hahahaha @ the face. and when i play kitchen magic, usually it's super competitive... where I play magic, there is no casual. it actually does not exist. our fnm is like a grand prix. everyone is super serious about it, it's kind of lame. but on the same note, it reallly helps you improve and test your decks, which is sick. like just then, me and my friend played some "kitchen" magic, and it was dredge v.s. high tide, then reanimator v.s. high tide (dredge has such a better match up than reanimator...) and split second is so deece, only when im the one using it though...
yeah, i considered extirpate :O seems actually more practical, seeing how i don't feel the need to aggro mull for it. and also, pyroblast.. in black blue? :O how's this? 1 of volcanic island?
yeah, i'm definitely preparing for the reanimator mirror. I like phantasmal image board, alongside the leylines and show and tell. probably 1 image, 3 leyline 3 show and tell.
yeah I might drop a Jin, it just seems like a good card to draw into and have the option to end phase discard, y'know? and aweeeyeahhhhh starting to think like a legacy player. (:
how do you find it looks? p.s. was thinking on phantasmal image in the sideboard. seems really good for killing legends as well as possibly copying a snapcaster to recast some of my spells, as well as copying other reanimator targets my opponents have animated
haha, yeah, actually i was fully set on dredge until i thought to myself "hmmm.. you know.. dredge flat out scoops the elesh norn... and reanimator runs elesh norn main... and reanimator is HUGE now.... fook." so i decided to re-vamp my old reanimator. I think this looks really good! i still hate ponder, so I changed them up with lim-dulls vault (got the idea from you), and i ultimately decided to change my creature base. I figured jin was ultimately the way to go, seeing how eot i can draw a new hand and get another bopper out fast. i thought archangel was a bit better than the leviathan right now, with maverick being on the rise. also there's a lot of delver burn floating around, so she was nice to essentially save myself. elesh norn kills merfolk, more creature dependant delver decks (running goblin guides and what not), and dredge, of course. helps against maverick, too. i decided i didn't quite feel safe with only 7 counterspells (4 fow, 3 daze) so added 2 flusterstorm. after we lost misstep... man... it hurts, :/ added terrastadon to the creature base because he can just flat out win, as well as blow up an opposing sword/batterskull/bitterblossom/whatever. and the sideboard, I've got some things in mind. (:
yeah, i saw that but thought it was too slow. I'm lucky if I see 1 mana source, let alone 2. that's pushing it. :/ p.s. built a new reanimator! :'D
hey dagbaker, u mad? i never said they were idiots for not listening to what I say. But I have tested all these ideas previous, and can tell you from experience they don't work nearly as well as what i've suggested. though they are only suggestions, they are based from actual testing. dagbaker if you don't like me that much, then that's really tough. I honestly could not give less of a f**k. If you feel such a need to re-assure me that I'm not the best, then you're barking up the wrong tree, because I'm well aware. I've tested blue white extensively. trust me when I say these things.
believe me, I'm far from genius, but i've tested a lottttt of decks. Some have worked, some haven't. And what does work, I spread word of.
Dagbaker, I'm going to let you in on a little secret of Ethan Lewis; I'm a mad troll. Some days I just get in these moods and completely shit disturb the crap out of everything. On this deck, I said it was merely not a toolbox build, in which I was called a toolbox tool after doing so. Then, a user which I had had complications with on a deck previous (in which I had admitted to being a dick over, I thought we were past this point) asked me to go further in depth to my reasoning, creating a small conflict. Further more, many users started taking offence to my disagreement with going over 65 (it is just bad, if you get dickhurt over the fact that what you do is worse than what everybody else does, then that sucks but you'll live.) you can lose all the respect for me that you want, but when people whine and bitch at me I'm not going to get on my knees and tell you I'm sorry. | and in MTG terms, what you prefer isn't always what's proven to work better on a more regular basis. sorry but that's just how it is.
sucks I guess, because I honestly don't care what anyone thinks of me. I'd love a card. :'D
i'm not sure how i'll like it. especially seeing how i cut 2 discard dorks. but i found i was usually wishing I had access to 2 dread returns. :/ i'd replace it with a flashback draw spell (for preferably life or 1 mana) if i knew of any
^.- weird. bazaar is a nice card though, hahaha. and yeah.. vintage is wayyy out of my price range. and I only play formats I can actually hope to play on paper. p.s. cockatrice > MWS
hahaha vintage seems like a whole other world to me. o.o too expensive
maverick... lol. i love green white, but come on.. see... with only 14 land, i hate that 4 of them are blue sources, when usually turn 1 i need either white or black mana. if i have to mull, then see cephalid and no other land... /facepalm. and 8 discard dorks.. hmm... yeah i'm down. and thanks for the sb options, guys!
it's fine man, I'm not usually so aggressive, either. And thank you (:
Hahaha, it's tricky. but lavamancer has horrible synergy with snapcaster mage, as well. which makes lavamancer all the more unappealing.
eep :( in standard lavamancer is actually sub-par.. olivia makes up for that.
(: I agree. And also, sure, I made a new legacy deck. :O it's dredge, I know, but mainly sideboard help is what I'm after. I have 0 clue what the meta is now, and have 0 ways to approach it (lol). I'm playing in the legacy canadian nationals this summer, and dredge may be the deck I bring! (:
Thank you! I'm glad I could offer helpful advise to you, I never knew it was for PTQ's and grand prixs!
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