there are a few things you NEED to change. First of all, when building a deck you need to consider how much mana you need to cast most of your spells. In this deck you have 6 6 drops, and 5 5 drops. With only 20 land, manaliths aside, that just wont do. In a control deck, yes you play slower, making threats mana cost seemingly more irrelevant, but that doesn't mean you should stack up your deck with them. in this deck, i feel venser is irrelevent, along with sunblast and sun titan. sun titan will reccur hardly anything of value, sunblast will hit hardly anything of value, and venser will bounce hardly anything of value. I would remove all of these for either more control spells, or land.. lol manalith should definitely be replaced with land, as well. why pay 3 for something harder to destroy (a land). also, dispatch is also very weak in this deck. dismember would do you so much more in the long run, trust me on this. would you rather tap or kill a baneslayer? exactly. also blinding soul eater is relatively weak, as well. in this type of deck, you want either 4 preordain or 4 ponder. no questions asked 3-4 oblivion ring (once again, no questions asked) 3-4 mana leak, and 2-3 spell pierce (you can swap spell pierce for negate, though should you prefer) this is a good start, no doubt. but it really needs some fine tweaks to move smoothly. hope i helped, and if you have any questions just ask (:
and also thank you again for the advice! always appreciated (:
I'm sorry, but I'm still not used to the acronyms, lol. whats sdt? (lol at the acronyms). and yeah, chalice will probably be better board. i really liked it against my reanimator (chalice for 1 against reanimator? skhfvkhfbvifi). but I'm really glad you like standstill and propaganda (: with the manabase, I've found i really had no trouble whatsoever. I've done a lot of testing online, and I mean 2 fetches and I'm set. I can see the strenghts in using 2 colors, but i feel spot removal for 1 that gets around indestructibility is really worth the splash. further testing might prove me wrong, though. and I'm always open to change, haha. basics are in definite need, though. good call! haha
Something tells me you're a standard player, lol. Legacy caw blade gets the "caw" from it's thopter foundries. Stoneforge will either search up batterskull, sword of the meek, or jitte. Why sword of the meek? well, let me introduce you to the lovely legacy realm of combo :D Thopter foundry lets you sac an artifact, pay 1 colorless mana, and get a 1/1 thopter. but whats this? sword of the meek lets you re-attach it to a creature whenever they enter the battlefield! i guess ill just sac sword of the meek, get a thopter, attach sword from the grave to my little 1/1, then repeat said process til you have no mana left. that's hefty, huh? And older counterspells really can't be replaced with new ones. Holding mana up is for suckers. hence daze, mental mistep, and fow. why would I want to hold up 2 mana when i can get 2 thopters? i dont. all the counterspells in caw are USUALLY "free" ones. also, the beauty of legacy is fetches are actually mana fixers (i mean they always were but never to this extent.) oh, whats this? a marsh flats? but i need blue mana next turn and white mana for my swords to plowshares? :( : ( :( ohhhhyeah i can marsh flats up a tundra and have both. thats the beauty of them! but besides that, raggedjoe has actually said everything i would have. believe me, ragged knows his legacy. i'd consider his advice more than input.
hahahahaha will do! and from now on, ill specify my exact likings ;P this one? how it's a modern deck and still looks like a freaking solid legacy deck. I might not know enough about legacy, or magic in general to exactly specify it's weaknesses and strengths, but stoneforge, tarmogoyf AND bob in a deck? you sir know the way to a man's heart. <3
Ragged, why are all your decks so appealing to me. I know I rarely comment, but it seems that whenever I look at a deck, there's no real comment to be made. All of your decks seem so solid. Haha I love the build. +1 (: And also, if you get a chance, do you mind taking a look at my standstill depths deck? It's one of my few legacy builds, and I think it has serious potential. Sorry to ask,
Thereeeeeeeeee we go. At first I was like "really sure, really? :/" but now it looks MUCH better. Haha more streamlined and not so.. all over the place lol. +1 in the like department, sir
until m11 rotates wall of frost is good! (: and p.s. I made 2 new legacy decks (and you know how I love your input on legacy). One's a prison deck.. which I feel very shaky on (throw away the key) And one's a deck I feel has a lot of potential, "standstil depths" if you could comment on either one of those I'd really appreciate it. (:
Lol dark confidant could suck with 3 beseech, but let's hope for the best. Suggestions?
all these taps and not a single sunblast? :O You confuse me, kind sir. But there are a few things I'd be worried about with this deck. The curve seems a bit out there.. I know it's control and what not, but 5 6 drops and 6 5 drops spells disaster for me. I'd definitely cut some of those down. I'd probably cut sun titan and wurmcoil. Yes, sun titan is ridiculous with phantasmal, but that combo seems a bit off for this deck. Also I feel like venser is a waste of your time. Frost titan may be as well. I think you'd be better off with wall of frost, than the titan, honestly. also I feel dispatch is weak. I know it goes along with the tap theme, but you have access to oblivion ring in standard now. which is a lot better i.m.o. Hope i helped, lol. and also I changed up my dredge deck quite a bit, if you wouldn't mind checking it out, I'd appreciate it! I think it's gotten a lot better (:
Sorry for such a late reply. And thank you very much! I didn't consider my name big at all, haha. but im glad I'm known around here. :P it's really a personal perference, really. i hate ponder. seeing 2 cards i dislike, and 1 i like weighs me to shuffle. but i want that 1 card... preordain allows me that 1 card. (: some people like being able to see 3 cards, and have access to a 4th if needed. so they use ponder. it's all about your preference, (:
...and okay, stupid question here. but if I have 2 dredgers in my graveyard, and they both have dredge 5. can I dredge 10 to get them both back in my hand?
I really should...
get creatures in the grave. get 3 creatures onto the field. then sacrifice them all to dread return. bridge from below will drigger if it's in your graveyard. giving you 2/2 zombies. :'D
Lol thanks for the bump ;] but sadly No, I do not : [
Hahahahaha well I guess it equals out, huh? ;P
i honestly don't like goblin guide all that much... or the ultimatum... lol. so either could go. but i think goblin guide helps them a lot in most cases. if they're in a tight spot, and don't want to draw land, then you're giving them the extra draw... you know?
hahahaha a scholar, and a gentleman.
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