
148 Decks, 1,477 Comments, 183 Reputation

no worries man, it will work no doubt with a creature that doesn't shuffle, where it will just hit the grave and thats it haha.

Posted 06 September 2011 at 06:04 in reply to #198268 on Reanimator Deck


hahaha, see, turns out I'm a red player. I just disguise this in different decks. Like in green white, I just turn dudes sideways. And when I'm playing control, the moment I have counter magic up, I just turn dudes sideways. In this? I turn my artifacts sideways, get some mana, play some dudes, then turn them sideways!!! It's the best approach hahahaha.
Modern... kind of lost me, lately. Like all this combo is just lame.... I might just play pyromancers. Seems to be putting up the best results (where I play).
OMGGGG INNISTRAD <3 There werewolves are actually so good. So aggressive! And snapcaster mage.... <3<3<3 flashback day of judgement? :'D (i'm a board sweep-whore, I love killing things haha)
new garruk is actually amazing, too. after proxying up some cards and testing, this new set is proving to be veryyyy powerful. o.o

Posted 06 September 2011 at 03:39 in reply to #197047 on MUD Forgemaster


So, I asked my local judge, and basically here's how it works;
lion's eye diamond's ability stacking or not stacking is irrelevant. what is relevant, however, is that regardless of the fact that infernal tutor is now hellbent, it was still put on the stack BEFORE emrakul's shuffle trigger. therefore emrakul will shuffle before infernal tutor resolves. just because it is now hellbent, doesn't mean that it will re-stack.
sorry man :/

Posted 06 September 2011 at 03:26 as a comment on Reanimator Deck


extraction is actually very weak vs twin. they rarely ever let a combo piece hit the graveyard unless they were going for the kill and failed. so extraction is pretty weak in that sense.

purge hits rdw, vampires, mbc.... flashfreeze hits valakut....
purge and flashfreeze are very good sb cards. spellskite is good, but dies to creature removal. something you can't really afford. :/
eot roil your spellskite, combo out, gg

Posted 04 September 2011 at 21:38 in reply to #197815 on Caw-Blade I ran at GP Pitt


well, a few things.
First; no less than 25 lands. Some even consider that too low. but you do not want to miss land drops, trust me. also speaking of lands, ghost quarter is coming back.. so yeah.

a few cards I don't understand;
mimic vat
phyrexian revoker (main deck)
vault skirge
massacre wurm.

all these cards are good, they're just not u/b control. Some cards you may want to look at are;
snapcaster mage (I can't stress how good this card is)
consecrated sphinx
POSSIBLY bloodgift demon.
and solem simulacrum (so good)

if I were running u/b, chances are my creature bass would be;
4 snapcaster
4 phantasmal image
3 solem simulacrum
2 grave titan
1 consecrated sphinx
1 wurmcoil engine.

snapcaster + removal is insanely good. and on that note, let's look at some removal;
what decks do you anticipate on being top decks? because I anticipate tempered steel to be huge. and on THAT note, i'd definitely find some place from doom blades main.
also, with snapcaster mage, you could run 1-of utilities that you only need to draw ones. maybe a 1 of surgical extraction, or a 1-of memoricide. anything that could be useful, but not useful enough to include several copies (main, that is)

I think life's finale is weak, honestly. usually black sun does the job.

new lilianna could do some good, especially with snap caster. she could maybe fill the jace slot?

there's a lot of angles to go about u/b at the moment... as you can see. so the best way to go about it, really, is to just mess around. See what works best for you, (:

Posted 04 September 2011 at 20:02 as a comment on U/B Control (help or Idea's )


yeah, black is realllly juicy right now. i mean, EVERY deck runs dismember. and mirran crusader doesn't die to it. (:
neither does sphinx, or sun titan :O and image dies to literally everything that reads "target", so..
snapcaster mage is absolutely amazing though, i love snapcaster <3

Posted 04 September 2011 at 09:48 in reply to #197570 on Caw-Blade I ran at GP Pitt


he may be good, but with u/w you've got access to so much more.
i think mirran crusader would be a much better pick. especially if like I said, u/b gets big or birthing pod variants. birthing pod will be the hardest deck to beat, I think. it was my only loss this fnm. it's just so resilient! and acidic slime + phantasmal image(s) is stupid good. :/

if the meta turns tribal, the inquisitor is an excellent choice though. who knows, it's a tough meta call

