I think I'll cut a day of judgement. I only ever side in 1. and against caw blade, thrun down more than you think : O batterskull is going in this deck though, as SOON as it drops. 2, actually. -2 mirran crusaer, +2 batterskull -2 lead the stampede, -2 journey, +3 beast within, + 1 stoneforge. and sword of war and peace will find a nice sideboard spot. (:
HOW DID I FORGET LINVALA! I originally had her in the sideboard, but somehow forgot about her... thanks :D besides that, do you like the changes?
...i think stoneforge will be worth it solely for batterskull in NPH
legacy seems fun, but i feel safer in standard atm, haha. i plan on trying it out in the future, but for now I'll stick to standard <3
all decks need sideboards. No doubt. so you need to ask yourself questions on what COULD be a weak spot for you. aggro decks? control decks? other discard decks? now think of elements of those decks that COULD cause a problem. how would you deck with goblins? how would you get your life total back up? what about sword of feast and famine? mirran crusader? even though these threats COULD be extracted, you need to consider the offchance that you wont extract them before they reach the field. so, in the sb, you may wanta wurmcoil, for lifegain against aggro decks. 1 bsz (which you have) for the aggro. 3 tumble magnets for the crusaders/sword wielding hawks 3 doom blade, incase you run into artifact decks that new spreading seas... its black and i forget the name but its in NPH for 1 black mana, you'll want that. just ask yourself what situations could be bothersome, and then find outs to those problems. (:
defense wise he is good, but meh, if he's solely for defense i dont find him too versatile. and for not knowing much standard you did a pretty good job. standard's a limited, but hard format imo
although the crusader is good, I don't think he's worth a slot of the deck. his infect can wither away at creatures, and his protection is great, but i find he'll be a little off-theme of the deck. just me 2 cents ;P p.s. did you see the list i posted up above? : O what are your thoughts on that?
Ahhh I see. And yeah when I commented I was really just... pissed :P I haven't gotten too much sleep lately, but after I did I felt a lot better. So I put the deck back together and now I'm going down to fnm with the same deck, (well with few changes) and think I'll do great. (:
Well first of all I'm flattered to know that you come to me out of all people and this sight, annd secondly happy easter and belated 420 to you as well, lol. Knights are actually very strong. Infact my green white got stomped by white knights the other day... lol. I'm new as well, so I'm not the best, but i do try my best, (: Extraction is going to be so fun. I just hope it can hold off from the aggro decks it'll match up against. :/ Puresteel paladin I think will makes knights very good! But regardless of the knight theme, knights will need stoneforge mystics. Stoneforges accompanied by batterskull, will be madness. batterskull, mortarpod, sword of feast and famine and sword of body and mind will be seen around quite a bit. So buy your stoneforges now. lol. I'm not sure where I'm going to go with Magic as of now. I like extraction, but I'm on the fence in regards to a lot of things. who knows. lol. but if you have any questions or a deck you'd like for me to check out, just ask. I'm always here to help.
But can I ask against which matchups you'd side in certain choices? and when you side certain cards in, what cards would you take out? : O
I really like it. I love the combination of colors, too. Bant is just so synergetic. (: It has a caw-blade feel to it, alongside ramp and garruk's overkill. Nice. (: This deck could definitely profit from batterskull, however. when NPH drops, I'd definitely get a few of those : O Sorry I'm not as intuitive with my advice, lately. Just been not feeling so hot, Magic wise.
This deck is mainly just to stall until NPH comes out. I'm so excited for that set. (: Admonition angel... I just don't know what i'd take out for her. I feel as if my curve is too high as it is, lol. Meh my g/w got stomped at nationals yesterday. :/ Maybe i was just unlucky, who knows, but either way it killed my spirit, for the time being. Now I'm just excited for NPH, going black blue extraction. But yeah, I'll check the bant now (: Thanks :3
black sun's zenith is almost a necessity maindecked. a god hand for an aggro deck could tear shit up, so I'd have at least 3 of those. i made a blue black extraction as well, and it's very similar to magicmyr's. 4 creeping tar pit 4 drowned catacombs 4 darkslick shores 5 swamp 2 island 3 tectonic edge 3 phyrexian obliterator 2 grave titan 3 tumble magnet 3 mana leak 2 spell pierce 2 doom blade 3 black sun's zenith 4 preordain 3 pyschich surgery 2 sadistic sacrement 1 memoricide 2 duress 3 despise 4 surgical extraction 3 praetors grasp the only real thing I might change is the landbase. but other than that, I enjoy it. (:
Thanks, and don't worry this deck is just to hold off until NP drops. Then I think I'm going red green aggro. But I think leonin arbiter sort of acts like a topor orb against a lot of decks right now. if I drop him turn 2, caw go has to wait til turn 4 until they can drop a squad hawk or a stoneforge mystic. If they try and drop it earlier, it'll just be either a 1/1 flier or a 1/2 body for 2 mana. admittedly he'll hurt me as well, but once this deck stabilizes it should see a better late game than caw-go.
Garruk i find is conditional, he's either really good or really bad. :/ sure there are rare in betweens, but mainly i found i'd always rather something else. i.e. vengevine ;P and i still think acidic slimes cost too much for the deck , although good, 5 mana is a lot.. but have you had time to play test yet? : O let me know how it goes for you (:
of course
I don't see what you'd be ramping for..
hahahahahahaha woahhhh. dude this was made before MB even dropped. relax sonnnnn and grow up out of it.
Well I'd comment right away, but i only started when SOM was dropped, so I don't really know all the cards. I have to go out for a bit now, but when I get back I'll see what advice i can give. (: just commenting to let you know I haven't forgot.
I know you're going to hate me for this, but you don't need garruk. You have birds for ramping, accompanied by lotus cobras, and preordains for mana fixing. you'd be a lot better off running 2 gideons, 0 garruks, and 2 jtms. plus gideon can act as a win con, too. that'd be 60 cards right there, as well. I originally had garruk in my g/w, but he just doesn't do all that much that often. :/ besides that I'd just ditch a mana leak for a 4th cobra. (: but in the side, I found acidic slimes are just too expensive for the curve. in this meta the real threat are swords, and sylvoks work good, as do viridian corrupter. they just help the speed and overall curve of the deck.
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