
148 Decks, 1,477 Comments, 183 Reputation

Yeah, I'm not too current on traditional builds, so i built what seemed the best, haha.

I'll check your deck, no problem. (:

Posted 18 April 2011 at 18:46 in reply to #154608 on Naya Aggro Attempt #2


Why thank you. (:
and yeah, I find in any build where you can search up what you need (i.e. tool box builds, even though this one isn't all that tool box, i use shamans and stoneforges for seeking) running 61 doesn't slow you down all too much.

I still find my green white to be a lot better, though. none the less. and it runs 61 as well

Posted 18 April 2011 at 18:44 in reply to #154479 on Naya Aggro Attempt #2


yeah, pyroclasms may work, except theyd kill a lot of my guys, too :/

and I'll check now in a second after I reply to these comments, haha. (:

Posted 18 April 2011 at 18:42 in reply to #154416 on Naya Aggro Attempt #2


why thank you. i found this deck doesn't do as well as the green white, but i still like what red has to offer.
dropping 1 ravine does seem practical, though. thanks :D

this deck raped control, did well against tezz, buttt strangely, had a fairly hard time against kuldotha red.. weird, haha.

but once you get the bant up and running, let me know! i'll take a looksy :D

Posted 17 April 2011 at 22:45 in reply to #154109 on Naya Aggro Attempt #2


break the mold, think outside the box. :P

Posted 17 April 2011 at 22:41 in reply to #153380 on Naya Aggro Attempt #2


hahaha, well, we just have to make our conversations twice as long to compensate now ! :P

Posted 14 April 2011 at 03:51 in reply to #153152 on Naya Aggro Attempt #2


yeah but sparkmages can die quite easily. and take up a few card slots. but mortarpod is essentially harder to target and is reusable all the same. ;P

Posted 14 April 2011 at 02:03 in reply to #153139 on Naya Aggro Attempt #2


sweet, now no more cheating :D

Posted 14 April 2011 at 02:01 in reply to #153152 on Naya Aggro Attempt #2


did they remove the comment/like boost system? :O

Posted 14 April 2011 at 01:38 as a comment on Naya Aggro Attempt #2


mortapod is actually really good. its has living weapon, which is always nice, but against boros you can FORCE them to crack their fetches, ping an untapped hawk they THOUGHT would be a chump blocker, his a hawk before equip in caw go, get a free chump blocker and sac to ping something else, it's just good all together. I used to be skeptical until I ran it myself.

in a really aggro based meta I find it's really good. killing a lotus cobra is always worth it i.m.o.

Posted 14 April 2011 at 01:32 in reply to #153139 on Naya Aggro Attempt #2


hm... sylvok replica is a nice suggestion. I may try that! thanks (:

Posted 12 April 2011 at 19:12 in reply to #152251 on W/G Aggro


lead the stampede i find is actually really good in this deck. with the mana accel. i find I play my hands out rather quickly, and in an aggro deck you really need to hit your creatures asap.

i took out acidic slime, because i found it heightened the curve too much. even in the sideboard. for artifact removal we have 4 targets. 1 viridan corrupter main, 1 in the board and 2 leonin relic warder. they dont heighten the curve as much and fulfil the purpous of destruction.

besides that, the lotus cobras are the only real change, haha. and the leonins in the sideboard, pretty. much. (:

Posted 11 April 2011 at 21:53 in reply to #152251 on W/G Aggro


i meant white black* black is essential in infect, lol.

but glad to see it's holding it's own. and yes, corrupted conscience is a card that's highly underlooked. lets say you mind control an inferno titan. thats sweet, yes, but if you c.c him, you're essentially doubling his power! infect can hit hard if not prepaired for it. but i'd still like to see a 2nd skithy. D:

p.s. major changes to the gw, care to take a look? :D

Posted 11 April 2011 at 18:57 in reply to #152146 on UB Infectious Control


I was just going to suggest that, lol

Posted 09 April 2011 at 16:39 in reply to #151383 on Destroy All Lands


why black, terrible? :O
come on man, give it some credit. the best removal spells, stoneforge to seek your equipment, run gideon to divert attacks, ajani to pump your dudes, I think it's be good. :P

mass board removal until the big guys come out.

but hows this deck run?

Posted 09 April 2011 at 04:01 in reply to #150394 on UB Infectious Control


hahaha, thanks! and yeah, boros is hit and miss for a lot of people. It really is one of the hardest decks to play.

but on the mana subject, yeah my mana is good, but I want to go off turn 3, you know? and if that doesn't work, abuse the late game :P

Posted 08 April 2011 at 16:39 in reply to #151329 on W/G Aggro


yeah, iunno. boros to me IS good, but i think this deck is a lot faster with a hell of a lot stronger late game. it's funny though, because the deck this deck has the most problems with (online, that is, so.. kinda different, w.e) is anything with emeria the sky ruin and sun titan. :/

but I may just go for 3 lotus cobras, because they are good, and have the extra sword maindeck. I find i always side garruk out anyways. so i'll try that at tomorrow's fnm :D

Posted 08 April 2011 at 02:10 in reply to #150728 on W/G Aggro


awe how sweet :P

Posted 07 April 2011 at 20:54 in reply to #149919 on Super aggressive naya reborn :)


damnit Gerry, stealing our ideas. lol just joking.

and yeah, garruk will probably go. for 2 more cobras, maybe? my friend who's been playing a lot longer than me insists I have 4, because turn 3 baneslayers are sick, haha.

and on that note, he's running his boros deck. i dont have the list, but it's kind of a cross between old school and new battle cry boros.

Posted 07 April 2011 at 19:29 in reply to #150728 on W/G Aggro


Dude I had totalllly replied to this, but my comment must not have registered. sorry about that!

Although my money is still on black white, *cough* gideon *cough* I think black blue still can work, it's just shady. :P

Lilianna vess... I hate this card. sure, she's a tutor for 2 cards for 5 mana, and she combos with jace, but to hit that combo, thats 8 mana. and 5 alone isn't worth it to me. she's too slow. and speed in a control deck, although meant to be slow, is very important. So I'd cut her, and mini jace for 2 more jaces if you have them. but if you only have 3 big jace, then just cut liliana.

to be honest, I think you'd profit more from 3 mana leak and 2 spell piece rather than 4 leak and 1 stoic. I doubt you'll have enough artifacts on the board to effectively profit from the metalcraft, and turn 1 spell piercing an inquisition is just so good. :P and on the inquisition note, I'd go 3 inquisition 1 duress. and 3 duress in the side in the chance of caw-go.

I'm stil relatively against contagion clasp. the only reason I use him in my block deck is because i can cast him for free via semblance anvil (see, such a good card). and if you're going to use the clasp at all, I think 3 is the wrong number.
i'd cut him for another tumble magnet and more removal or another skithiryx. even sphere of the suns or an ever flowing chalice would be better, in my opinion.

those are the only things I'd change, so I hope they helped at all. if i missed anything, once again, feel free to correct me :3

Posted 06 April 2011 at 22:18 in reply to #150394 on UB Infectious Control


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