Hahaha, me mana leaking torpor orb, my new game plan (Y) :P but i changed this deck up, thinking i needed more removal. and i figured "hey... trinket mage can sort offffff be a stoneforge in this casee... fuckit, why not" and added a sparkmage combo. it pairs really nice with inferno titan, too. :D and this way, i can get rid of everything. and if it means dealing 1 to an obliterator, and sacing a trinket mage? i'm down. lol
Thanks for all the staples! but can you tell me what the abbreiviations are? where I don't play much legacy, i don't know them all. :/ and thanks, but I think it'll be more fun if I build my own deck starting off. don't like netdecking, lol. and also, can you tell me what the difference is between control/aggro and aggro/control?
do you run terra eternal in lands? :O and yeah, i like the skyfisher idea. the only down side is he doesn't bring his amigos, but boros should be fast enough to not give a crap. :D
I love solid counter. In standard, you usually figure you won't be countered if you leave open 3 mana, lol. That's why deprive now is seeing more play (where I play anyways). And that hive mind was sooooo tech! Like, app. it's been on the go for a while, but when I first heard it, I was like "....HE JUST BROKE THE FORMAT!" Hahaha, I thought it was such a cool combo. (: And I'm glad I'm not the only one sky fishers sounded good to, sometimes that land fall can really make the difference. and also if i'm stuck on 1 plains, I can go skyfisher, bounce plains, play stoneforge or something. (:
Alright, so tech idea. instead of hawks, run kor skyfishers? that way i can bounce land if need be, stoneforges, a near dead koth, batterskull for 2 mana instead of 3 (yes it makes a huge difference) and that way drawing multiples isn't so shitty either, lolol. opinions?
the no fow deck was soooooooooooooooooooooo good. I read that wizards article, but I gotta say I wanted hive mind to top that one. Loved that combo, so tech. And misstep is actually really good in legacy, thanks for reminding me. and I plan on buying a playset of goyfs the summer. 250, included shipping sounds like a deal to me. but also I plan on buying fow, too. and gsz was a given, but thanks for refreshing my memory! It sounds like legacy will be fun (: but i think while that deck's being bought, i'll run a naya natural affinity deck, lol. natural affinity, pyroclasm, all lands die. then just use aether vial to slowly work my way back up :D
5 standard cards; vengevine stoneforge mystic grave titan koth of the hammer lotus cobra all time; daze force of will aether vial ...Thats all I really know of, legacy wise, that I really enjoy. Mutavault is really good, as well. And for a 5th... hmmm.... I really like oona, queen of the fae. and stifle. so that's 6, lol.
Money really isn't an issue for me. Magic and hack are all I do... so I like to at least be good at one of them, lolol. I may be going to Canadian Nationals this year though, so my legacy career may be on hault. :P But I really like exalted for g/w. And swords to plowshares seems really good, as does rafiq. Besides that, that 1 mana that taps for bant mana... noble hierarch, she seems really good too. And vengevines in a legacy deck seem ideal to me. I'd just make it a legacy version of my standard g/w, with some new tech as I go along. And stoneforge would bring along the jitte (: Any suggestions for really good bant colored aggro creatures? :O
edna hit the nail right on the head; versatility is what makes this deck so strong. i can play both the aggro player and as the control player. but on that note, it makes this deck equally hard to play. with so many options it's hard knowing which one's the right one. but you judge accordingly, lol
why thank you :D I love boros. I love all aggro these days... besides kuldotha and knights. Lol. and legacy... guess what :O Today me and my friend were discussing playing legacy. I played agaisnt my friend's legacy merfolk deck, and i fell in love with daze. <3 Force of will is really good too, but I mean... so is a jace. LOL But I may very well get into legacy. Rafiq of the many tickles my fancy ; ] But do you have any tips for where to start? And staples to look for?
too quest. you can put allll that time equipping your dudes, and then I can just nature's claim it, or beast within it, or viridian corrupter is, and your gameplan is half screwed. I like this build a lot more than any quest I've played with. :/
no painful quandary? D:
black sun is faster. aggro decks are a much harder matchup than the control decks, so against aggro BSZ is a must.
Turns out I'm a horrible extractor, LOL. So I'm not really the best with this deck. :P
Thanks guys for upping this to the front page, i appreciate it :D and yes, the obliterator is mainly a wall for this deck. once I feel safe with the amount of cards I extracted, i start swinging. but til then, he's defensive only.
Thank you! (: Block is so much more fun than standard now, I think. I consider block my little home-brew event, haha. Just make a completely rogue deck, and try it out down there. (: Believe it or not, my artifact infect aggro went 2nd last night, LOL. Rogue all the way. And yes, even though the clasps are free poison, I have so much proliferate in this deck that I felt I didn't need a 3rd or 4th. Grim affliction, tezz's gambit, and the clasps... all proliferate! :D But you may still be right, I just need to buy a few singles and test. (: And I was considering sphere of the suns, but Iunno, felt as if I didn't have room for it. :/ But once again, through playtesting, I might see that I don't need ALL the removal I have here, and then I'll add the sphere. Thank you, once again edna (:
Hahahaha "if you have one of your hoes out too". I originally actually had the metamorph in the build.... don't know why I took it out, but it seemed as a good idea at the time. This deck didn't really cut it where I play, so I guess this is like one of surewhynot's "subdued decks", lol. But thanks for reminding me of him, and I'll change accordingly tonight. (:
haha no worries, looks a lot better now. norns annex completely shuts down splinter twin. (:
no rage extractor? in a phyrexian mana deck? D:
traumatize seems weak here. and also, why no mindcrank? thats an instant win
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