Man I don't think he's even THAT big a threat. Like, yeah, either deal with him or eat shit, but I've gone against him with my g/w multiple times, and you just either have to be faster than him, or be able to deal with him. (: and if your deck can't, well... you're probably playing red. :P and I pulled 2 obliterators during the pre release. lol
call to mind sets up an infinite loop. :D
...redirect mana leak to reverberate then, lol
I'm too lazy to read all the comments, but why no goblin guide? he's so good. and also goblin chieftain really helps boost your dudes.
Well, first of all, I highly recomend adding in the other manland. 4 of them. I forget their name, but they're from worldwake and they're black red. they'd get in for damage to help bloodchief, and also they provide early blockers in the case that you should need them. I don't feel you really need the creature base you have. Like the first comment, you'd be better off with a mainly spell main deck, and a neat trick is to have kiln fiend in the board. after they side out all of their removal, he'll hit them hard (: with black, a reallly good way to get things going is inquisition of kozilek, and despise. a lot of decks are so fragile now, that even just getting a preordain can really mess up your opponent. and control decks will probably be a tough matchup for you. so, whats good sideboard tech for control decks? :D reverberate!! they want to mana leak something? not today! re-direct theyre mana leak towards their own mana leak, counterting itself. it's pretty swell for red. but in the main, some really good spells to look for are; slagstorm, to clear the board. possibly pyroclasm arc trail volt charge (to proliferate your ascension) I think geth's verdict can go for a despise or a go for the throat, that way you target them, anddddd, tumble magnet :D tumble magnet is so good against a lot of decks now adays. it buys you time, and it prevents a lot of titan's "attack triggered" abilities. also; black sun's zenith. they're just too good against aggro. 2 main, 2 board so, hope I helped. (:
Man i think I've seen you post that list everywhere, lol. it's half annoying, but I get that you want people to see your list. But just next time give critique on the deck, and then politely ask for advice on yours. (: I'll check now, man.
Haha thank you for the compliment, and I'm glad you like the deck. and sadly extirpate isn't standard : [ and obliterator isn't as broken as one would think. sure, a 5/5 for 4 mana, with trample is nuts, and his ability is retarded, but the heavy black costing card really reduces the playability of the card. it requires either mono black, or a heavy dual land base, limiting it to either black or red. which are both really good, but in blue black control he'd merit a 2 of, which aren't so hard to get around, and in red black, well.. yeah that's pretty beastly, LOL. just tutor up good ole feast and famine.
Hahahaha, that defines compliment. Thank you :D
just noticed the "oh ethan" part, lol. and yeah man, scamp is just so beastly. he's a steppe lynx that doesnt require a land drop!
soul eater doesn't require mana, that's the thing that makes him so good. lets say you've weakened your opponent, and they let and attack by him slide. you can pump you own life into him, to boost him up and take out your opponent. where this deck is so fast they should be weakened to a point where your life will be able to take off 12 points if it means shooting them for an extra 6.
...that's pretty ridiculous. due to fnms, I find the idea of kuldotha anything has been slightly disregarded, due to the number of new players immediately trying to pilot the deck. but there's no doubt that if someone could actually handle the deck, it would prove to be more than a threat.
haha, no worries :P I mean what plays could lead to a turn 2 victory?
No, sadly I haven't., but i've seen it around. why is it so good though?
if your deck is mainly white, you have no reason to play any other colors. the phyrexian mana allows you to not need any color whatsoever, let alone mana.
haha I think I'll have to try extended once stoneforge leaves. i love her :P
can you tell me which plays could lead to that though? people down at my fnm try and run kuldotha... but they suck lol
Hmm. slag fiend seems weak, to be honest. sure, it's a good late game, but it's situational, and most often I wouldn't want to draw into it in a tight spot. theres this red 1 drop, that if it deals combat damage you can sac it to hit them for 3, i think that'd benifit you more so, seeing how you can hit them for 4 turn 2. like a steppe lynx for red, almost ;P im a huge fan of the souleater, he just rapes if they let an attack go through. but besides that, looks sweet man! hows playtesting going for you so far?
Thanks man, glad you like it! :) I like the inkmoths, because they're really the only decent non-dual non-basic land in standard, and with a tempered steel, they boost to a flying 3/3 and leave a mark due to infect. I only ever need to hit 2 white so 4 colorless really doesn't slow me down all too much. and yeah man, ill check your deck now :D (dont worry, asking seems like the best way to get attention around here :P)
...if the white should be limited, then why 8 g/w duals?
you cant draw a card off of pleka wurm, he's exiled. with mimic vat he never hits the grave, just gets exiled again..
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