Thanks again, (: this deck was meant to be able to handle anything thrown at it. it started off just u/w, but the red splash just pushed it over the edge, I think. it gave it speed in the mirror, and also the added speed gave it stability vs faster decks
why thank you, and so far it's tested exceptionally well. :)
meh, forgot to add some land lol. prison isn't my strongsuit.. whatsoever hahaha
mindslaver is the key win con in this deck, but after testing a bit with this deck, it's just not as strong as it needs to be. HOWEVER (lol) my new breaking modern deck is the strongest deck i've built yet in the format. it was made to handle everything we could think of... lol. if you'd like to check it out and leave your thoughts, it'd be muchly appreciated! (:
Same! I said from day 1 "goyf will be banned." and do some damage to what, this deck? :P When i get some testing done, I will definitely keep you posted. (: also keep me posted on dark zoo!
and even then, post board we have 3 blade splicer. the moral of this deck is we hate zoo, and like winning control mirrors LOL
thank you (: well i saw luminarch and fell in love. but never quite knew what deck could use it. so me and shawn were thinking... why not just make a heavy control? so we did, lol. i think it's hardest matchup will be zoo, but i mean, 3 main deck pte, wog, 4 lightning helix, 3 wall, elspeth and gideon? it's not exactly a BAD match up, lol. just need to dragg it out. the problem we thought of with zoo is that EVERYONE knows its top tier, so everyone will be super prepared for it. I don't think anyone expects this coming. lol
why thank you! i brewed this in 5 mins just to play test some modern. (: a serious deck that i and my friend are working on is "breaking modern." we're legit committed to breaking this format.
hmm.. no honestly I hadn't. that's not a bad suggestion. I'm thinking the creatures in this less are more or less useless. I'd rather just more eldrazis, lol. any double colored mana occurrence seriously hurts the deck. So chances are I'll drop some creatures and just add rune snags in the place of venser. and vendillion clique..meh. I'm glad you like the deck (: I've yet to see any 12 post run gifts, and 11 colorless plus a blue mana on board with academy ruins and mindslaver is gg. (:
i commented :O
no problem (: and omg.. hurkyls recall..... i dont even know what to say LOL
no problem, man. im just glad I can help. (: like I said, you guys always help me, so I enjoy actually being able to return the favor. :'D
Hmm... i'd rather 4 mental misstep and 3 daze, rather than vice versa. dreadnought will be missteped a LOT, and I'd much rather win that misstep war, lol. have you considered jace? i know you guys hate the card, but it actually is an amazing card, regardless of its frowned upon image. i dont really know where to fit him in, but 2 or 3 couldn't hurt. besides that, I don't really see what else to add or remove, looks fairly solid. personally, I'd choose black blue over just mono blue. thoughtseize is really good in any combo deck, and diabolic edict is quickly becoming a favorite of mine. not to mention bob has such a synergy with dreadnought! you could ditch the counterbalance combo if you did so (not a fan of counter top, D:) just my 2 cents, :'D
I love spellskite. It lures removal away from my bigger threats. and where this deck is so fast (i've made people scoop on t1 with this deck, lol) sometimes just luring 1 removal spell is enough. (: and don't worry, I don't mind advertising :'D everybody loves feedback, and you and sure always help me out ^.^
Hmm.... im not sure I exactly like counterspells here. I mean, 4 mental misstep I definitely approve of, but when I think unblockable I think more aggro than anything, and I wouldn't want to be holding up mana. Instead of counterspells, maybe you could use diabolic edicts, thoughtseizes, dismembers? more mbc kinda feel? just a thought. if it's a control-aggro build then I understand completely, but unblockable, for me, screams aggro lol. also no brainstorm? :O maybe it's my legacy newb-ness, but i think if a deck has blue in it, it almost demands 4 brainstorm xD
Thanks man! I appreciate the feedback :'D And I'm lad I could help! i saw tormented soul, and unblockable + jitte is just broken... and then bitterblossom + jitte is brokenx2, so might as well have jitte, haha! And cheesy unblockable? o.o oh god
yeah I can agree with that. NO rug is pretty fluent now, as is stoneblade. so 3 crypt arent really necessary. maybe drop a 3rd spellskite for another?
hmmm... zoo is half rough, so thats a good idea, lol. any suggestions on where to put her? maybe sb in the place of trinisphere?
what matchups does canonist help most in, though? never really used her that much, so im not too fluent on exactly what she does. and my best chance at affinity is getting out myr superion, then stalling til I can get blightsteel. post board I side in my missteps and hope against stp lol
I suppose for budget he's good, but mainly I'd love moat in my MUD deck. I can tutor Moat via enlightened tutor, but I can't tutor magus :[
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