Hmm... against storm she could be really usefull, but so is trinisphere. my hardest matchups are UW stoneblade and affinity. I think after sideboard I have the stoneblade matchup, but affinity I just have to race o.o battlesphere is actually really good. it survives a diabolic edict, and if I have voltaic key, it lets me get battlesphere, then sac 3 tokens after untap via key, then get blightsteel (: sideboard I think is still iffy, though.
exactly! (: p.s. i recently tried making a forgemaster deck in legacy, and has a potential turn 1 win (on the draw) i'd really enjoy some feedback, when you get the time. i hate advertising, but meh, i'm proud of my combo LOL
Maybe jitte would go good in here? I know it's not exactly classic MBC, but with tormented souls and bitterblossom, it could EASILY get out of hand. just a suggestion (:
Hahaha well I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did :P
Hey Edna, I recently made a legacy forgemaster deck and i was wondering if you'd be able to check it out and offer some advice? I guess in actuality it's just a MUD deck, but so far it's been testing pretty well. Can be stupid fast, which is always good, and honestly not too expensive. (: for reference;
Jace is a horrible mill card... he's an amazing control card, though. Which is what a "still" deck is... Woah, moat? if you legit own 1 I am JEALOUS!!! I love moat, but I don't love the 250 down payment... You know, you probably already considered this, but couldn't stoneforge help this deck out? Tutor could get the actual foundry while stoneforge gets the sword. Just a thought. And batterskull is always a nice addition, but maybe that's too far off the scheme of this deck. You have a LOT of counter, like mass amounts, lol. Which I understand, perfectly, but I think some of it could go. Just my 2 cents, though.
no modern legal D':
hahaha, probably not too highly. I think jace is a great card. regardless of how people look down upon him, he's a great card. I'm not going to not use a card just because some people think there are alternative options. There are, indeed more options, but jace is an option himself... If I have a board lock, and jtms hits, I just fateseal them out of the game... it might not be very prison-like, but it works. lol.
Many think that, but does tarmagoyf come back? no. ;P
you're not playing the best green creature ever printed; vengevine! :O
I don't see why you'd want to discard 2 cards, though, if you could just get a 2/2 zombie for 1 card..
Really, though. And WOW, be sure to tell Arty I say thank you! That was a nice bit of advice, and it was good advice at that! (:
Woah, thank you a lot for taking the time to view this deck as in-depth as you did! I agree, bitterblossom should go. Originally I had splashed for different control elements, but ended up removing them because that's what they were.. "control" not so much prison. I use jace as a win condition. It may not be very prison-like, but it's a win condition that also aids in controlling the board. Once I have a lock, with a prison/propaganda followed by an amageddon he just always goes up. (and going up is also really great to protect him, as well. seeing what's in their hand) I use armageddon in the main because of it's synergy with ghostly prison and propaganda. Alongside my crucible it's proven fairly useful. I am open to suggestions though, as always. (: Grand arbiter augustin IV, never knew this card existed.. thanks! I'll be sure to include him. Fatespinner is a card I love dearly, and am honestly surprised I forgot him o.o It really shows you took the time here to offer some true advice, and I am greatly thankful. I may not update this deck right away, but I assure you it will be updated. Thank you, a lot. (:
I think a good sideboard plan for Hive Mind is to just side in some deus and molten rain. Kill their blue sources... hopefully. But there has to be a better way to go about it. red enchantment hate, go!
I think hive mind will be this deck's worst match-up. :/ Just threw this together. Suggestions? Mainly SB for hive-mind hate would be deece.
That should be the number one rule everywhere.. lol. And yeah, the guy who pulled that is banned from the store. Thank god. He won, and never even went to nationals? Like Wu WANTED to go. This guy just wanted the packs... tsktsktsk. His defense was "But I want to win"... as if everybody else didn't? lol I don't understand some people
wowwwww. that's lame. At our canadian national qualifiers, someone who plays locally was facing a guy from out of the city. Wu (the guy who plays regularly) was shuffling and dropped a card, but didn't notice. The other guy did. Instead of just telling him he dropped a card, he waited until Wu drew his opening 7, then called match loss (which you can't even call, it's a game not a match) Wu, being the nice guy he is respectfully agreed, before the judge was called. The judge was in wu's favor but because he had agreed, he lost the match, and that game was for 1st. :/ Fucking dicks out there, man. It really is a shame.
Hahaha I'll be a douche if it means winning. but I'll always be a good sport. (: unless I drop a card and some dick calls gameloss.
it's funny, me and my friend were just talking about how the goyf would be amazing here... but 400$ for a card I think should be banned in the format? :/ maybe. and really? mimic vat... interesting choice. after I play the deck, and see how it runs, that actually could work o.o prototype I thought of, but feel it's too expensive (mana wise) and rings would be cool, but if it's used on mindslaver wouldn't it kind of be useless? i'd own their next turn either way, wouldnt I? and fatespinner is definitely good enough to at least deserve play testing. I love the card... deserves more highlight; so underrated!
But sure, what would you replace venser with? i thought about fatespinner (i just love this card) but it seems too weak. Once i get the combo she's useless anyways. I would preferably like a creature. against the faster decks a chump blocker is always nice. and his bounce effect/counter effect is swell as well
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