hmm.. it's an idea. I find path is just too valuable to lose. :/ it's the whole reason we splashed white for it, LOL
hahaha, "kinda funny but pretty immature" Made my day. :P I'll admit, it was immature. But my comment stands.
why thank you (: But i chose path over stp because when dark depths hits the field, i want it to be that if i get 1 hit in, they die. Putting them at anything over 20 means i'd need 2 hits as apposed to 1. Might not seem like that big a deal, but the extra turn they'd have means a lot.
actually, no i haven't considered the vault, i completely forgot tbh. xD I love the esper colors, so whenever i see a deck with potential to run it, I do so. But lands running it, is indeed interesting. Manlands could as well be beneficial. But with a tri-color landbase they could also really affect the mana flow. I suppose with fetchlands being able to essentially fix my base it's not too big a problem, but what do you suggest changing around for them? thanks! (:
You know, you can call us whatever you wish, that's something neither one of us can prevent with any combination of words in the english language. But I feel sorry for anyone who'd choose to still argue with people who seriously could help him with something he clearly has an interest in. As i said, this a magic community. We offer our opinions on eachother's decks in hope to improve them. If that means a lot of comments on a deck that's not the best, then so be it. But I'd much rather a bad deck on the front page with aspirations to be at it's best, then a good deck with only "wow this deck is great!". I don't think this deck is bad at all. Mind you it's a modern deck.. And the most immature guy here, hmm? A few days ago, your usename as unheard of, to me. And yet you know so much about all 3 of us. Once again; grow up. (:
I don't see why it should matter.. "OH MAN THIS GUY'S DECK IS ON THE FRONT PAGE???? I DON'T LIKE THIS ONE, I'LL INSULT HIM, HAHAHA YEAH THAT'LL SHOW HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:'D:'D" Like grow up out of it, seriously. If you don't like a deck and disagree with some of his choices, comment your THOUGHTS* (because that's all they are, your personal views on the matter) on how YOU would 'improve' it. Your lack of constructive comments lead me to believe you're not a good deckbuilder at all. Magic is a game. This is a magic community. Get over it, (:
With his red white, I won in 3. then with him mono green I won 3 and he won 1. they were good games (:
Lol i can't believe you actually found me, was very nice talking/playing with you!!
my friend just plays for fnms, so losing doesn't really bother him too much. the deck is solid, and yeah m11 cards would help, but thats kind of a waste of money, soooo close to m11 rotating. :/
I love cockatrice, lol. If you ever see "Ethan" hosting a game, be sure to say hello lol
are you talking about mws or cockatrice? lol.
if you guys dislike mws, search up "cockatrice". weird name, I know. but the program has all the images already loaded, and same controls as mws. It's a lot better, imo. and you can even download on mac, lol. it's realllly straightforward to download,. too. just go here;
Honestly, I doubt that. :/ maybe if I saw it in action, maybe I'm missing something. But to me, it's like lifegain control. Nice idea, won't work in the end.
...completely missed that this was g/w, not bant... whoopsies.
Battle cry is really sweet, but first strike, in my opinion, is worth a lot more. plus the boost of temp. steel pushes it way over the top
Hmm, I think you'd be better off with preordain instead of the probe. It's always nice getting a free peak, but in pod you really want to make sure you can go off. and preordain lets you dig. As does ponder, but I prefer preordain. lol. also, i feel apostle's blessing is weak here. A card i think you should look into is phantasmal image. they copy the mana cost as well, so that'd be some fast pod-upgrades. besides that it looks really solid, man. I like it. But if I were you, I'd go -1 beast within -1 o-ring +2 dismember. instant speed removal that doesn't give them a dude is always nice.
i think you mean hex parasite, not hexmage. and those cards are really good, yeah, but they're more sideboard choices, i.m.o. If I were going to a huge tournament, I would no doubt maindeck spellskite to stop the twin combo. But in my meta, there's not really a lot of twin. So they're more of a board card. And same goes for hex, but in regards to counters. And Yeah I'll check your deck now, thanks for the comment (:
Haha, why thank you. But me and my friends all pool cards. As long as they don't destroy or lessen their value, I don't mind lending them out. (: We originally had 4 champions, but we found 4 was just too many.. and the idol is great! I could definitely see putting in a 4th, but what to take out.. Testing will probably resolve that, lol
I would, but tribal decks are decks I have 0 to suggest. I've never made one, and don't plan on it :/ Sorry D: But i got 4 tempered steels for 15 bucks (shipping included) on ebay. This was before they were in tiers decks, mind you, but still, 6 bucks for one is relatively cheap. In my local card shop they're 10 each, lol.
Round 1; vs MBC, won in 2. (4 mirran crusader main, celestial purge side, easy win). Round 2; Tempered steel. Such a close game. Game 1 I lost, just got out-raced. Game 2 I blew him out with corrosion, won. Game 3 was the best game I've ever played, but sadly my math was a little off, and I walked into my own loss. Still extremely close. And oh yeah, I mulled to 5. It was a respectable loss. Round 3; Caw-blade. Lost game 1, then just raced him games 2 and 3. near fatal doj wiped my board, but recurring vengevine sealed the deal. Round 4; puresteel. Won game 1 (by mill via sword). Game 2, a well timed corrosion summed it up. 3-1. Came 10th. Not too shabby. This deck definitely has potential. Just needs a few tweaks. (:
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