
148 Decks, 1,477 Comments, 183 Reputation

Oh believe me, I know. :P
My friend plays hivemind, actually. And he was my only loss so far. : (
he cast show and tell, sneaked in emrakul, and I was lucky enough to have a blazing archon in hand, so i just set mine out. I was waiting for a reanimate spell to get my inkwell, and just island walk over him, but he got the monolith, set down hive mind... blehhhhhh.

But I'm prepared for it now, so no shinnanigans next time. :P

Posted 10 July 2011 at 14:57 in reply to #179120 on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


I'd say Iona and jin gitaxis.
if I get iona online first, stops their hive minds, intuitions, show and tells... then their pacts are useless.
but if a jin gitaxis resolves early, it hurts them bigggg time.

I'm actually putting jin back in, where my matchup with hive mind is so bad, jin could really help me out.

also, I like daze a lottt vs hive mind. counter my copy of pact, choose to not pay, lol.

and thanks sure! ^.^ I do like extraction, it's just not my forte. D:

Posted 10 July 2011 at 05:28 in reply to #179120 on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


happened today; blazing archon

Posted 10 July 2011 at 03:57 in reply to #179120 on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


So today, I played hive mind for the first time with this deck. It was the deck's only loss so far. And then I went to an m12 prerelease.... and thought "Wow, sun dial of the infinite, who'd want to end their turn.... OH MY GOD"

They can play pacts all they want, but I'll end my turn on my untap, without ever hitting my upkeep to pay for the pact, so it'll fizzle :'D

Posted 10 July 2011 at 01:22 as a comment on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


You reallly should give credit to the guy who actually thought this up. I know for a fact you did not.

Nothing wrong with posting the deck online, but at least credit the creator.

Posted 09 July 2011 at 13:18 as a comment on 1st turn win Flash hulk


Haven't really tried them yet. I was just looking for some way of redirecting any "exile target graveyard" effects.

Posted 09 July 2011 at 12:48 in reply to #178558 on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


Actually not too bad of an idea, i'll play around with it. thanks (:

Posted 09 July 2011 at 02:01 in reply to #178790 on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


I will, (:
If somebody asked me what style of player I am, I don't even know how I'd respond, lol. "Well... I'm an aggressive control player, if you will. I counter your stuff and play bombs t2."

But how do you like the sideboard? : O

Posted 09 July 2011 at 01:59 in reply to #178558 on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator



Posted 08 July 2011 at 19:00 as a comment on Bone Palace Ballet


I may just put in the sphinx, just in case. also, I realllly dislike jin, so I'm looking for a replacement, lol.

How do you guys like the sideboard? I threw it together quickly, but online it seemed to work out. I found I never really needed it, being so fast. But it helped sometimes. (:

So far, I'm 8-0. lol

Posted 08 July 2011 at 17:41 in reply to #178558 on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


I have gained soooo much respect for you guys. After seeing the name, I was all.... "CHIODOS??? NO WAY!" One of my favorite bands, no doubt.

Respect earned, guys. And as always, a beautiful deck. (:

Posted 08 July 2011 at 16:34 in reply to #177822 on Bone Palace Ballet


I'd classify myself as a control player, but a very aggressive control player. once I have board control, I just send my guys into the red zone, and pile more pressure.

so yeah, I'll take out gin jitaxis. but who's snaggle tooth? lol
and do you mean sphinx of the steel wind? :O

also, are there any beat sticks with lifelink? in some matchups, I feel as though i need life more than anything.

andddd another thing, creatures with shroud; can i target them with animate dead?
it targets them in the graveyard, where i dont think their shroud applies, but then when they're "reincarnated" would animate fizzle? I wasn't sure. lol

Posted 08 July 2011 at 05:40 in reply to #178558 on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


I really dislike jin gitaxis. for multiple reasons;
he takes a full turn for his effect to really hit them hard. yeah, his effect is good, but when compared to just a beatdown with shroud, or making a color of their deck useless, he's more of a last resort type deal.
he's a 5/4.. thats really weak, in my opinion. a bolt and a gut shot could take him out....
andd he costs 10, which really hurts me if i reanimate him.

i think i'd rather a simic sky swallower, main. i loveee shroud, it's so powerful. and once i have my main guy out, i just start sending them to the red zone. i play it very aggressively.


Posted 08 July 2011 at 04:36 as a comment on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


if you want it for free, you can lol.

its like a trial or something.. the "unregistered version" but its the same thing.. and everyone uses it.

need to download the new sets, but thats about it. (:

Posted 08 July 2011 at 04:33 in reply to #178377 on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


you can use it right away, theres a free demo version, but it has all the cards and everything. you play against other users online (:
so they build their own decks

Posted 08 July 2011 at 04:22 in reply to #178377 on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


To be honest, I have no idea. Just google "magic workstation", my friend got it for me, so I'm clueless as to how one would get it.

Posted 08 July 2011 at 03:59 in reply to #178377 on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


True, it does. But it also costs 3 mana, which is actually too slow for this deck.

I'd be greedy if I chose 3 creatures for 3 mana, over 1 for 1. ti i can entomb, and t2 i can reanimate, exhume, or animate dead for a t2 whatever I want, lol.
happens more often than you'd think.

Posted 08 July 2011 at 03:39 in reply to #178536 on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


thanks, man (:
mws is magic work station, its like magic online... for free :'D

Posted 07 July 2011 at 21:40 in reply to #178377 on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


So, played this on MWS, never played a game of legacy before in my life, won each match in 2. (:

This deck is ridiculous. Way more fun than standard!

Posted 07 July 2011 at 18:03 as a comment on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


Glad I could be of service! :'D
I can't wait to just rogue it up, as I get deeper into legacy. I'll probably slide to aggro in the future. who knows.

and hahahahahahaha at your my face comment... my sentiments, exactly.

Posted 07 July 2011 at 04:25 in reply to #177888 on Legacy, take 1; Reanimator


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