Posted 04 September 2011 at 07:09 in reply to #197570 on Caw-Blade I ran at GP Pitt


i don't get the meaning :c
inform me? :'D

Posted 04 September 2011 at 06:36 in reply to #196269 on UR GRAVEYARD WAS EXILED!!


u/w is so tight pressed for space!
i mean phantasmal image + sun titan is flat out STUPID good. so 4 image 3 titan.
blade splicer is amazing vs aggro and the mirror, so 4 splicer
2 concecrated sphinx, because theyre nuts.

where does snap caster go D:<
i guess he'll fill the jace slot, but man, I'm running 4 doj main. they're tooooo good vs birthing pod. which will be huge post rotation (trust me).
u/b though has it easy. snapcaster takes the nighthawk/oracle slot. tada.
then lilianna takes the jace slot.
u/b is actually very powerful post rotation. if u/b becomes big enough, i can see u/w dropping blade splicers for mirran crusaders.

Posted 04 September 2011 at 06:33 in reply to #197570 on Caw-Blade I ran at GP Pitt


well now you have to look at post-rotation.
snapcaster mage is definitely a 3-4 of. sooooo good o.o

i think u/b might be the way to go, u/w is great for doj, and blade splicer, but u/b gets a lottt of juice...

Posted 04 September 2011 at 04:48 in reply to #197570 on Caw-Blade I ran at GP Pitt


yeah, surgical is pretty weak vs twin because they don't really let their guys die. it's good in u/b where you have hand disruption, but in u/w it means siding out a more powerful card vs them.

overall you did pretty good though, congrats man (:
solid list, i'd just change the board a bit. maybe phyrexian revokers? they stop pod and twin. ;]

Posted 04 September 2011 at 03:24 in reply to #197570 on Caw-Blade I ran at GP Pitt


How do you side for twin?
In the last fnm, I ran blue white control, the image version, and I won against splinter twin with it. Lost game 1, but games 2 and 3 I won via board. It is no doubt a hard match, but i pulled it off with a lot of land and a "draw go" lol.
the image version probably has it easier because it can do a LOT late game. when sun titan comes out, with extra mana up, it's very hard for twin to know when to go off

Posted 04 September 2011 at 01:40 as a comment on Caw-Blade I ran at GP Pitt


if you're running all artifacts, why not just ditch blue black and use white for tempered steel? tezz's gambit can still be played in white (:

and also, with only 20 land, mana myrs or not, i highly doubt you'll ever hit 11 mana to cast blightsteel :/

Posted 03 September 2011 at 10:26 as a comment on Artifect Infaction


why thank you (:
i think i will include 2 more greaves, though. -1 golem -1 divining top.

i prefer mox diamond to opal, though, because theyre not legendary, so i can combo off faster

Posted 03 September 2011 at 01:58 in reply to #197286 on MUD Forgemaster


hahaha, see, you play post, I win. meta calllll
i think i could tweak this to be a lot faster. and i may do so.
4 goblin guides, 4 chieftain, 4 ram gang, GO! haha

Posted 02 September 2011 at 10:04 in reply to #197140 on Modern Moon


lol, how to beat hive mind? chalice of the void for 0. gg

Posted 02 September 2011 at 09:36 as a comment on Modern Moon


thank you , I'm glad you like it :'D
the reason i didn't add removal in here, besides o-ring, is because this deck usually goes off turn 2. removal isn't exactly needed.

the inclusion of 2 more greaves is something i am definitely in favor of, I just don't know when i'll tamper with this build, seeing how modern has been my main concern lately. that and standard, with rotation..

and don't worry about the delay, life is more than magic hahaha. classes are far more important. whenever you get the time, do what you can. I appreciate everything you've done in regards to advice. thank you (:

Posted 02 September 2011 at 05:34 in reply to #197047 on MUD Forgemaster


I commented, and take it as a huge compliment!

Posted 02 September 2011 at 05:30 in reply to #197095 on Gifts.. from the loam?


12 post is ify. post board we do have a few more answers. If i can just counter the titan, the it's a lot easier, lol.
mindbreak trap is great for emrakul. you dont counter him, you just exile him before he resolves :'D

I'm really glad you like the deck (: me and my friend worked on it quite hard, lol.

and also, rune snag works great. i'd rather it over mana leak any day. they just build up in the late game. and v.s. faster decks, you side them out anyways.

Posted 02 September 2011 at 02:24 in reply to #197049 on Breaking Modern


somebody else on the vault that says deece? deece!

Posted 31 August 2011 at 04:29 in reply to #196531 on Good Grief


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